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Special Movie Debate: Quentin Tarantino

Reed Rothchild

Quentin Tarantino  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Which movies have you seen?

    • Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    • True Romance (writer) (1993)
    • Pulp Fiction (1994)
    • Four Rooms (segment) (1995)
    • From Dusk Till Dawn (writer) (1996)
    • Jackie Brown (1997)
    • Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003)
    • Kill Bill Volume 2 (2004)
    • Death Proof (2007)
    • Inglourious Basterds (2009)
    • Django Unchained (2012)
    • Hateful Eight (2015)
    • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
  2. 2. Which movie is your favorite?

    • Reservoir Dogs (1992)
    • True Romance (writer) (1993)
    • Pulp Fiction (1994)
    • Four Rooms (segment) (1995)
    • From Dusk Till Dawn (writer) (1996)
    • Jackie Brown (1997)
    • Kill Bill Volume 1 (2003)
    • Kill Bill Volume 2 (2004)
    • Death Proof (2007)
    • Inglourious Basterds (2009)
    • Django Unchained (2012)
    • Hateful Eight (2015)
    • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

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Moderator · Posted

I’ve seen everything except for Four Rooms. As cliche as it might be, I picked Pulp Fiction for my favorite. It’s pretty much a perfect film. I might find Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, True Romance and Inglourious Basterds a close or even a little more fun to watch, but everything about Pulp Fiction is great. 

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Administrator · Posted

For the longest time I'd have gone with Reservoir Dogs, but honestly Hateful Eight and Django Unchained are just such masterpieces I have to give it to one of them. I went with H8 as it's one of my favorite types of movies, and it just works so insanely well.

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Moderator · Posted
2 minutes ago, Gloves said:

For the longest time I'd have gone with Reservoir Dogs, but honestly Hateful Eight and Django Unchained are just such masterpieces I have to give it to one of them. I went with H8 as it's one of my favorite types of movies, and it just works so insanely well.

Lol, of course Gloves comes through with arguably his worst film (which is crazy because it’s still good). 

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Moderator · Posted
Just now, Gloves said:

I dunno what it is man but I really really like it a lot lol.

I actually like it a lot too, but it’s usually last or second to last on his film lists with Death Proof. It definitely has some big flaws, number 1 being the running time. Could’ve trimmed the fat no problem and not lost anything. 

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Administrator · Posted
Just now, doner24 said:

I actually like it a lot too, but it’s usually last or second to last on his film lists with Death Proof. It definitely has some big flaws, number 1 being the running time. Could’ve trimmed the fat no problem and not lost anything. 

I really like how plodding it is lol. The atmosphere alone is one of my favorite things.

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I've seen everything except Four Rooms and Once Upon a Time. Pulp Fiction is the only one I've watched multiple times to speak of but that's just because I bought it on tape in high school. It's a cinematic classic but I'm also over it by now. I threw another vote on Basterds. Fuck up some Nazis. 

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I wouldn't put him on my favorite directors list, although I have seen every movie he's directed. Inglourious Bastards is my favorite and I think it's the pinnacle of his particular style. It's a perfect mixture of the clever dialog, absurd morality, and over-the-top violence that define his other films. His other movies range from terrible (Death Proof) to excellent (Pulp Fiction) for me.

QT Tier List:

  • Great: Inglourious Bastards, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs
  • Good: Kill Bill Vol 2, Jackie Brown
  • Okay: Django Unchained, Kill Bill Vol 1
  • Bad: Hateful Eight, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
  • Terrible: Death Proof
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15 hours ago, Gloves said:

For the longest time I'd have gone with Reservoir Dogs, but honestly Hateful Eight and Django Unchained are just such masterpieces I have to give it to one of them. I went with H8 as it's one of my favorite types of movies, and it just works so insanely well.


15 hours ago, doner24 said:

I actually like it a lot too, but it’s usually last or second to last on his film lists with Death Proof. It definitely has some big flaws, number 1 being the running time. Could’ve trimmed the fat no problem and not lost anything. 

Hateful Eight could've been a great film, but it absolutely died in the editing room. Whoever decided that every little aspect of the story needed to be explained in the flashback chapter really fucked up. I don't know if they were trying to make it more palatable for the general audience or just really liked what they had on film, but that really destroyed the pacing and killed the movie for me. I'd be willing to watch a tighter edit that was closer to two hours, but I'd never even consider the longer Roadshow version or Netflix adapted series.

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Seen them all but Kill Bill 1 takes my number 1 spot with Pulp Fiction very close behind. I also really enjoyed once upon a time in Hollywood even though a lot seemed to not like it very much.

Death Proof is probably the only movie of his I can say I didn’t enjoy. H8 was also a bit of a slog but was ok. I’d never watch it again though.

I know he said he’ll only do another two or so movies but I hope he just keeps going, we need directors like him.

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