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Everything posted by zeppelin03

  1. I would mail you games in exchange for Lakerol and smorgas pickles. Maybe some pressidenti coffee and wooden spatulas. It's sad to see NA gone. Hopefully everyone who wanted to stay enjoys GoCollect. It isn't even that community in name anymore.
  2. Thank you. We bought the special edition with all the games then being lost with all the options. Never did end up playing it.
  3. How would you rank the three versions of fates that were released?
  4. Maybe this console/handheld Terminator is the mascot we need.
  5. I usually just go home when its bad. Although I will toe the line and run errands until it looks like it's about to get bad. If ice is involved I don't even chance it. I don't mind driving 5 moh in low visibility but I do mind sliding all over the roads.
  6. Ivw heard people talk about Awakening but Echos is that good? I've got all three that came out but don't know where to start.
  7. Personally my favorite was Animal Crossing New Leaf. I put tons of hours into that and had a blast. Can't wait for the new one. Also, Mario Kart 7 was lots of fun. The best portable one I have played. Metroid Samus Returns is worth a playthrough as well. It's the only game I could use 3d with. Some might be mixed on it but I thought it was a worthwhile title.
  8. Thanks for adding your feedback below.
  9. 30. Apparently this is the year I became an adult and am old. At least that's what people told me on my birthday.
  10. I still mash buttons when I play Yellow. I may not work but I can't stop.
  11. I missed the Minit release from Special Reserve. If anyone has a copy to sell let me know what you are asking.
  12. If you get into the mods it will be a whole new experience too. Skyrim looks like a whole new game after spending an afternoon installing tweaks. It can play completely differently too. Morrowind still gets the nod for me but Skyrim gets my attention more often than not.
  13. I'd love to see some cool cross stitch. We bought a Stardew Valley cross-stitch book. Once winter comes we are going to get into it. And welcome! Great community around here.
  14. Nintendo 64 was the first console I got growing up. Once that generation was over I got a PS2 but began shifting to PC. Digital downloads and emulators became my go to. The Wii U and 3ds brought me back. The switch brought back a nostalgia I had for the N64 era Nintendo. BOTW and Odyssey gave me the same feeling OOT and SM64 did back then. Now I pick up mostly Switch games. I have bought most all of the first party titles, a number of third party titles, and a smattering of physical indie titles. Its been a good time watching that shelf fill in. Honorable mention to Sega Saturn. I never knew what it was growing up so exploring its catalog has been cool so far. Hoping to pick up more imports and see what it has to offer.
  15. I remember a friend telling me if you stood in front of the vending machine in the Celadon department store for one hour and hit A it would open and reveal a hidden room. I can no longer remember what he claimed was there. Probably masterballs or Mew. I remember leaving my game on while watching TV and keeping an eye on the clock on the TV Guide channel. It didn't open. Must have been a second or two off.
  16. This has been great so far. Lots of new threads and activity. Lot of fun to be a part of.
  17. Accountant. It's kind of boring but I have plenty of student loans so I'm not going anywhere.
  18. I did the same thing a bunch. I would use the GameShark for infinite fuel and low time. Going through river run and shooting as many boats as possible was always fun. Sometimes I would land and just drive the gyrocopter around the US. Birdman(night) on that first island was great. The music and exploration that provided was awesome.
  19. I sat down to play Pilotwings 64 for a bit after dinner. Ended up running through the whole game and getting the credits. That was the smoothest I have even played through that game. Even the hand gliding went pretty well. I forgot how much fun that game can be. Also that music is fantastic. Nintendo needs to make more games like this again.
  20. I have multigrain bread with peanut butter and banana for breakfast, yogurt with granola as a snack, then a salad for lunch. Afternoon I have a light snack (pretzels etc). Dinner I am trying to do less carryout. We have dinner out or something bad for carryout twice a week. It's helped me lose about 10 pounds. I had pizza and chicken tenders last night and am really feeling it. Sluggish, tired, and puffy eyes. Sodium gets to me.
  21. If I'm reading that right the Japanese Pokemon's are English friendly. Hoping to pick up the new ones on my trip.
  22. This sounds closer to the fallout experience I wanted that what 4 offered. 4 felt more refined but less creative. This sounds really refreshing. I'm going to pick it up after vacation so I can really sink some hours in. I could see the 40 hours turning into 80 really easily.
  23. Yeah. The $5 price point doesn't scream success. I'm not sure if moving away from Miis to established characters would help. Miis always seemed budget to me.
  24. Pilotwings. This would be great to bring back and would be a perfect budget title. I like to imagine a Little Hyrule(BOTW) in the spirit of Little America in Pilotwings 64. If Nintendo were willing to bring back some lesser appreciated titles at $40 I think they would do well.
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