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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. ok, i finally pulled the trigger and bought an external hard drive specifically to house all of my cartoons, so that i can watch any of them on demand on my TV. So. I'm looking for suggestions for great but underrated cartoon series. My personal primary years of interest are mid 80s-mid 90s, but i want to have everything that's great. I started with all the classic 80s stuff (G.I. Joe, Transformers, Thundercats, He-Man, etc.) and then focused on the 90s superhero stuff (Batman, X-Men, Spider-Man, Superman, Tick) so that's my background. But i'm extremely interested in anything you liked as a kid / still like / guilty pleasures / enjoy watching with your kid(s) / and anything else you think is worth watching. Any one-offs / made-for-tv specials / straight to vhs or dvd releases are more than welcome as well, because that's probably my biggest blind spot. Some examples of lesser-known cartoons that i have but want to experience: Dino-Riders (1988) Captain N: the Game Master (1989) Toxic Crusaders (1991)
  2. voted 7. liked this movie quite a bit. easily my favorite non-Batman Christopher Nolan film, although i am really intrigued by the teaser trailer for Tenet that i saw. never really understood the "you just don't get it" argument for this film. people seemed to think the plot was ridiculously complicated, but i thought the movie presented and explained its world quite well.
  3. tried playing it a few months back. the controls and espicially the camera were horrid and ruined the game for me. was utterly frustrated and quit after a bit more than an hour
  4. i miss when you could look under the cap and get a free pop.
  5. i haven't decided how to vote yet. not gonna lie, i was heavily into ICP for a number of years. Starting about 1996 (i was 13) until about 2002ish, they and their stable of artists was pretty much all i would listen to. Everything after 2004 is super cringe and i can't understand how anybody could get into their music starting new. The Great Milenko, released in 1997, is probably their most heralded release. It definitely spoke to me when i was 15. Just for kicks, i put it on after reading this thread the other day and many of the lyrics are still in my head. It's not going to win you over if you already have an opinion or advanced musical tastes, but it is still a fun listen. As @NESfiend alluded to, ICP made a career out of giving a voice to kids who felt like they were outcasts or didn't belong. They really created a group for these "misfits" to fit into. I'm not sure exactly when the shift happened, but it slowly turned into the Juggalo Culture that is super weird and the total shitshow it is today. One of the things that really sucked me in was that it was more than just a band releasing albums. ICP puts out a brand new song for free every year on Halloween. They started doing this in 1994 and still do it to this day! They appeared in WCW, WWF, and ECW, and even started their own wrestling promotion! They had their own comic book (each issue came with a new cd single!) They made their own movie! They'd make cryptic statements so you'd analyze what they were implying. All of it added up to truly engross those who were invested. They were two guys who painted themselves to look like clowns and rapped. But they built an underground empire. edit: i voted 8. maybe typing this post out just brought up nostalgia. i dunno.
  6. 10/10. one of my absolute all time favorites. Also the first blu-ray i bought after buying a player. fun story: at a previous job, i was flipping through the tv channels on my lunch break and came upon this gem. of course, i stopped to watch it. A male coworker comes in and says "oh man, Big Trouble in Little China! i love this movie!" a female coworker comes in. "what IS this?" both of us, in unison: "Big Trouble in Little China" another male coworker enters. "all right, Big Trouble in Little China!" another female coworker arrives. "what are you watching?" all 4 of us: "Big Trouble in Little China!" such a stupid memory but just so mundane and ridiculous it makes me laugh.
  7. maybe they were implying that you'll graduate to more difficult games as your skill level increases
  8. is this train still rolling? no updates since i sent out 6/18. USPS shows it delivered but nobody has said anything since....
  9. Just had my VB repaired and it came back better than ever! quick turnaround, good communication. Nes Freak's service is legit! thanks a million!!
  10. @Pats1717 resurfaced about 60 discs for me. Amazing results and extra speedy turnaround time. If you're looking for great service, this is the person to do it!
  11. so many opinions in this thread. so many of them not good. I love all kinds of pizza, but here's my preferences: You can't have a pizza without pepperoni. You just can't. Although i might be biased since i add pepperoni to basically everything (sandwiches, pasta, chili, etc.) Deep Dish pizza is where it's at. I love Chicago style, but i wouldn't want to eat it every day or anything. It's like a "special occasion" 'zza. Was in NYC last year and can fully appreciate what they have to offer. that i COULD (and would!) eat every day. But if i'm sitting down for a meal, i'll take Deep Dish every time. Toppings? all-meat, please. my favorite two-topper is Pepperoni + Grilled Chicken. re: pineapple. i'm fine with it on pizza. it's not my favorite or anything. re: frozen pizzas. I feel like Jack's is the best for the price. It is worth it to spice it up yourself though. I prefer their Bacon Cheeseburger, then I add pepperoni and extra cheese. YMMV. the CiCi's around here closed probably 10 years ago. i continue to mourn its demise.
  12. Metroid is the first game i played during my COVID-cation. i had messed around with it a little bit as a kid, but didn't make it very far and didn't know where to go. It was never a game i owned, and neither did any of my friends. Just a rare rental. Anyway, this year i wanted to dedicate time to play through this old school. Sat down with paper and drew my own maps and explored. Trudged through every passage, bombed every wall. At first, the 'starting with only 30 health' thing was a major drag, but not very far into the game it's really a moot point. I LOVE THIS GAME. I was hooked. this game rocketed onto my top 5 NES titles, just based on this one playthrough. I followed it up with Metroid II and Super Metroid, both excellent games in their own right, but i just wanted to play the original again. and again.
  13. this topic just reminded me of this video:
  14. i did not know there were two builds on the same disc. That does tell a different story. Thank you for linking that interview. I still feel it should be included in the OG XBOX game category, for that reason and the case marking it as such. Having it in both libraries seems like a happy compromise. Also interested in what other members/collectors have to say.
  15. regardless of the fact that the case says "includes xbox 360 and original xbox versions", Sneak King is a single disc game. there are NO xbox 360 games that play on the OG xbox (someone please correct me if i'm wrong here!) so by default it would have to be an xbox game that plays on the backwards-compatible 360. also, i'm aware of the fact that practically every mention of the game refers to it as a 360 game. but that doesn't make it correct. i don't see any argument for it to even be listed as a 360 game. spine: clearly says XBox, unlike 360 games top left corner: clearly says XBox, unlike 360 games
  16. this has always bothered me. Sneak King is an original X-Box game. it is playable on the 360, but is not specifically a XB360 game. https://gamevaluenow.com/microsoft-xbox-360/sneak-king?gameid=1238
  17. didn't take much but there's plenty of good stuff in there.
  18. i would love to read the NA ezine. never paid much attention to them at the time tho. i support hosting them online somewhere.
  19. will post pics after i send the box out.
  20. the box train is in my possession. I've messaged @Foochie776. once i get confirmation it'll be back on track. and man, this box if FULL! thanks to @Mae247 and everyone that's contributed so far. it was so cool seeing the group collaborate on something like this.
  21. i'd probably slow down on my game buying, but i can't say i would quit altogether. I've been drifting further and further from current gaming as it is, so no real loss on my end.
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