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Game n watch ; zelda ?


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49 minutes ago, Strange said:

Not saying this antagonistically but I’m genuinely curious if you felt the same way about the mini/classic systems. I know there’s quite a bit of difference between the two but the idea of having legacy titles in a cute little package is sort of the same idea here.

When you frame it that way, these do sound more appealing, but the thing that's a bit off-putting to me is the inclusion of the NES games on these. To me it would be like buying a N64 mini and having it include Game Cube games, or a NES mini with Game Boy games or something. It just feels really weird to me, personally.

To answer your other question, no I wasn't a huge fan of the mini consoles, but they make a bit more sense to me than these, per what I stated above.

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On 6/15/2021 at 7:35 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

My thoughts, pretty much.  Do people actually play these things?

It ain't always 'bout playin', man!  I'm 100% getting one of these as a collector and as a fan of the NES Zelda's.  I will probably not play it for more than half an hour on the first day I get it, but it's gonna look really cool on my shelf for the next 50 years 😛

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On 6/15/2021 at 7:35 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

My thoughts, pretty much.  Do people actually play these things?

I guess not everyone has a Switch with NSO, or an Ambassador 3DS, or a GBA or...

Actually, that probably is a decent number of people.

Yeah I can play Zelda 1 & 2 on several consoles (including GameCube), but still wouldn't mind buying this and playing that Zelda version of Vermin.

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I have no problem with people buying these for collecting, playing or whatever you may want! It looks like a nice product, in fact, and Super Mario Bros is one of my favourite games of all time! However, personally, there isn't really a hook for me...

Obviously I can play SMB or Zelda on pretty much anything, there's no incentive from a gaming perspective. Certainly the design doesn't look that fun to play that kind of game on. From the collecting perspective, I mean they're everywhere, there's no concern of me not being able to get one if I change my mind somewhere down the line... In fact, I probably WILL end up buying one cheap when they are in the bargain bin!

However, the big thing for me is kinda the incongruity of the design... It's a NES game on a Game and Watch... I really don't understand how those two things go together? This doesn't really resonate with me, these two concepts don't really mesh well IMO.

Anyway, that's just my take on it, I can understand why other people might like it, I guess!

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Yeah those two things really do escape me.  I mean hell they could have even halfassed the lame Zelda G&W into 1 screen.  Back in the day GBC had Game & Watch Gallery and it has like Oil Panic on it.  Basically they miniaturize the panel you're not actively using to like 1/3 of normal size to the larger play field space you actually navigate.

Given Zelda is really basically played on the bottom panel, rare the upper is used beyond basic display of info, they could have pulled that jarring weird stunt... but LInk's Vermin mashing octorock??  Dumb.  I mean they did have some really good gold/silver faced early G&W games that worked well.  One being that Parachute I lucked into, the octopus one, the fire one, a few others... but some are true snoozers.  Vermin is vermin as far as G&W goes, similar-ish in style is manhole which did it notably better moving among four spots to keep the walkers going vs smashing heads.

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I like some Game & Watch games. I had Mario’s Cement Factory and Donkey Kong II bitd, and I still like them. I’d have to dig out the G&W Collection carts I have to speak on anything else. A lot of them are pretty boring now (Ball) but the Zelda watch game? If they are doing old LCD stuff, it makes no sense to leave that out, and Vermin looks boring af. Guess I’ll just play the Windows fan-made port somebody did a while ago.

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  • 5 months later...
21 hours ago, phart010 said:

What is with the black power and reset buttons on his toaster NES?

I legit waa about to ask the same question. All I've wanted my whole gaming life was a black NES with correct screen printed text. This is the first I've seen black hardware, other than the plates on the controller ports.

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