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Everything posted by Gloves

  1. Most stores here have them. Check the deli or cheese section at your local grocer.
  2. I've been wanting to try out Powerslave for a while, decided to give it a go today, and it's really quite fun. I'm usually into the offshoot weirdo clone games since that's what I grew up with and this one managed to somehow sneak by little me despite the badass cover art. Really enjoying it though, putting it on the list of games to actually pick up on PS1 when I get back into a place where I can be buying $100 games just to say I have them so I can go "hey check out this cool game" to my non-existent friends when they don't come over.
  3. @Gloves @Reed Rothchild @spacepup @Richardhead @Link @Jeevan @fcgamer @PII @SilverspoonGaming @BlackVega @Kguillemette @doner24 @Murray
  4. I prefer the sequel, Extreme Now-Wait-Just-A-Moment.
  5. 3 and 7. I find the first one annoying, but I can sing along to the second.
  6. 3 and 7. The Madonna song I've not listened to before, gave it a chance and similarly to other recent songs in these - very dull. The Gaga tune is catchy as fuck, but if it cost me a dollar each to play songs from now on this one would never get played.
  7. I'd be buying that as a gift to my wife who's a huge fan of the show.
  8. So stuff basically halted on updating the house when I lost my job a few months ago. It's been tough to get out of the rut and do house stuff, I've largely defaulted to "oh my God we're gonna lose the house I need to save every penny" mode and have found it hard to make any progress. Today though we made a trip to Canadian Tire for some essentials and I figured hey, I have this poster sat in my office and all that's stopping me putting it up is a lack of screws. So I bought some screws. Feels really good to do SOMETHING to make the house feel more like a home, and I'm super stoked that the poster in frame fits so perfectly in the niche beside my window. I feel motivated, despite it all!
  9. Yeah I dunno that there's a single Blondie song I like.
  10. God I'd kill to own that even in it's current state, but there's simply no future in which I own it. Damn.
  11. We've not spoken in like a decade lol. If you look at me from behind it's similar enough though.
  12. I love eighties music, these songs just ain't the bomb-diggidy. I was born in '88 so I can't claim to have personally experienced the eighties, but if I were cognizant of my surroundings at the time I'm confident I'd have been a rock, metal, and punk head. It's fair to say also that having grown up with a mother who was a kid/teen in the eighties, I can assure you that car rides were spent head bobbing to these bands and their contemporaries. My mom's hair looked like this (and so too does mine, thanks Mom):
  13. Talking Heads obviously have some fuckin' bangers, but that doesn't make them infallible, and this song isn't my jam, man.
  14. I've only heard the first, and I didn't like either. Where are you picking these songs from? xD
  15. Loved it as a kid, don't really go in for Atari games these days. I think for the time I'd give it a 7 or 8, without penalizing it for lacking foresight into the next 40 years.
  16. I've been in a constant loop of wake up, apply to jobs, distract myself with video games, eat dinner, games, sleep. I feel like if I stop to watch something right now I'll fall apart mentally, being unemployed is mega stressful. Building up quite the backlog of movies to watch lol.
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