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Everything posted by guitarzombie

  1. Pff the F13 criticism is overblown. I played it for the first time as a teenager and beat it my first try. It was exhilarating fighting the fast Jason in the cabin, and when I saw the ending I actually laughed out loud. Also, Last Starfighter isnt too bad, use my guide
  2. DeWolfe vinyl records used in Dawn of the Dead. I was buying it but turns out a friend of mine has them all except one, and is gonna give me all of them. Some of them are really rare as he's been collecting them for 20 years so saved me a lot of time! All I had to do was buy the one he was missing haha.
  3. I love Swamp Thing! Its not any much different from any of the other Imagineering/Simpsons games control wise. I find his jumping fun!
  4. 3/10. Interesting game but horribly flawed because of design choices. MOSTLY because of how slow you are. If you were able to move faster, I would probably say like a 5. Have no idea what they were thinking making this game and who they were marketing it for when you compare it to obvious hits like Mega Man, Super Mario, Zelda etc.
  5. i got 47, which was a little better than I thought, since I only have a handful of Nintendo published games. Spoiler but funny:
  6. Interesting fact, uses music from the same library music company as Dawn of the Dead (DeWolfe). In fact, the Cannes cut of Dawn happens to use the same music as the infamous credits scene in Holy Grail.
  7. Crime is bad, thats obvious. But you're never gonna fully curtail it so its ALWAYS going to be an issue. I just don't understand the fascination of posting about it, or overblowing things that are either not that out of control or outside your own environment that doesn't affect you directly. You have a lot of people in one area, you have a lot of crime/homeless/mental illness and its impossible to curtail. Most of those articles sell fear because people will click on them. Curious about homicides, this is what the NYTimes says "Shootings were down in all five boroughs. Last year, about 400 fewer people were shot than in 2022, when 1,566 were shot. There were 386 homicides in 2023, a 12 percent drop from 2022. But a troubling trend in the number of killings and shootings of people under 18 persisted." Now if there were all of a sudden, 600 murders, you could say "MURDERS RISE 50%!" Sounds scary, but when you're dealing with 8 million people, thats an incredibly small amount. If someone is really upset over crime, be a cop or write a congressmen and get involved in politics. Posting about it on a video game forum is a passive way of dealing with it and saying how 'bad' things are or are getting consistently seems paranoid to me.
  8. Great job putting words in my mouth. I did not mention social injustice, this is about crime and all these articles to pacify those fears. My point is, this whole thread seems like you two wallowing in paranoia about things in places you don't live in.
  9. No I dont. I live near NYC and this kind of fear is way overblown. Is it there, yea, but theres also 8 MILLION people that just LIVE in the area, let alone visit/work here out of state. If we were a country we would be the 13th most populous state. More people, more crimes.
  10. I feel like this thread is turning into the avatar/tabona paranoia thread haha. Do you live in NYC?
  11. Doesn't matter. It may be 'planned' but what draws ratings? They made Roman like a god and it made him. SO when the baby face slays him, it makes it even THAT more impactful. You put the belts on the people that draw, thats it. Its not a charity because they're nice guys or deserve it. If Roman didn't have a huge run, it wouldn't have made Cody that much more special. I do think though that they should scrap the other title, you only need one title. Way too many belts today, again diluting them. Also, what gets boring? Someone holding the title for too long? Then I would say you're watching it for the wrong reason.
  12. I enjoyed the matches I cared about. Rheas, the 2 main events and Gunthers. Altho the match was great, having Sami beat Gunther means nothing. Should have given it to Bron or someone to actually make them. People need to grow up with long title reins because they have ADD. They want a new champion every 2 months, doesn't work that way. Having long title holders makes the title WAY more important. Most old school fans can tell you the lineage of a title, and then around the year 2002 it all falls apart. Its INCREDIBLY stupid for ANYONE to be in the wrestling business for like 9 years and have 10 title reins. Its meaningless.
  13. Did not know about this but thought it was pretty cool.
  14. I dunno why people are trying to dunk on me about the first one. The first one wasn't really supposed to be a kids movie, it eventually became one when the cartoon came out, hence GB2. And ya'll looked past me saying the humor in 2016 was OBNOXIOUS, or childish, I used my quote as an example. Its like Ghostbusters meets "Scary Movie".
  15. Ghostbusters in the pinnacle of smart, witty comedy that works for people of all ages. All I saw was the 2016 trailer, and it screamed dumbed down, obnoxious "Ha-ha queef is funny" humor. Sure, that can be funny, but not under the Ghostbusters tree,
  16. Thats really odd. Of course the first one is practically flawless, but this one was more tailored to kids with some adult stuff in there. So I can't hate it, its funny, got great lines, effects are cool, and it has Janosh. I don't even care if its very similar to the first one either. If you're gonna steal, steal from the best.
  17. I feel the exact same way. I never ever remember people saying they didn't like this movie until relatively recently. Love it.
  18. I did. Odd to feel on long island. For some reason it felt like someone was moving a fridge or fixing a roof because there was a feeling of shaking without anything moving. Ive felt it before but a MUCH smaller one.
  19. IIRC its actually the END theme in Mega Man 1.
  20. Oh, I forgot to mention I almost teared up when I finally watched Dawn of the Dead in theaters last year. Does that count?
  21. The only movie I ever cried at as a kid was Harry and the Hendersons. Damn that John Lithgow!
  22. Well my favorite is Zombie Nation :). I like a good shooter but not one that you have to dedicate your life to because i'm more of a casual. So anything with a fair challenge that requires a couple of sessions I think is pretty good for me. I really like Gun Nac. I also liked Recca but only with codes. I always took that game for a more seasons shooter player.
  23. I don't know what the 'cutoff' is, but all classical music is public domain.
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