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Does anyone here actually enjoy lifting weights?


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So I'm currently doing this weightlifting program, it basically boils down to five days a week, one hour a day, with the weekends off.

I just started week seven this morning, but although I don't mind doing the exercises as much as when I first started back on week one, I still don't find lifting to be particularly enjoyable. 

It started making me wonder if some people actually do enjoy lifting weights 😂

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11 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

So I'm currently doing this weightlifting program, it basically boils down to five days a week, one hour a day, with the weekends off.

I just started week seven this morning, but although I don't mind doing the exercises as much as when I first started back on week one, I still don't find lifting to be particularly enjoyable. 

It started making me wonder if some people actually do enjoy lifting weights 😂

I'm with you, not a fan.  Feel the same way about purposeful aerobic work as well.  I love playing sports and doing outdoor whatever.  But just working on a treadmill or whatever is the worst.

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4 minutes ago, Richardhead said:

Gonna get more into cycling again soon though. 

Yeah it's so stinking hot here now, but cycling is where it's at. I want to get out again too. Have you ever used one of those virtual world thingies for cycling indoors? I've been thinking about getting one at some point.

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3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

Yeah it's so stinking hot here now, but cycling is where it's at. I want to get out again too. Have you ever used one of those virtual world thingies for cycling indoors? I've been thinking about getting one at some point.

I’m old school. I have rollers for cycling indoors. More realistic, you can actually crash 😂

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Editorials Team · Posted

Yes, but it depends on what you are willing to put up with.  Best to make it a game.

Record the results for your ladder that shows the x reps for each set, all the way up and down.

The next session, you up one of those numbers.  One way or another.  Because if you couldn't get one of those numbers up (in the beginning at least) you aren't trying hard enough and you will never have the ethic to see any real gains.

And then do it every time.

Same for cardio.  Run that mile.  Then run it faster.  Or run it at the same pace, but further.  No excuses for failure.

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6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Yes, but it depends on what you are willing to put up with.  Best to make it a game.

Record the results for your ladder that shows the x reps for each set, all the way up and down.

The next session, you up one of those numbers.  One way or another.  Because if you couldn't get one of those numbers up (in the beginning at least) you aren't trying hard enough and you will never have the ethic to see any real gains.

And then do it every time.

Same for cardio.  Run that mile.  Then run it faster.  Or run it at the same pace, but further.  No excuses for failure.

You and I have more in common than one would think...👾

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I use to lift 5 days a week. Now I live out in the country so I just do push ups and sit ups as part of my morning routine.

When I did lift I would do 3 sets of 10, but as heavy as I could do. On the last set I wanted to just barely be able to lift the last few. Then once that became easy I would step up the weight. I am old school in this, each day would be a different muscle group. It has been awhile but I am pretty sure it was Chest, Legs, Arms, Legs, Back/Shoulders. Then finish each day with 2 miles on the treadmill. Most of the time leg day was just a 5 mile run on the jogging track instead of weights. 

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I do.  I love a good pump.  I’d have issues if I was just following some workout program too.  I much prefer just playing with different splits and rep schemes.  If I had unlimited time I’d probably stick to a push/pull kind of deal but I’ve always had issues with those getting impractically long.  I do like the frequency you hit the muscle groups though.

 I’m usually time crunched these days so I try to stick to major compound lifts to make the most of my time.  Been trying to lose weight too so...yay cardio 🙄 

Drop sets at the end of an exercise are a favorite of mine.  Sometimes I’ll just keep stripping weight til I’m down to just bar.  Absolutely annihilate the muscle.  It’s a good feeling.

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23 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

 I love a good pump.  I’d have issues if I was just following some workout program too

Well I'm always up for a good pump myself, just not pumping iron 😉

The program I'm using was customised for my needs by a bodybuilder friend, so although quite tedious, I think it's efficienct.

30 minutes ago, themisfit138 said:

Most of the time leg day was just a 5 mile run on the jogging track instead of weights. 

Yeah I don't have leg day in my routine, I don't even want to gain any more muscle there. Maybe I could do a reverse leg day to remove muscle mass, lol.

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Social Team · Posted

From high school till now I've been off and on with lifting weights over my life.  Usually it boils down to how easy is my access to weights for me to be doing some strength training.  I honestly enjoyed it as it's a very constructive way to get out frustrations/built up rage.  

There are certain workouts that I hate or don't look forward to and that is the overhead press.  By far one of the weakest things I'm at no matter how much I focus on improving it.  And dead lifts.  I think I hate dead lifts because it's so exhausting to do and I'm always worried that I'm not doing it correctly.  I've known people who had fuck themselves up over doing squats.  I've always been more of a machine kinda guy so the movements are controlled and isolated.  This is especially so for any leg workouts. 

This whole theory of mine didn't work out too well as I had a fucking aneurism while doing a leg press machine in high school.  I always felt like I could go on forever so one day I decided to do as many reps as possible with the bar fully loaded with 45 plates (I was a beast my senior year).  Well the last couple of reps I had shit form like holding my breath to that extra push and BAM!  From one side my head to the other I had a shooting intense pain.  I sat in the machine for a few minutes just squeezing my head with my hands.    Later I got up and the pain came back in waves.  I chilled for 15mins and then tired to do another machine and not even two reps in the pulsing pain in my head came back, with the beat of my heart.  Went down to the trainer who I explained what happen, she made me do a couple things and diagnosed it for me.  Told me it wasn't actually uncommon for college athletes to induce them and that some people are more prone them than others.  She explained that holding my breath caused my blood pressure to spike.  OH!  I forgot to mention that the year before I randomly passed out one morning and ended up going to a few doctors and wearing a heart monitor device all day and keeping track of when I felt faint.  They figured out that I was holding my breath while working out which cause me to have high blood pressure and get dizzy spells.  So yeah, I had already been told to stop holding my breath but I got distracted.

Any way I'm VERY conscious of this and even almost had another one again in college while working out with the rugby team.  I was flipping tractor tires and was supper exhausted and started to hold my breath again.  I notice my vision start to cone and I just stopped working out.  Trainer came over to check me out and I explain my issues (didn't tell him about my previous aneurism thinking no one would believe it) and he went out and put some snow in a bag and put it at the base of my neck.  Said it would cool the blood going to my head and reduce my blood pressure.  I'm 100% sure I can kill my self by working out if I really want to.  Thankfully I can tell some of the signs that I'm in danger before it happens.  

Since then I've worked out for years later and never had a dizzy spell or vision issues.  I NEVER hold my breath or have any resistance to my breathing while working out.  Anymore I'm more focused on cardio workouts but still love the burn and soreness of lifting weight.  I totally think that some people just got have the bug for it.  I just love destroying my body in a workout.  

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Enjoy it for the most part, some more days than others.

What I hate is waking up at 0430AM to get to the gym by 5AM and be done at 6AM.  With wife, kids and work that is the time slot that fits best in my schedule though.  People who want it find the time for it.

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I do cardio and weight lifting everytime I go to the gym, 3 days on and then one day off. I run a 5k and then lift weights but sometimes I'll run 2 miles and then lift and come back at the end for the last mile at a higher pace.

Some days I hate the running and some days I hate the weights. Everyday I hate the elevated sit ups and Russian twists lol

Edit: 25 min 5k if your curious. Not a super fast pace but hey I'm 36 and dad to a 22 month old who is speed incarnate

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I did it in high school for a year or two to dodge the usual asinine general PE class we had to do and it was nice.  I miss it, but I also refuse to be around the whole gym rat douche scene and I prefer my privacy so that's an issue.  I don't have room or finances to buy a machine or whatever catch all for at home so it's quite limiting.

I'd like to do something, my daughter is starting to get a bit hard to catch if I'm not ready for it when she jumps around or wants to do stuff (she's 9 1/2, over 50lbs.)  I don't have too many limitations other than weak shoulders from old problems and my left elbow loves to click when extended under basically any weight.

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I went to a nearby Gym several times in 2007 for about an hour each visit. I was overweight at the time, and did some weight lifting. I doubt I got any stronger, but I did work up quite a sweat.

10 years ago, I lost about 80 lbs and was in good enough shape to take on a Dishwasher job. I've been a Dishwasher since, and lost another 10-20 lbs in the last 10 years. Since I do a lot of heavy lifting and get plenty of exercise at work, I haven't really needed to lift weights. I did get back into lifting weights (but at home instead of a Gym) in the Summer of 2019, though, lifting some 15 lbs weights for about a week and then some 25 lbs weights for a few more weeks. I often did this before some long night shifts at work (sometimes I'd work overtime until 2:00 am without taking a break), and the weight lifting made me tired (sore, not sleepy) sooner while I was at work. I still had the energy to get through my shifts without any major issues (I didn't injure myself or need to see any Doctors), but decided that weight lifting isn't necessary as long as I'm still working as a Dishwasher.

If I quit working in the restaurant industry, maybe I'll lift weights more often because I actually do kind of enjoy lifting them.

Edited by MegaMan52
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12 hours ago, fcgamer said:

Well I'm always up for a good pump myself, just not pumping iron 😉

The program I'm using was customised for my needs by a bodybuilder friend, so although quite tedious, I think it's efficienct.

Yeah I don't have leg day in my routine, I don't even want to gain any more muscle there. Maybe I could do a reverse leg day to remove muscle mass, lol.

I too despise leg day.  My leg day mostly just consists of front squats as I don’t have the equipment to do much else.  Maybe lunges.  Max incline on the treadmill?  I group deadlift either on its own day or on back day.  Mysterious thing is I get sick or really busy ALOT on leg day.

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2 minutes ago, Hammerfestus said:

I too despise leg day.  My leg day mostly just consists of front squats as I don’t have the equipment to do much else.  Maybe lunges.  Max incline on the treadmill?  I group deadlift either on its own day or on back day.  Mysterious thing is I get sick or really busy ALOT on leg day.

While talking with my friend, the one who put my workout program together for me, he said that with legs (well calfs, anyways) a lot of it is genetic, something I was lucky about.

Genetics, and then years of running and then cycling, it's just something I don't feel any need to bother with.

I'm one of those guys that climbs hills while cycling without leaving the saddle, I'm not always the fastest to the top though I don't aim to be at my age, either.

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31 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

While talking with my friend, the one who put my workout program together for me, he said that with legs (well calfs, anyways) a lot of it is genetic, something I was lucky about.

Genetics, and then years of running and then cycling, it's just something I don't feel any need to bother with.

I'm one of those guys that climbs hills while cycling without leaving the saddle, I'm not always the fastest to the top though I don't aim to be at my age, either.

I feel ya.


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