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Everything posted by Doctornick

  1. I think I have the capability to safely remove a kidney, just let me know when you're ready for that step of graded Gloves
  2. I didn't watch it until this morning. I swear we have to be getting trolled at this point. There is no way the moderates still vote for him now right?
  3. I'm waiting for the day when we basically have a floor for people to go trade daily like the stock market. I have honestly debated grading some of my modern favorites just to display but I feel so slimy doing that.
  4. You must not be an ultra premium member if you don't have the Five Wii U games to grade ad on your homepage.
  5. I honestly feel bad for the people who resort to scalping. They are probably making something like $30-40 grand a year and that extra $50-100 goes a long way for them. A lot of us don't have the luxury to go wait in line at launch for something or check a store daily. If I can't get something I want at launch, I'll usually try to wait for it to come back around. If not I just live without it, most recent example being the RE3 Collector's Edition.
  6. We are starting to see a noticeable increase in my area again. It surely has nothing to do with schools reopening and people relaxing after we once again started trending downwards. Anybody hiring, I'm starting to really be done with medicine.
  7. @ThePhleo I know you've got a good one for Stadium Events....let's hear it
  8. Had to give them a 10. I absolutely love Stevie's voice, I think Buckingham is a pretty underrated guitarist, and having a massive crush on Stevie in my youth doesn't impact any of this
  9. Okay so I looked up her policies and started reading. At first glance and adding in the hockey thing this woman is my favorite!
  10. I only buy from collections with pedigree now to avoid that. Then I add a 0 to the end of my offer, and call my broker.
  11. Looks like opening schools may not have been the best idea. I hope any of you with little ones are in safer districts/states. I feel especially bad for parents right now.
  12. Only if it's something that interests me. I'm not too worried about what it could be worth 10 years from now, potentially I could be dead and that wouldn't matter . Just play what's fun now and hoard it at a marked up price when that time comes.
  13. I couldn't bring myself to watch it for more than 5 minutes. I honestly don't know who to vote for in this upcoming election. I feel like my vote is wasted on the independents, but this two party system has offered mostly garbage. I know I for sure can't vote for Uncle Donald again, but Joe definitely hasn't won me over yet either.
  14. Just wanted to let you know that lukewarm filet of fish made me laugh uncontrollably for about five minutes. Thank you
  15. Cleveland and Columbus, plus Akron and Canton (fairly large cities) are definitely more liberal than conservative. It's weird though, where I live a few suburbs north of Akron is pretty mixed, but the conservatives aren't your normal Trump people (no maga hats/signs but will most likely vote for him for financial reasons)
  16. Probably not, we (Capt and I) live in and around one of the few cities, the rest are hick Trumpers for lyfe
  17. I was lucky enough to need a minor couple of heart surgeries in my early twenties. If I didn't become a pharmacist my parents would still be in debt because of that for sure.
  18. I am saying I don't think it will save money here. Source, dealing with fat unhealthy people every 5 minutes in the emergency room. Preventative care should be made available to all though, we really need a complete overhaul of the entire insurance system.
  19. Medicare for all is a ludicrous idea in this country because of how many people we have, but more importantly how unhealthy people are. Even if we strip other massively bloated areas of the budget (of which we have tons, like military/defense and politicians pay) we still couldn't come up with that money. Ideally it would be great if we could make it work, but I don't see that happening here in our lifetime.
  20. Looks like it's time for me to sell then lol.....I just looked at a bunch of N64. People are crazy
  21. Or that keeping you from baseball games and making you wear a mask isn't infringing on your rights or freedom.
  22. I can't speak for the rest of the state but we are holding steady in Summit and Cuyahoga, not decreasing. They aren't enforcing it enough, especially at bars and gyms and places like that, it's where a ton of our cases come from. I really wish they would give an incentive to those who want to be smart and let the rest do what they want. It wouldn't take long for everyone still in denial to change their mind.
  23. Medically speaking I'd recommend gasoline with crushed mint leaves and whale penis.
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