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Let's Discuss Olives


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For the majority of my life I had the notion that I hated olives, though Ive always enjoyed olive oil with bread.

This hatred was reinforced my senior year in high school, I tried to impress an Italian girl I was crushing over by eating a green olive, as she knew I hated them, and it was a miserable situation for me all around.

Flash forward to a few years back, and now I absolutely love black olives, and will throw them on pizzas or basically in any dish I cook, if it reasonably fits.

This is where the question comes in, should I revisit my relationship with green olives? As a general whole I do not like pickled foods, though some such as bamboo, sauerkraut, and some kimchi I find to be tasty. 

The idea of buying a jar of (expensive...in Taiwan, not cheap) green olives and then tasting something that I historically have the notion that I dislike is off-putting, but at the same time, with my newfound fondness of black olives, I also wonder if I might be missing out on something amazing.

So let's compare the taste between black and green olives, anything else to know besides green is unripened and more bitter?

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I've always loved green olives since I was a kid and for me black olives are near flavorless, I got used to the bitterness kick and don't really get that from black olives, the bitterness kick might be the reason you dislike them so it might be better for you to try some semi-ripe olives first and see how that goes. 

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Well I like "bitter" things such as IPAs (not a hophead, but I still like the style), and black coffee (the latter I personally don't register as bitter, though others tell me it is). Where do green olives fall on the spectrum? Can anyone describe the taste to me, in understandable terms?

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Events Team · Posted
Just now, fcgamer said:

Well dark chocolate is shit, hahaha.

I'm just not a big fan of any varieties of chocolate, haven't been since I was a really young kid. The only exception is white chocolate, but that's just because it has a completely different taste. Would barely even classify it as chocolate honestly.

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Editorials Team · Posted
10 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

I'm just not a big fan of any varieties of chocolate, haven't been since I was a really young kid. The only exception is white chocolate, but that's just because it has a completely different taste. Would barely even classify it as chocolate honestly.

Yeah white chocolate is 0% chocolate, it just has a chocolate-ish texture. Still good though.

As for olives, I've always loved black olives, and I've only recently started liking green. But I'd probably never buy a jar of green olives just to sit and eat them. I'd describe the taste of green olives as taking the flavor of 100 black olives and compressing them into 1 olive. Reallllly strong flavor.

My wife hates olives, but all of our kids love them. Liking olives must be a dominant gene. 😄

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If they are expensive where you are, I wouldn't try them.  I've always loved olives.  IMHO, black and green are nothing alike.  The green our soury, bitter and salty.  But it blends well and is hard to explain.  I can only eat 2-3 straight green olives.  They have to be with something, like a salad with many other flavors, for me to enjoy a sizable portion of them.  They are just to strong.

If you ever fly over to the states, or to Europe, I highly recommend giving them a try but wait until you can do it cheaply.  I mean, if a small jar where you are at is $10 and that's not much to you, then sure.  Go for it.  But if you just want to double-check, why waste good money if they are more than $10 when you can either wait or see if you can sample one if someone happens to buy a jar at a party or if a local friend mentions having them in their fridge.

To me, the difference is like comparing the taste of fish.  I like fish that is fresh, with a light flavor.  I don't like bold, fishy tastes.  So, I can enjoy something like cod quite well.  That would be the black olive in your case.  But sardines are nasty as can be and would compare to green olive.  The difference is night and day, though if you pay attention you can definitely pick out the similarities that you are experiencing in your pallette.

Regardless, they are quite different so it's really a question of how bold do you want to be in potentially throwing away some money.  Also, another reason to NOT do this experiment is that if you DO end up liking them, that now means you have a new, expensive snack you love where you with.  I don't know about you but I'm not looking for new, expensive hobbies, whether it's acquiring new tastes or collecting something else other than video games.  Hahaha.

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Homebrew Team · Posted

Olive opinion: They are great.  Olives with pits have a better texture.  Black and green are vastly different, you may not like both.  Canned olives, terrible. 

✅ Olives
✅ Olive Oil
✅ Pickles
✅ Anchovies
✅ Capers
✅ Salt
❌ IPAs
✅ Stouts

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