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Everything posted by DefaultGen

  1. I don't know a lot about international trade, but shouldn't customs be like looking for illegal items and tax fraud in a billion items going across the border. Why do they have time to do this crap.
  2. I think collecting is probably only fun with some level of challenge. Anyone can buy the 1992 Upper Deck baseball full set, all 800 cards, for $5, so where is the fun in collecting it? If you're Will Smith and you're so rich that Nintendo games are like 1992 Upper Deck baseball cards, you probably aren't looking for the world's coolest 1992 Upper Deck baseball card, you're probably buying art or coins or cars or wine, things with a "challenge level" suitable to your finances. I think everyone does this to some extent. If you started collecting coins as an adult, are you going to seek out, beg for, and hoard shiny modern pennies like a kid would or are you going to collect something more expensive? It's just as fun to gather, sort, and organize all the pennies as it would be $1000 Morgan Dollars, but when you can go on Ebay and buy every penny made in the past 75 years for $40 and you don't have to put in any effort, collecting pennies seems like a trivial pursuit. But hey, Logic and Steve Aoki is out here buying Charizards and NWC is rare too so maybe someone needs to remind millionaires what NWC was. Because everyone knows what Charizard is and no one gives a damn about NWC besides NES collectors.
  3. You're not going to find a better list than ThePhleo's. Other than that, just search Ebay and see how many are for sale and recently sold compared to everything else. Your only easy option to get a Cowboy Kid right now is a $3000 CIB. Probably pretty rare game.
  4. Oh neat, apparently it was patched in 2020. When it came out there were complaints about stretched-aspect ratio, broken music, bad lighting, so I just wrote them off as more bad console Doom ports. Cool to see that it's potentially the best console Doom port now. This feels like information I am learning for a second time. Stop releasing broken games Once I see stretched pixels to fill a widescreen display, your company is dead to me and I won't remember that you fixed it.
  5. It's a cool box that says Castlevania on it (same with Doom) which is enough to look nice on a shelf I think. The Doom ports are also some weird Unity remake thing that isn't a super great version of the game. These shadowbox CEs look so much better than their boilerplate black box CEs though. I can't drop $200 every time they get an IP that I like into a box, but I think their brand should focus on the big stuff like this and not... Metal Masters on Game Boy because they can make those cheap.
  6. I have to get on that while prices are close to zero. I don't feel any inclination to collect Japanese N64 but... it's so small and reasonably priced. I've got Getter Love already, there aren't really that many heavy hitters even, right?
  7. Congratulations dude! Are you going to go for the any regions that matter next, or just collect more PAL games for other systems?
  8. Hong Kong Mah Jong baby. It’s so rare, you’ll say it doesn’t count There are a couple ridiculous PAL games like Phantom Air Mission too. None of these will get you as many social media likes as a Stadium Events though, gotta get the games that get you clout, not just the rarest of course.
  9. There’s only one TRULY collectible gold Nintender https://www.ebay.com/itm/Analogue-NT-NES-24K-Gold-Plated-Factory-Sealed-Brand-New-System-9-out-of-10-/193258367366?_ul=IL
  10. Does the queen normally take part in foreign marketing campaigns? I thought her main role is British marketing.
  11. Yeah, all the language surrounding this console is “made for the queen”, “intended for the queen”, etc. If I intend to give my copy of Super Mario Bros. to the queen and she doesn’t want it, I don’t have the queen’s personal Super Mario Bros. It’s a curiosity of the THQ bankruptcy, lol.
  12. Damn, this guy popped into the Facebook groups with a CIB Stadium Events find and sold it within 6 hours, didn't even wait for people to get off work! Reminds me of the guy who brought an NWC to Pink Gorilla and sold it the same day. I hope these people aren't getting taken for a ride. I can understand not wanting to deal with grading and auction houses, but man, someone who really, really wants one is going to wake up and kick themselves over this. If someone paid like 100k, power to you king: Jeremy McDowell.
  13. Is Wata so backed up that a game I can buy on Amazon for $50 in 9.4 condition is worth $420 graded? For everyone saying how Wata buyers have an eye for the exceptional, high end, and rare, there are so many people buying mundane games for big prices too. This is not in exceptional shape, it's not the desirable variant, and of course it's not even off the market. It is a bargain bin, off the shelf Wii U game in a fancy case. I also see people on social media hoarding multiples of these later-release Wii U BOTWs to go with their Mario 3D All-Stars. Just insanity. Can't wait to see the first Mario 3D All-Stars on Heritage. https://www.ebay.com/itm/284266926787?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&toolid=10001&campid=5337463817 Here's a video called "My Sealed Game Investments" with a few of these too. Imagine how many people are going to buy "1 to play, 1 to keep sealed" of BOTW2 after all this madness too.
  14. Don't be so hard on it. Nothing is worse than PAL.
  15. Yeah @fcgamer, show me something rare for once like Left Bros
  16. For the last time we don't care about your Taiwan exclusive underground bootleg unlicensed prototypes. Do you have Super Mario Bros. 3 or not?
  17. "My last submission was criticised for being too difficult" There are some homebrew games I play through in a few minutes then rarely think about again. I never beat REKT and it sits there mocking me, daring me to get better, telling me that it's a game made for experienced players playing games on a 40 year old console, not some modern interactive narrative experience game for children and the infirm. The world already has enough games coming out stroking my ego with their forgiving checkpoints and gradual difficulty curves. Games that kick my ass enrich the video game landscape.
  18. I'll take a sentence in Nintendo Power over the regurgitated opinion of the collective any day (i.e. Flintstones). Whoever wrote the "initially only available for rental" line in Wikipedia probably knows it wasn't rental exclusive, but I wish they'd cite their source, even if it's just that Nintendo Power blurb. A bunch of "common knowledge" things in this hobby seem to be baseless or just guesses.
  19. I started because Wii Virtual Console pricing was like 5x what actual dollar bin Nintendo tapes cost and I wanted to stick it to the man. Now I'm just
  20. 2/10. I think some of the multimedia weirdness is interesting enough to be played. There's certainly some level of uniqueness to this kind of video game console. Nothing on Super Nintendo is like Wacky World of Miniature Golf for sure. The multimedia aspect means they don't even feel like console games, but really bad PC games. Oh well, still not as bad as a Hyperscan or R-Zone so it can't be a 1 IMO.
  21. Yes, the world’s best porno mahjong game is still a porno mahjong game. This message brought to you by the anti-beat ‘em up gang.
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