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Blog Comments posted by Brickman

  1. Nice write up. I had this for the Wii and I enjoyed the style a lot but it was almost impossible to die in that game. If you fell down a hole it would just send you back a little bit. So I never finished it. 

    I've been collecting 3DS and have wondered about this updated version, it's good to hear that they have added a harder mode.

    This game is also quite hard to find for the Japanese 3DS because I think it was the last (or one of the last games released for the 3DS there). I searched for this in Japan and couldn't find it. I've seen it go for around $90-100, so not too far off the US price.

  2. Bergman Persona or Japanese High School RPG Persona?

    🤣 Both do have a penis in them. I just picked up the Criterion Bergman Collection, can’t wait to watch that collection and the bonus features.

    Great read and you have excellent tastes Avatar. Although I have never known anyone to like KotR 2 over 1. Both are great games though.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Sumez said:

    Re-reading your list, looking for recommendations to add to my backlog, I realised that your description for Dead Alive sounded suspiciously like Braindead. Well, turns out they are the same movie! Where the hell did this title came from?

    It is a NZ film and Braindead is the title of the movie but the Americans changed it to Dead Alive due to another movie in the US called Brain Dead.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Great read! Although I definitely disagree with your take on the PSP. It’s a great handheld even if it does use discs and some have battery issues. Such a great library.

    @Sumez we can both share Mulholland Drive 🙂 when I come to Denmark we can watch it together 😆
    I’ve never known anyone else to know (let alone like) Einstürzende Neubauten. Very unexpected.

    Also, congratulations for on the kid and good luck with everything 🙂 now it makes sense why you were MIA for a bit.

    • Love 1
  5. Just a heads up, Twilight Princess is nowhere near the rarest retail game for the Japanese GC.

    Even though it was sold online only it still did sell a lot of copies (nowhere near as many as the Wii though).

    It goes for around $50-80 and always has copies available. You paid a little over the standard price but I don’t think it will ever drop in value so it’s not the end of the world.

    I’m a couple games away from a complete Japanese GC set and plan to post a small guide on the hardest to find games on the system.

    Other than that, very nice collection of stuff 🙂 

  6. The GC is an amazing system! There are so many great games on it. Give these a go:

    - Resident Evil games

    - Smash Bros Melee

    - Mario Party games

    - Eternal Darkness

    - Wave Race

    - Metroid Primed 

    - The Thousand Year Door

    - Pikmin

    - Kirby Air Ride

    - Star Fox Adventures

    - Metal Gear Solid

    That should keep you busy!

    • Agree 1
  7. Apparently it was used for in store tournaments held from November 16 2002 to Jan 15 2003.

    There are 16 mini games with a mode to compete for a score by completing randomly selected mini games. 

    At least according to this website, not sure where they got their info from though: https://w.atwiki.jp/miamivice1984/pages/33.amp

    It also mentions other event discs have been confirmed to exist from this time but doesn’t mention which ones.

  8. 6 hours ago, Gloves said:

    Really great content, thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Similar to Brickman I was/am a PS2 guy, but the GameCube always held a certain mystique to me as I didn't have one until later and when I got one all I had was... Odama... 

    Sadly I went to start playing my GameCube a few weeks ago and it seems to have issues reading discs. I'm not exactly in the mood for replacing a whole console right now so it's back on the backburner. 

    I’ve actually been meaning to send you a link for a few weeks. This Reddit post has a few diy fixes for laser problems. I have a similar problem as you and adjusted the power of the laser. I still get a disc error every now and then but not as much. I think I will replace mine eventually.


    • Wow! 1
  9. Great write up.

    I was more of a ps2/PC gamer by the time the GC launched but my brother had one. I think I played Sonic, Mario kart, paper Mario and Smash the whole time he had it but never really got into the system. It seemed average to me at the time.

    Then about a year ago I started working on a complete Japanese set and really fell in love with it. The Japanese library is much smaller than the US, but a lot of the staples are on there. I have about 80 games to go and really love collecting for it. Also the Japanese games are really cheap 🙂

    The GBA player is a great feature and is what inspired me to try for a complete Japanese GBA set.

    The only negative I have with the system is the lasers are a bit meh. 


    • Thanks 1
  10. 5 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

    What type of color blindedness do you have? I’ll try to fix the issue.

    I’m green/brown. The stuff I’m having difficulty with is seeing the number 1 in the first colour, the colour 2 & 3 both look the same and the number 10 on the red is a bit intense on my eyes because it looks brown.

    I’m no website colour expert but I think there are some website colour guidelines out there. 

    I just thought I’d point it out in case others in the future might have difficulty 😃

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