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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Way to go Fred!!! https://news.yahoo.com/u-k-labrador-retriever-named-200344898.html
  2. Just finished watching this - pretty awesome movie with so many twists and turns that virtually nothing is really what it seems - well worth watching if intricate plots appeal to you:
  3. I think that may have been the last one for me also - I got 3 of them.
  4. I'll have a diet kitten please! https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/tenn-kitten-rescued-firefighters-getting-201151501.html
  5. Put this one in the "CLUELESS" file. https://news.yahoo.com/hikers-had-no-gear-cold-152809098.html
  6. Someone has a "rare" European switch copy of super mario odyssey on Mercari for only $460 - reduced from $500. I am not in the market for one right now though.........
  7. Looks like they are taking this seriously! https://www.news-press.com/story/news/crime/2022/06/27/lehigh-acres-woman-faces-multiple-charges-wendys-fast-food-rampage/7740164001/
  8. I am also looking forward to this - need a bit more info on the gameplay though:
  9. On the other hand Playasia often lists upcoming releases before anyone else. As it turns out I generally don't buy US releases from them since I usually can get it over here with no shipping charges - Europe is more of a wash on that count. I keep a list of possibly upcoming releases (based on info gathered there and elsewhere) that I watch for. So for that alone I find the info useful.
  10. They usually ship the deluxe versions quite a bit later - I suspect they have several sources for the bonus materials and that increases the chances of something coming in late. And they are generally really slow on everything. You should get a message when they are getting ready to ship asking if you need to change your address; The status will shift to in the warehouse but even then it may take a couple of weeks before they actually ship. For what it is worth I am also waiting for that one - it is the oldest of the 20 or so orders I have with them that I am waiting on.
  11. There is a free demo of three of the chapters of Live a Live available at the eshop.
  12. These looks interesting - no word on physicals though.
  13. There is a US version of Portal Collection listed on Playasia now - no price or release date yet.
  14. I am beginning to think fast food employees deserve combat pay - there are lots of stories like this which tragically sometimes result in people getting killed. WTF is wrong with people? https://news.yahoo.com/lehigh-acres-woman-angry-over-174851181.html
  15. This is coming out as a physical at the end of September (you can pre-order through Amazon):
  16. Vandal Hearts for the PSI is made much worse if you complete the trials for Ash to become a Vandelier. At that point you don't need any other characters on your team and can sit back and cast plasma wave on every turn and win without actually engaging the enemy. (There are a couple of spots earlier in the game where you can artificially boost all of your characters' levels to ridiculously high levels - but you don't have to do it in order to do everything (or anything actually) in the game.)
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