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Everything posted by zeppelin03

  1. Boxed famicom and FDS added.
  2. Great buyer. Good communication quick payment.
  3. Sold a Famicom and everdrive to Deadeye. It was a very pleasant experience. Great communication and quick payment. Enjoy the new console.
  4. Added FDS games. $70 shipped for the lot.
  5. Stardew Valley is my top game with BOTW and Picross 2 as follow ups. 245 hours total and 27 games. I have a feeling I was just trying to redeem gold coins. Barely touched my Switch from April to September. Was back on PC and some older handhelds for a while there.
  6. Dropped price on Mario RPG to $30. FDS games and consoles coming soon.
  7. Good. People made it out to be the worst thing ever. They have Control and I want to play it.
  8. How is the Epic Game Store? Haven't tried it myself and haven't seen much unbiased opinion on it.
  9. I'm in the same boat. Bought the PS4 then the pro. I even sold my pro to buy a revised pro that isn't so loud. I have a backlog to go through before my Pro feels like its been a good value. Moving more to PC since it's all there anyhow. Even just plug it into my TV and use an Xbox One controller. Feels like a console but better once I'm gaming.
  10. Added an RGB modded snes Jr and PlayStation with PSIO flash cart and modchip. Some prices lowered. More to come.
  11. We picked up a sound bar and wireless speakers to do 7.1 with Atmos. Makes a huge difference to the experience. Even something like Skyrim is that much better. The number of times an NPC made some rude comment behind me and I almost turned around to stab them. Dont forget about sound in your setup. It's probably more immersive than visuals when done right.
  12. My recent trip to Japan turned me around on bidets. Nothing like a heated seat and warm oscillating water after a cold morning walk.
  13. Chrono Trigger cart and manual added. $90 shipped to US. International available.
  14. Oddly anything I've sold I haven't regretted. I've kept most childhood stuff so that probably helps. Now anything being sold I purchased as an adult which helps. Far less nostalgia. I know my PSP sat on a shelf. That stuff went early. Modded my Vita in the event I ever feel like I am missing out.
  15. I don't buy many carts anymore but when I do they are always opened. Way too many bootlegs floating around not to. It takes 30 seconds and it makes cleaning the contacts that much easier.
  16. I typically buy it so I don't regret not having it. I have a multiyear backlog currently. Shelves and closets loaded with stuff. I've mostly stopped that practice and am reassessing my needs/interests. Now I ask my self if I will play the game/system/etc right now. If not it will likely go to waste for years. It's saved me from buying many items over the last 6 months or so. It's even caused me to sell a few things. If anything I am making money on the practice.
  17. Pictures added and price dropped.
  18. Added an AV Famicom with the Hi-Def NES HDMI mod. Clean console with great working mod. $225 shipped US. Turbografx sold.
  19. You hear the HDD and disc drive only. It's great. Sometimes I leave the console on and change inputs on the TV only to forget it's on for hours. Hopefully the PS5 improves on that because they really fall short in that regard.
  20. I think people forget you could lay this thing on its side and it will run. The one thing I'm excited about is the cooling. I'm willing to bet it has a 120 or 140mm PC fan on it instead of those whining fans laptops and consoles usually use. I'll take a quiet low pitch fan any day.
  21. They also haven't brought backwards comparability to their current console and refused to setup crossplay for years while they were ahead despite Microsoft and Nintendo working together. I own both consoles and they both have pros/cons. The X is a great console. Halo, Forza, etc look fantastic on it. I've stopped buy games on PS4 Pro when they look that much better on X. Gamepass lets me download the games to my console instead of streaming resulting in a better experience. I'll take the work Xbox is doing currently over the rumors from PlayStation that have yet to materialize.
  22. I'm looking forward to seeing what this console is all about. Have a coworker who is tempted to jump to Xbox after this gen. Xbox has a lot of momentum with back compat, game pass, and exclusives in my opinion. They may have a huge e3 coming up.
  23. The low resolution seems to help. I still enjoy my catroony N64 games. The move to realism was rough for a while. Lots of greys and browns. I had a desktop in highschool in my room. One day I put a new graphics card in and realized what games could look like when pushed. I have been interested in the looks and sound as much as the gameplay since. Understandably it may not be as relevant to others.
  24. I fully expect to go back to a PS4 game in 5 years and wonder why I thought it looked good. It happened when going back to PS3/360. I think this gen does look that much better and expect it to continue. I prefer 3d open worlds to 2d side scrollers so maybe I have different expectations.
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