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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. Just stuff I like, or I find interesting in some way. I prefer not to bog my collection down with junk I have just to check it off a list.
  2. Some great contenders but for my money, it has to be anything from the Master System because its so incredibly fucking lazy.
  3. Hart vs Perfect Summerslam 91, Hart vs Bulldog Summerslam 92 and Hart vs Piper WM 8 are all good examples. I would say though I did debate putting Hart vs Bulldog on that list, but lets try to have some variety, else you would only see the names Hart, Flair and Steamboat haha.
  4. Can't wait to hear Cornette rip this PPV to shreds.
  5. Id like to know what you've seen thats worse lol. It was cringey. When I was watching in the late 90s, wrestling was COOL. What I saw, was embarrassing.
  6. Holy crap that was beautiful to watch. Love that city.
  7. I dunno, its hard to tell because I don't know what you would like. I'll give you some popular matches, and you can either try to find them online or see if you can watch clips. Flair vs. Funk I quit, Flair vs. Steamboat any 89 match, Hogan vs Warrior Wrestlemania 6, Austin vs. Hart Wrestlemania 13, Undertaker vs. Michaels Wrestlemania 25, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart Wrestlemania X, Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X, Flair vs. Vader Starrcade 93 (My fav ever), Macho Man vs. Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania 7, Macho Man vs. Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania 3, Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels Badd Blood 97 Undertaker vs. Mankind King of the Ring 98
  8. Well there's way too much to get into but it really breaks down into 2 categories. Serious, realistic kind of wrestling which would be almost anything in the 80s except for the WWF, and more lightearted, cartoon, super-hero like wrestling which was the WWF, and almost everything going on today. When I say telling a story in wrestling, the basics could be really simple. A guy with an injured knee, wrestling someone who's a submission expert and the match is centered around that guy trying to put his old on the guys knee. That match I was referring to was about respect. The little brother gaining the big brothers respect, not exactly about the moves. Most modern wrestling is fancy, impressive and mostly co-operative looking moves which can take you out of the moment, but is spectacular to watch. Some of it is very 'video game' like with no rhyme or reason, just big move after big move, instead of like what I was saying earlier. That kind of wrestling was more reserved for important matches in the 80s/90s.
  9. I don't understand who TF cares and it seems like cheap 'content'.
  10. Both. Early adopters were great. Still love James' early videos. But plenty tried to ride the wave, including incredibly substance-less videos like unboxing and pickup videos. Good god.
  11. So strange... can't think of one! Maybe it'll Dawn on me
  12. I totally used this info to try to get ahead of the curve of games I thought were rarer than people thought. I mean if they weren't in Nintendo Power, how ELSE would you even know they existed aside from random chance in a store?!
  13. Im just gonna pester you ever time about Doom.
  14. And you chose THIS over Doom? Shame on you, pal!
  15. I cut out that middle man just by buying stuff I liked. I think if most people forced themselves to have only a certain amount of room to work with to store stuff, they'd probably do the same thing as I. With almost unlimited space, things get out of hand.
  16. Mega Man 1, cuz it takes about 35 mins to beat. Maybe Zombie Nation too
  17. I gotcha. Actually I took a look at some pictures and TBH most of it looked a lot worse than I remembered. Pizza is a vehicle to eat tomato sauce with cheese using bread as a plate. Thats it. What I saw looked like tomato soup cake.
  18. Its probably delicious, but isn't really 'pizza' and more like a casserole or something. Although I never had pizza IN Chicago so I might think it tastes terrible too. I only take ubridge with Chi-town thinking they took what NYC did and 'made it better' instead of having their own originality :P. Also all these crazy toppings that arent pizza like to me should be called 'open faced' sandwiches. Taco pizza? You mean a taco on flatbread? Not pizza. And personally, I think toppings should only be meat and what could be found in an italian pizzeria. Peppers, onions, meatballs, pasta, etc, all ok to me!
  19. As an NYCer with italian heritage I have strong opinions on what I see here. BUT I will keep them to myself as to not create any disturbances.
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