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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Who doesn't like a masked booby? https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article262299812.html
  2. Got an email from LRG that the copy of Mercenaries Blaze I ordered on 5/31 should be shipping soon - lightning speed for them.
  3. Here is a rare bird! https://news.yahoo.com/rare-male-tortoiseshell-cat-adopted-182140108.html
  4. Not sure where to put these but they are odd. https://nypost.com/2022/06/09/unidentified-creature-spotted-roaming-texas-zoo/ This one is pretty strange tooL Feel free to add to the creepiness!
  5. More criminal ingenuity: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/nevada-police-thieves-using-modified-185929132.html
  6. Heh - make that 44 - just ordered Wytchwood from Super Rare Games - marked it as on the way since they always have the games in stock when they put them up for "pre-order".
  7. I was factoring in shipping - some of the limited editions from Europe especially cost a bundle to ship. But as I said it was a rough guess - really not worth (as it were) going in to calculate.
  8. I will write that off to brain fog as a result of your having to walk around upside down all of the time. ^___^
  9. No idea since it is spread out over time - probably somewhere north of 2k since there are some collectors/limited/special editions in there.
  10. I am pretty sure I would gag too: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/australians-gag-kfc-uses-cabbage-153414580.html
  11. This guy personifies "thick as a brick". https://news.yahoo.com/man-arrested-stealing-car-then-003405388.html
  12. I finally took to writing each game I order on a recipe card, the date it is coming out and the source. Anything that is supposed to be in stock (or from ebay) I write "on the way". I keep the "on the way" at the top of the pile (in alphabetical order) , anything with dated release by date order and anything with no specific date at the end (again in alphabetical order). When I get an email that something is on the way it goes to that pile and when something does arrive I pitch the card.
  13. I am currently waiting on 43 switch games. 4 or those are actually in transit while the other 39 are waiting for release on future (or unknown) dates - of that 39 14 are in the Bermuda Triangle that is LRG. What are you waiting on?
  14. We are going to have a hot weekend so I decided to fire up the swamp cooler. (I am sure my environmentally oriented fans here will be happy to know that while I have central AC I never use it - the swamp cooler is much more satisfactory on any number of levels) - since I had just got out of the hospital I didn't drain it properly and the supply line broke when it froze (I had my brother take off the special spigot) so I had to replace it. No one had a 50' run of the copper tubing so I replaced it with a vinyl line which seems to work fine.
  15. From "The Night of the Hunter" (1955)
  16. So I am taking out of this discussion that I should buy a lot of games I have no interest in? Sure.......
  17. Heh - spending less (a lot less) is a form of saving.
  18. Heh - lucky me - looks like I get to save money - I see a whopping two (Blossom Tales 2 and Undermine) titles that I want on that list.
  19. A) Silver Age DC when I was growing up. (Allthough Carleton had a couple titles I liked.) B) Johnny Thunder and Yz (Dr. Fate was a close runner up). C) Mister Mxyzptlk (although he was more of a mischievious imp rather than a true villain). D) Probably the Rocketeer (which I know was considered a flop - but it reminded me of the old movie serial cliffhangers.
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