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Everything posted by BortLicensePlate

  1. The resolutions would bug me too. Is there an option to display 4:3? I think it auto chooses 16:9 if that's what the tv is
  2. I was considering using that as a placeholder while I upgrade all my consoles to HDMI. Have you ever tried using it on an HDTV?
  3. This is exactly what I do now. I sold off a ton of stuff and was left with a bunch of stuff that I could maybe get rid of but was a bit more apprehensive, so I stored it away. When I feel like selling it I will, if I feel like using it I will. For now they're in their box out of my way. Works great
  4. Yeah it is an excellent game for sure. I have 99% of the tumors, still have to find all the carts. Also avoiding guides cuz thats no fun
  5. I think it's a fun game, I appreciate that it isnt a color palette of greens and browns and blacks, and actually has some color and a cartoonish art style. If I was younger I could see myself putting some serious time into it. These days I just played it a bit and moved on
  6. If I remember correctly he was holding a glass of milk and they framed it purposely like the scene from a clockwork orange
  7. It shouldn't be, the whole thing is one image. Maybe the black outline around the sage makes him look more sharp
  8. Yeah the OSSC is definitely enticing as well. What consoles are you running through that?
  9. My problem with the retro tink is that it needs a power source and they dont recommend having multiple systems plugged in at once. I dont want to constantly change out the cables, so it'll be used on only one console anyway, and you get the nice plastic shell to go with it. Unless I was misinformed the about multiple systems at once, because that was the deal breaker for me
  10. When I was a kid, nothing really. When I got a bit older I discovered this crazy thing called emulation, played all kinds of unusual games. This was my first experience with Pocky and Rocky, which is a fantastic game, as well as the Parodius games which are equally fantastic.
  11. I'm curious, what solution did you use for N64? I'm leaning towards getting the eon hdmi adapter, since ultra hdmi mods are costly and seeing comparison videos online, theres a difference but not big enough to justify the cost difference
  12. Actually it was on the switch, so an emulator technically. The plan is to upgrade to an avs eventually, but the experiment was to see if it was worth upgrading. The look should be about the same
  13. Depends on how much I like the game. I'm working on 100%ing the end is nigh, because I enjoyed the game a lot and am not bored of it yet. But if I dont end up liking a game that much I wont bother.
  14. Cant help with light guns but input lag is just a matter of research. My last 2 TVs have given me no problems at all, and I also had a crt for comparison
  15. If anything I'd do it the way you did, small one in the corner for duck hunt. Throw in a vcr and maybe one sheet of wood paneling behind it and you're golden.
  16. Actually yesterday I did a test where I played mario 3 on both a crt and a flat panel back to back one level at a time to see which I preferred. I decided I like the flat panel more as well
  17. I usually watch on YouTube after the fact, I pop in once in a while during the event but its usually not a game I'm interested in when I do but yeah great event, always a joy to watch
  18. On mobile there's a follow button on the bottom of the page, then you can go to "account" -> "manage followed content" to see the threads you follow. When you hit the follow button you can choose if you want notifications or not when things get posted in the thread. Does that solve your problem?
  19. Bumping this, another 7 people would be pretty sweet
  20. Looks like retro bit is making a controller that looks similar to the hori mini pad, only substantially cheaper. I am a big fan of the original hori pads, but only have one since they're pretty expensive. Has anyone used one of these? Are they any good? You could get a set of 4 of these for the price of one hori pad http://retro-bit.com/tribute64-n64-ocean-blue.html
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