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Sign up now for user groups! Get PINGED! Don't @ me, bro!


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Administrator · Posted

Have you ever wanted to get notified when something cool is happening? Don't wanna miss that next game of Werewolf? Can't be bothered to keep track of when Ramadan starts, but still looking to participate in the event, whenever the heck that is? Do you dream of nights spent under the stars, holding the hand of your heretofore unbeknownst soulmate? Is there a cheese that DOESN'T pair well with crackers?

If you answered yes to at least one of the above, then I have great news! We have a new feature for getting pinged, I believe that if you earnestly seek out love you will find it, the next Ramadan will be from March 22 and ends April 20, and no - there is no cheese that doesn't pair well with crackers and yes, I will fight you about it.


Wanna get PING'D?

Please, please - one at a time! Don't all line up so fast, there's enough @ signs to go around! If you are interested in being notified for any of the following, let us know in this thread and we'll get you added to the list. These notifications will be the same as if I was to mention you in a thread - as an example I'm gonna go ahead and ping the other admins here and now, surely annoying them (sorry, not sorry!) @Administrator.

Currently available groups:

  • Game Nights
  • General Events (other than game nights, e.g. holidays, BINGO, etc.)
  • Werewolf

Basically, if you've ever seen a staffer doing a bunch of @ mentions on a thread, this is a nice replacement for that. You get put in a group and there's no chance we'll forget to copy-pasta your name from the last event, or adding you, or whatever - that was a manual process every time and surely a pain in the ass. Now it'll be much more organized!


Don't @ me, bro!

So, you hate having fun, eh? Hey man I ain't out here judgin' - you do you! If you're currently in a notification group and wish to be removed, just let us know. You can PM me, or @ me in this thread and I'll get you removed. You can always be re-added later if you're taking a break, it's really not a huge hassle so don't worry about it!



Still not sure what's going on? Does my narrative style not convey the meaning of my messages concisely enough? Ask questions, provide feedback, maybe suggest other notification groups we can add. Feedback is always welcome, so make it here in this thread!

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