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1 hour ago, GPX said:

- Karl is one gutsy fella.

Again, not taking sides, but he's more of a drama queen who's in another country so hard to sue.  When I left here I got into speedrunning (poorly) for a while, so I saw his stuff often. 

That said, I know Billy Mitchell's lawyer contacted him, but I don't think they were able to press anything on him. So he knows he has some protection. 

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54 minutes ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

I don’t doubt that Dain saying that he left, but those aren’t amended SEC filings. They are different issuances of unregistered securities and show the relevant parties of the company at time of the issuance.

An amended filing will say it is an amendment. I do SEC filings for a living.

Edit: Look at item 7 in these filings. They are all new, never did they select amended.

I have legal documents showing I left WATA, so you can spin this any way you want. I was legally done with WATA on October 18, 2017.

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4 minutes ago, avatar! said:

Now, it would be quite the scoop if other actors were involved ...

But I agree, seems like a manipulation solely between WATA and HA as far as I can tell.


Other people did some sketchy thing, but it's not like "Oh this is against the law" or "Oh hey this is something Jesus would approve of", more like "Those bastards sold me an 8" sub with no cheese on it when I paid for a foot long." levels of bad. Except there's a few million dollars worth of subs. And one guy already got in trouble for shorting subs before. 


And people are acting like this is new shit. https://www.tuffstuff.com/news/heritages-ivy-says-company-comimtted-no-violations That's the settled out of court one.  https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca5/19-10961/19-10961-2020-05-27.html This one was bouncing back and forth, not sure if it's finally done or not, each side seems to have won one court case, but hard to tell these when they're not in order. 

The companies are shady and not the best to deal with. But many other companies out there are worse. Some are better. In the end, just pick the one with the biggest tits and call it a day. 

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6 minutes ago, Dain_ said:

I sold NintendoAge in September, 2018

I sold my collection in March, 2019

My view of the video didn't really make it sound like you did anything shady, and definitely not anything bad or questionably illegal. Others sure aren't seeing it the same way, but that's my take on the video.  

But THANK YOU for having timeline with dates, the video would be a lot better with a timeline. Everything would be. 

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Don't know who this guy is, but apparently Karl is inspiring other armchair sleuths...

edit: seems like in this case WATA wasn't doing anything wrong, but nevertheless the point still stands that Karl has gotten people's attention!


Edited by avatar!
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2 minutes ago, avatar! said:

Don't know who this guy is, but apparently Karl is inspiring other armchair sleuths...

Everyone has to jump on the bandwagon, no one looks to see who's driving or where it's going. I'm not sure how sealed up the SEALED slabs are (All slabs I own are just cases, removable, and customs from VGC cause PC games don't come in standard sizes!) but this could have happened AFTER it was graded. I doubt they're water proof for very long even, if someone's basement flooded really bad. They may be fine submerged for a while, someone should test it. 

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6 minutes ago, Dain_ said:

Here's some context:

I left WATA in September, 2017 (legal papers were signed on October 18, 2017):



I sold NintendoAge in September, 2018

I sold my collection in March, 2019







4 minutes ago, Dain_ said:

I have legal documents showing I left WATA, so you can spin this any way you want. I was legally done with WATA on October 18, 2017.

If it means anything to you, or helps in some way, I want to say that I believe you.

My take when it came down to it is that you developed some level of burn out. Eric Warren (formerly Arkvader) ended up selling the majority of his Transformers collection, save a few AFA pieces, and turned his museum-style room into one his family could use. Which is the only comparison I came up with, as my time here has me relate to him.

If I am wrong and that is not why you did not sell both NA and your collection, regardless of the dates, feel free to let me know.

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11 minutes ago, Ozzy_98 said:

My view of the video didn't really make it sound like you did anything shady, and definitely not anything bad or questionably illegal. Others sure aren't seeing it the same way, but that's my take on the video.  

But THANK YOU for having timeline with dates, the video would be a lot better with a timeline. Everything would be. 

The only part of Karl's video was the "cherry on top" (about me being listed in the original SEC filings) comment which, to me, implied me being involved somehow in shady activity, which is not accurate.

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5 minutes ago, FenrirZero said:

If I am wrong and that is not why you did not sell both NA and your collection, regardless of the dates, feel free to let me know.

I'd been burnt out for a long time and it showed and was definitely ready for a change of pace. There was a ton of drama 24/7 and I definitely got tired of having to babysit, haha! But, I do miss it, in a sadistic kind of way 🙂

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4 hours ago, darkchylde28 said:

Thanks for giving me a solid heads up on another person to not do any sort of business with based on their personal ethics.  👍

This is where I’m out of the discussion and honestly offended that some people would even like or agree with this post. I have always been an honest and hard working person whether it was buying, selling or trading and my feedback received here and elsewhere reflects that. This kind of backlash just for being so dastardly to suggest that maybe Karl’s grand unifying theory of the Wata / HA conspiracy isn’t really a conspiracy is something I don’t need. I was hoping at least VGS would be a place where I could have a discussion without these kinds of personal attacks but I guess not. For the record, I got the same and worse for the same topic over on Reddit: 





No thanks, I’m not entertaining this. I’m curious for @WalterWhiteJr. to school me on auction house regulations and whatever else but he might have to DM me. 

Also whoever it was that said anyone who doesn’t think Wata is being unethical or whatever must have been holding or selling graded games, I have never bought, sold or possessed a graded game, never even engaged the services of any grading company, I used to not like Wata or HA but I think they both provide a useful service and a decent business. 

Anyway I’m out.

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43 minutes ago, avatar! said:

Watch the video again. There is absolutely evidence for shill bidding! People from WATA listing the game (SMB), then someone within the company purchasing it for big bucks, then reselling it to another acquaintance/colleague for bigger bucks... all the while getting press releases!  I don't know if this is legal or not, but ethical it is not and manipulative it sure is!

None of that is shill bidding, and it's, er, not at all what the video said happened? You should probably watch it again.

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1 minute ago, avatar! said:

I'm curious too... just did a quick search on ebay and found this... BUT, don't know how reliable this is 🤔


On the filtering, you can click on "sold" listings. Keep in mind those are not always legit too when you see best offer or the same one listed repeatedly, but gives you a better idea. 

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8 minutes ago, Dain_ said:

I'd been burnt out for a long time and it showed and was definitely ready for a change of pace. There was a ton of drama 24/7 and I definitely got tired of having to babysit, haha! But, I do miss it, in a sadistic kind of way 🙂

i dont understand why selling ur site and collection makes you a part of wata they seem like 3 different things


u went into video game retirement to join wata?

Edited by SealedWholesale
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19 minutes ago, avatar! said:

Don't know who this guy is, but apparently Karl is inspiring other armchair sleuths...

edit: seems like in this case WATA wasn't doing anything wrong, but nevertheless the point still stands that Karl has gotten people's attention!


He's a vaguely well-known journalist who got interested in the high-end game scene lately. He compiled some sales data on Atari and NES games and is selling it as part of a subscription thing, he then made the NES data free, it's around somewhere. He thinks it's gonna blow up the market with shock news like "there are lots of copies of SMB3", the market so far does not agree. Now, I'm sure it's a coincidence that he and this "Karl Jobst" guy showed up at the same time, but WEIRD COINCIDENCE, huh?! (no, seriously, it totally is a coincidence, heh).

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45 minutes ago, avatar! said:

Watch the video again. There is absolutely evidence for shill bidding! People from WATA listing the game (SMB), then someone within the company purchasing it for big bucks, then reselling it to another acquaintance/colleague for bigger bucks... all the while getting press releases!  I don't know if this is legal or not, but ethical it is not and manipulative it sure is!

I could be wrong but shill bidding is when you make a bid you can’t actually pay up on. If you end up winning the auction you just don’t pay. If someone else wins then you accomplished your goal. 

What Wata / HA did with SMB was heavily discussed on here and well known. They didn’t hide it. Because it’s not illegal. They publicly said “we pooled our money and paid for it because we think it’s worth that much. It’s shady, but now it’s worth a lot more. Mission accomplished, and not shill bidding.

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2 minutes ago, AdamW said:

None of that is shill bidding, and it's, er, not at all what the video said happened? You should probably watch it again.

I agree here. The only thing the video said about shill bidding I remember is what amounts to "someone said their dad said there was shill bidding". And the video said even then "If this is true". I mean I guess technically someone saying someone did something is evidence, but not good evidence. 

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