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Special Movie Debate: Quentin Tarantino

Reed Rothchild

Quentin Tarantino  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Which movies have you seen?

    • Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    • True Romance (writer) (1993)
    • Pulp Fiction (1994)
    • Four Rooms (segment) (1995)
    • From Dusk Till Dawn (writer) (1996)
    • Jackie Brown (1997)
    • Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003)
    • Kill Bill Volume 2 (2004)
    • Death Proof (2007)
    • Inglourious Basterds (2009)
    • Django Unchained (2012)
    • Hateful Eight (2015)
    • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
  2. 2. Which movie is your favorite?

    • Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    • True Romance (writer) (1993)
    • Pulp Fiction (1994)
    • Four Rooms (segment) (1995)
    • From Dusk Till Dawn (writer) (1996)
    • Jackie Brown (1997)
    • Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003)
    • Kill Bill Volume 2 (2004)
    • Death Proof (2007)
    • Inglourious Basterds (2009)
    • Django Unchained (2012)
    • Hateful Eight (2015)
    • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

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Administrator · Posted
12 minutes ago, doner24 said:

Now it’s just trolling. Pulp Fiction boring but not Hateful 8 🤔 

I don't think it's a bad movie by any stretch, it's undeniably an amazing 9 or 10 out of 10. But if I'm going to pick up a Tarantino flick to watch for the billionth time, it's not gonna be Pulp Fiction. I've re-watched H8 and Django multiple times each, probably more at this point than I have Pulp Fiction. Inglorious Basterds as well is very rewatchable to me, and Reservoir Dogs was the first Tarantino film I watched so it's got some re-watchability for me; I even enjoyed the bland PC game for Reservoir Dogs and didn't hate it.

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An odd but highly respectable filmmaker. After Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and True Romance I originally figured Tarantino just wasn't for me. I didn't like the tone of his movies much, and honestly thought they were trying too hard.

It wasn't until I saw Inglourious Basterds that one of his movies finally clicked with me. It's just expertly made, and I really wish more Hollywood movies had this sort of vision and integrity.

Even in that movie however, the tone is just all over the place, but at least it is intentionally so. It feels like Tarantino has the skill to make nearly any sort of movie he wants, but insists instead on just fooling around and making stuff entirely for himself. In some ways a waste, but mostly it's respectable.

Few of his movies are as good as example of that as Once Upon... A somewhat interesting story about a has-been actor that seems to be going nowhere until it culminates in that odd alternate-reality version of the Manson murders.

I forgot where I saw this, but I remember at one point someone mentioning the value of a movie where every individual scene is able to stand on its own and be enjoyable without the context of the rest of the movie. There are a few directors that excel in this, Sergio Leone of course is one, and David Lynch as well. But few directors really practice this art with as much dedication as Quentin Tarantino does. I love that in his movies. 

That said, Pulp Fiction still doesn't do much for me. I voted for Basterds. (even if it's spelled "wrong" in the poll 😅

Edited by Sumez
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20 hours ago, DefaultGen said:

Only one vote still with me on Reservoir Dogs. We're supposed to be fucking professionals.

I just rewatched that last week. I've watched it many times in my teens and 20s and really loved it. I still think its good, but it doesn't hold up quite as well for me now.

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Pulp fiction is a damn near perfect movie in my opinion. If I were, however to rank them, the ones I've seen anyway.

1. Pulp Fiction. Yes, absolutely perfect movie beginning to end and tells such a good story. I find new things every time I watch it.

2. Inglorious Basterds. The "Jew Hunter" is one of the most cunning, vile, and despicable characters ever created and the actor absolutely nailed it. The scenes with him were some of the most intense experiences ive ever had watching a movie. He deserved the shit out of the Oscar he won.

3. Kill Bill vol 1. Gory, action packed, great plot. Made me want to watch some old Kung Fu movies that inspired this(still haven't, but maybe some day...)

4. Four Rooms. Really underrated movie. I like the concept of 4 shorts by different directors all combined into one film, a kind of "day in the life of". Tim Roth's bellman character is great, and Tarantino's short in the movie is the best one(not by a mile though, 2 of the other shorts are almost as good).

5. Reservoir Dogs. It's a classic for a reason. 

6. Kill Bill Vol. 2. Some great scenes and nice slow moving conclusion to the story, I'm not a huge fan of the spaghetti western that inspired this movie though.

Don't remember much about Jackie Brown other than remembering I liked lt. Haven't seen the others, though I plan to some day.

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10 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

Made me want to watch some old Kung Fu movies that inspired this(still haven't, but maybe some day...)

Aside from well-known classics like Enter the Dragon, I would recommend Heroes of Shaolin and Five Deadly Venoms.

36th Chamber of Shaolin and the sequels are also good. Kind of the Marvel movies of their day and level, injecting a bit of humor to go along with the action.

If you want to watch only one movie to represent the genre but possibly also spoil you for all cheaper and older productions... Kung Fu Hustle. 

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damn, i'm a pretty big Tarantino fan, so picking a favorite is hard. I ultimately went with Pulp Fiction, as i have watched that the most and love every second of it. 

but Django Unchained is fucking awesome, and it is my go-to movie for when i want to watch the world burn. 

but sometimes you just want to watch people kill Nazis, and you can't do better than Inglorious Basterds.

and of course, Reservoir Dogs is a classic. 

and i have a soft spot for Death Proof.

and, and, and, it was a tough choice.

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5 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:
  • We've all seen Pulp Fiction
  • @Bearcat-Doug is the only one who hasn't seen Reservoir Dogs
  • @RH and @Bighab are the only two who haven't seen Inglourious

It wouldn't be right if I wasn't the only person that hasn't seen one of them unless @Gloves hasn't seen any of them.

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Events Team · Posted

Tarantino's best movie is also Oliver Stone's best movie.  Quentin can wine about how Natural Born Killers strays from his vision all he wants.  But it's a master class in violence and film editing.  

From the list, it's tough to beat Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs but I'd throw Death Proof on my favorites list too.  Great homage to Vanishing Point which may be the best muscle car road movie ever made.  Honorable mention to Motorama in that regard.



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People that are hating on Death Proof don't understand what an amazing car chase movie it is and what makes it so.  It's not just an homage to Vanishing Point, but also a send-up to stunt performers, too.  Plus, it really has some fun grindhouse moments smattered into it.  I love the cut to the yellow car and the cheerleader; the breaks and the color drop are great.

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