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Everything posted by Tabonga

  1. Bladerunner is up for pre-order on Friday. https://limitedrungames.com/collections/blade-runner-enhanced-edition I think I am just going to go with the base edition here. The collectors edition has nothing I really want and the best thing about the ultimate edition (to me anyway) is the replica blaster - but it sounds like it is not a true 3d piece since it says it is not removable so it is probably flat on the side resting on the shadowbox (and likely not as well made as it appears in the picture). In any event both the collectors and ultimate editions seem way overpriced.
  2. Sometimes they do come back! https://www.autoblog.com/2022/06/21/tesla-model-s-fire-junkyard-video/
  3. F*ck these pieces of sh*t. Makes me wish we still had capital punisment on Colorado. https://people.com/crime/dad-killed-suspected-street-racers-driving-family-home-camping-fathers-day-weekend/
  4. Here's the money - where is that copy of SNES Tetris?
  5. https://i.makeagif.com/media/2-19-2014/rkSNl3.mp4
  6. Celebrate by having a can of beans!
  7. I just watched this - a pretty effective sci fi horror cautionary tale - looks like it was shot in Quebec or thereabouts - the copy I watched was English dubbed. Well worth a look if you like such things...
  8. This is supposed to available for pre-order in August:
  9. This is on sale at Amazon for$29.99. https://www.amazon.com/Prinny-Presents-NIS-Classics-Triangle-Remastered/dp/B08YQR69FZ/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2ERRQK7J1G8AM&keywords=prinny+deluxe&qid=1655507851&s=videogames&sprefix=prinny+deluxe%2Cvideogames%2C284&sr=1-2
  10. Make a smore. (Purely for aesthetic purposes of course). Use colored marshmallows.
  11. The footage for this video is composed of outtakes from "The Son of the Morning Star" (1991) - which is probably the most accurate of movies about the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The same cut of the song was also used in the 1997 movie "Rough Riders" = also a really good movie if you are into historical movies.
  12. A new non dairy milk substitute! https://www.ktoo.org/2022/06/14/juneau-children-given-floor-sealant-instead-of-milk-at-summer-school-program-parents-say/
  13. Bring out your dead! https://news.yahoo.com/ancient-dna-solves-mystery-over-150401831.html
  14. There is a pretty funny story with that Mustang. They only made a few stock colors and one day I used that car to go to Burger King. There was a bit of a wait and after ordering I went back out and got in the car. As I was putting the key in the ignition I realized there was some stuff in the passenger seat I did not recognize. It was another Mustang the same blue and the keys I had fit (they didn't make that many key patterns) it. Pretty strange.
  15. Here is a picture of the 66 Mustang that my sister bought new. A friend of one of my brothers bought it (it was in pretty sad shape) and is now in the process of restoring. I drove it quite a bit - pretty fun car to tool around in.
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