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Everything posted by Brickman

  1. A great book I discovered for beginners is You Can Draw in 30 Days by Mark Kistler. Teaches you all the basics like perspective, shading, circles etc. in a fun way and the majority of the daily drawings are pretty interesting.
  2. Hahaha you have redeemed yourself with your love of Gravity Falls, one of my favourites too!
  3. Haha exact same favourite actresses too. I haven’t seen The More the Merrier so thanks for that recommendation, I’ll check it out!
  4. It could be worse, at least they play better than the browns.
  5. Glad to find another Cary Grant fan. I highly recommend The Talk of the Town if you haven’t seen that one. Also a great romcom with Clark Gable called It Happened One Night. I was thinking we needed a classic movie section on here, but figured not many people would post because the majority of people don’t like B&W film. Maybe there’s more than I thought.
  6. Great idea. I’m guessing it is just a desktop feature for now? Unless I’m doing something wrong on my mobile.
  7. 3/10. Which hurts me to do for a Zelda game. I finished the first boss and couldn’t take anymore. The motion controls were also frustrating.
  8. And we thankfully got the Japanese SNES. The US SNES looks so ugly. Although the mini was pretty cool.
  9. 9/10. Required viewing for anyone who hasn’t seen it.
  10. This. There is also no region lock for the Gameboy so you’re literally paying for a different logo if it costs more, minus a few exceptions of course.
  11. Yeah I saw Game still has them, but it's about $112AUD to ship here which is like $30 more than retail here. Do you have any other retailer suggestions?
  12. Pre orders opened here on the announcement and sold out within the day. I am interested in grabbing one but not paying ebay scalper prices. I'm hoping I can grab one on launch day.
  13. Some things haven’t changed. Sounds like COD 753367997 black ops edition haha. Sunshine has always been a game that has a split audience, even on launch. We even saw that a little in the game debate thread. I personally gave it a 5/10 because I found it to be a chore and not very fun. Plus compared to 64 it was awful in my opinion. I’ve always wanted to give it another go though so this is a good chance and maybe it can change my view. I hope the controls are better, I remember those been frustrating.
  14. 8/10. Re visited all these with the trilogy and the first game is brutal. Must play for platform game lovers.
  15. If you get a crypto virus there's a good chance it will spread to the hard drive if it's always plugged in. I suggest having it unplugged unless you're doing a backup.
  16. I really enjoyed it too. Had a great message, didn’t overstay its welcome and didn’t take things too seriously. Not as strong as the first two but a lot of fun. It also made me realise how much I miss these types of 80s/90s comedies.
  17. I think a lot of things got a sugar hit during the first few months of lockdowns, probably due to boredom and stimulus money. Here, lots of things have gone up to crazy levels. Bicycles, second hand cars and motorbikes, trading cards, games, and probably a lot more collectibles I don’t know about. I think we will start to see a dip now that people are starting to realise that we’re in for the long haul, jobs won’t be secure and the stimulus money is slowing down. Hopefully we’ll start to see some good deals popping up soon.
  18. I was surprised too, but didn’t want to thread hijack. I think I can understand his rationale behind this trade. Original Pokemon is hot right now, so his thoughts are probably that it won’t be long until sealed Pokemon games start going crazy. I think the trade is crazy, but deals like this are starting to turn the hobby more and more into the comic collecting scene with “key issues” as opposed to the old rare staples.
  19. Yeah I’ve noticed this too. I think it’s because Japan mail has stopped shipping internationally so sellers are adding the shipping costs of dhl to their prices and saying it’s “free” shipping. I haven’t bought much this year because of that. I’ll just wait because the demand is not as high for Japanese games so they should come back down to semi normal levels. Good luck with the search. Definitely post some pictures when you’re done
  20. I collect Japanese Saturn SHMUPS, but not looking to part with anything. I think eBay is going to be your best bet for this stuff. Also, free bump.
  21. It's hard to find good quality stuff and normally takes a lot of searching, maybe we should have a list on here? I've found Retro Gaming Cables to be great for component & SCART cables, they're made in the UK: https://www.retrogamingcables.co.uk/index.php?route=common/home
  22. Psikyo shooting stars bravo done. Great collection of games.
  23. Thanks. I've always wanted to play this game so I'll pick it up. I'm not normally into CE but this one looks really nice.
  24. I checked out play Asia but there is no mention that it has English and normally they do for games with dual language. I did find an article on a website called NintendoSoup mentioning it does. Do you have any other sources?
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