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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Poking fun aside - definitely just consider it a challenge. I could "beat" Guerilla War as a kid because you have infinite lives/continues and can just plow through it all without losing progress. I've not tried again as an adult but I have to imagine I'd get my ass handed to me without a lot of practice, and honestly taking advantage of cheats and infinite lives, to me, is depriving oneself of the joy of learning and overcoming a challenge. Get out there and git gud!
  2. I can beat the game in under 20 minutes without dying, so it's a super short game for me!
  3. Yeah there's 58, and an enemy you could take with you to the end for 1 more.
  4. I do not miss jumping on goombas in 1-2.
  5. I'm able to get over 130 coins on one of the levels.
  6. As I said, I don't mean DLC in a literal sense, I just mean it's content which is gated and was released on Day 1. It's a reward for those who buy Amiibos; not getting them isn't a punishment for not getting the Amiibos. You bought the guide lmao. You got all parts of what the purchase of the game entitled you to. It's exactly like a pre-order bonus: It's nothing that's missed by not having it, it's a bonus for those who are extra dedicated to the series. It literally says on the game case that you can use Amiibos to gain boosts, and that Amiibos are sold separately; you just had to use your eyes, but instead you're just making entitled excuses to justify theft:
  7. Interesting ruleset, I like the time remaining time break.
  8. That's hilarious coming from the guy who decided that he was entitled to pirating Tears of The Kingdom because Amiibos exist.
  9. Functionally no, it's not DLC, but I'm not really interested in debating semantics. I simply mean it's extra content which is not in any way required; it's an extra reward for people who bought the Amiibos. It's not too dissimilar to pre-order bonuses and the like. You may not like the concept of Day 1 DLC (I'm neither here nor there, personally), but its mere existence doesn't give him a moral right to just straight up pirate the next game in the series. If he felt that he NEEDED those Amiibo bonuses, if we're in a world of "eye for an eye", he could/should have done as I said and bought a re-programmable NFC card and gotten the things he felt he'd been cheated out of for basically free. Not stolen their entire next game.
  10. That's just day 1 DLC tied to external toys which use NFC tech - you could just as easily have bought a programmable NFC card for literally a dollar a piece on Amazon and programmed that to be each of the 25 compatible NFCs to get the in-game items (none of which are required to actually enjoy the game). You're acting like this is the first time any game ever had Day 1 DLC and being scummy about it by using that to justify pirating. Be better.
  11. It's a joke based on the funny self-censorship/legal loopholing in the image in the OP: The games are for the "P Station".
  12. Hey, welcome to the site! Good to see some younger folks, the old geezers on here are making me feel old myself and I need to steal some youth.
  13. What strikes you as the games I'd typically play? Lol no but you're not wrong. I played Barker Bill early this year for the NES Completions thread and actually found it incredibly enjoyable; compared to Duck Hunt which is basically all I've used the NES Light Gun for, it has a lot more variety and depth. I like shooting stuff, you think I don't like shooting stuff?!? NBA Hang Time is a game I played a lot with my brother when we were kids, and I've not played it since then but have always wanted to get a CIB copy for my shelf. When I was looking for my next set to develop it was suggested that I should move beyond the NES to start working with bigger RAM (16-bits!) so I could get more experience digging through memory for flags and the like, and so I could perhaps do some more complex stuff (if this then this, or that and then this when these). I was thinking of doing a platformer (considered doing SNES Beauty & The Beast), but was struck by a lack of inspiration for achievement design (beat all the levels, do so damageless... uuuuhhhh... not much else...), so I started looking at games I was really good at, and then games I just plum wanted to play. NBA Hang Time was in my "Want to buy" list and I was like hey... lots can be done with that! I've got some more complex logic done up as was my goal, such as "Score a basket after the buzzer which puts you in the lead from behind, winning you the game":
  14. Needs an "I don't like Mega Man" option.
  15. Being a Jr. Developer over on RetroAchievements means that when I develop an achievement set it has to go through review, and man that process can take ages (~2 months right now before it's even looked at by a reviewer). But I've persevered (i.e. waited patiently) and now the second set I've developed (the first was ShmupSpeed!) has been released to the world. Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (NES/Famicom) · RetroAchievements This set was harder to make for sure, and will be much harder to earn all of the achievements on. Getting a "beat" on the game is easy enough, but the perfectionist achievements will take a lot of effort and skill. I've also set up leaderboards for each of the four modes, both normal and perfection boards for showing off how cool you are with a lightgun (or a mouse emulating one...). Next up, I'm working on a childhood favourite in a genre that I mostly never touch, and taking on the challenge of a new console - the SNES! I've been working hard on Code Notes for NBA Hang Time! Having a lot of fun with this lately.
  16. This point can't be brought up enough. This ONLY benefits investors. Anyone NOT in the system already is further and further from being able to viably use it as a currency every day that it goes up in value. And those who "buy in" today are severely at risk of their "money" being extremely devalued tomorrow, sometimes at the whim of a billionaire troll tweet. Bitcoin is not and never will be valuable as currency, period.
  17. Oh damn. Lol I knew I gave away too much!
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