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Everything posted by Tanooki

  1. I think I last posted a find in here about 4-5 days ago right? And amazingly it was Gamecube which just doesn't pop up much at all around here anymore sadly. Luck would have it, different location, and find part #2 and a semi-epic one at that all things considered. One of these I can't even remember hearing of let alone seeing on a shelf before, and got curious, looked it up and was stunned how much the crazy thing goes for, but hey that's the sad sick world of gamecube now right? I paid $50 for the pair with tax, the Animaniacs one was $15 before tax! Case rear plastic has a few linear defects, but the case art stiff and spotless, manual is crisp and never been opened it's that tough, game disc has not a mark on it too. The Zelda one a few little scuffy lines on the disc, manual is in great shape as is the rest... all around super win. Was lucky, just going as I daily do to half price on the way to kid pick up time, saw nothing on shelf, saw a stack of games behind the counter with stickers to go out when I discovered the toony one, then asked if they had more, a small stack of a few came from under the counter and there's Zelda. Win, win!
  2. Dodge and evade, you know the game when it comes to certain posts such as that, it's why i don't even bother to comment on the nonsense anymore. I've never watched batromo and watters before either, know the names and that the first one is female. Yeah shock, I don't watch FOX (been at least since the earlier Trump, irregular during Obama), CNN or the lot of them, I can, but I choose not to since I have Sling(for now, considering canceling that too.) Some just want to live in a sad pathetic fear bubble while largely many have just accepted things have gone endemic and moved along accepting the risk. It's basically the better choice at this point. Masks the last 2 years puffed up as a solution to then find out it was covered up the cloth ones really don't stop crap, it's just an attention diversion for a false sense of security. Fauci if you check the time line knew all well 2 years back given the emails that came out, you're right kissing CCP ass, and through a program funding the lab in Wuhan for gain of function too, fuck the lot of them.
  3. No that's what was promised, should all be what was intended, at least at a minimum. If I remember the games were essentially done or primed to be finished when that was kicked off some time ago, at least some versions of it at least. What are you so concerned about?
  4. I'm hardly playing a conservative talking point, largely given up listen to politician bullshit from either side on the matter as it's boring. Yeah so, that make were infected vs dead...and? Yup I sound cold, but I just really don't care anymore and I'm over hearing others try and play the fear card. Its very well hype, and disinformation too depending how all goes between whatever outlet you grab. The whole mess just sickens me.
  5. Ripped off, they were sold over a kickstarter so those who have them will try and likely go for scalper prices on it since the original run of the carts has come and gone.
  6. Isn't it possible to just use the NT to dump the game, but then copy it to a computer and use some app/program that can dice up the PRG and CHR files separately? I could have sworn I've seen something that does this in the past.
  7. No problem. Fcgamer tipped me off to something, good luck not getting hosed on a cart, but if you go to their website(I don't know it off hand) there's a true in every sense of it mega man sequel/clone game out since late last year called TROPHY you might want to take a peek at. Quality level from the clips I've watched is insane, and he said it plays just as nice as the capcom oldies too, so it's not just a pretty game with average wonky homebrew design/control issues.
  8. It's strange, I got new games yesterday, and instead for a few hours late afternoon/early evening what do I do? I fired up a Famicom bootleg I brought back from the dead, Super Fighter III which is the best made SF2CE clone for NES(FC) and then jumped to another thought was busted multi(FC again) and poked a few rounds into arkanoid on there. Then my eye caught the SD2SNES in the SuperNT and I put at least 2 hours on a few versions of Parodius of all things, and tapped a few minutes into a few Super Gameboy2 booted old 8bit gems. I need to get my priorities straight, but as much as it is, I hadn't had fun like that for awhile and wish I knew what motivated it since motivation is what keeps me off things for weeks at a time or more anymore these days (which I don't like.)
  9. I have the NES game too all complete, got it last year. I've been through most of the game, didn't finish it. I didn't think it was all that grossly hard until the late parts of the game so perhaps this built from the ground up NES version was made less sadist as I know I'm not some one shot expert at that. Control is great, audio visuals are high quality end of the NES spectrum too. I remember talking with Piko/Eli about this awhile back when it was kickstarted and he said the asinine difficulty was scaled back, challenge still yes, but not rage inducing with some new balancing and what not. I'd believe it because I got that far on the one I have. Of the versions I saw the NES one just blew me away the most, especially the fluid amount of animation frames Jim and others have, it's smooth like Moon Crystal on Famicom or Prince of Persia NES.
  10. I'm with fcgamer on that one, it's about the same here and has been well into last year. Even if the numbers for infection are up perhaps, deaths, and in particular tied to the current rager are very low, especially in the case of someone who didn't have a pre-existing issue that compounded it. Short of places playing the fear, woke, whatever you want to call it card they've not required the masks for a long time now, just warning signs about it being your choice if you haven't had shots. And that's the reality of it, you choose at this rate largely. The politicians are over it, and this state currently is split with a democrat governor who saw when it back off and it worked well enough when looking at the info when it's broken into variables of life, death, had shot or not, had issues or not, etc. It's mostly just a media thing, a control thing really now, probably in 2023 it'll fade after people get elected or tossed out in November.
  11. I'd expect to see more stuff offloaded with the changes this year as people catch on. They'll get out, take less, trade things, sell locally. That though with the Gameboy was just insane luck whether influenced or not by that. Curious to see what goes up.
  12. Yeah look on the brighter side, it kind of is, we're now into endemic status.
  13. Maybe he's deranged, or maybe government greed is possibly pointing to maybe there's more to the story? Either way that says 5 years, and $1000/day fine. That's $1,825,000 out of $2,500,000 worth of gold coins, and betting he has had some maybe lawyer fees or whatever. Those coins are more or less gone in expenses.
  14. Hah yeah well, same there. As long as it has been out I have not seen one exclusive game to justify buying it either, let alone putting up with the scalping trolls. I'm just a Switch+PC and handheld (evercade, etc) player now. I find less systems in a generation is better.
  15. I got rid of the PS4 I'm guessing 3 years ago now maybe 4...just did nothing for me so I couldn't use it unfortunately.
  16. Today was an interesting mail day. Saturday I got the evercade 2in1 game there, the other was supposed to be sunday but amazon is incompetent more by the day. Drove the thing around town for 13hours to then dump it on the USPS after midnight, so it got here today. And then an LRG surprise came in the mail too. Now if I could just un-hosed over on Circle of the Moon #1.
  17. I've yet to pop the wrap but the LRG blowout sale goodies arrived: I took a shot in the dark on one of two things, that would be Tiny Metal Ultimate as it looked like Advance Wars, and the other is Curse of the Moon 2. Sadly I still can't source COTM1 >:[ Got pulled from my checkout while the CC was processing.
  18. They're scaled slightly better, the GB 5 at least, the GBC Xtreme games have oversized bosses too which blows as the stages work ok. I owned 6/7 of those, do not have Xtreme 2 on GBC.
  19. TacoBell did doritos locos tacos or whatever that junk was, maybe a chalupa too.
  20. Bonus points for the name tag, I bet he's still got all his 9lives.
  21. I'd call them rare unless someone started making copies which would be easy. They're meant to be popped off immediately and tossed, they're just warning bits that double as to not scratch the red underneath there. If you leave them on they could easily cause an imbalance with the rotation when doing the game made for it. When I had my original ROB I popped them off, but when not used they went back on to keep the dust off I guess. Damn I miss my rob, I have another, but it's just a working one with nothing, not even a battery door, so it rests as a wall trophy and for $5 I can't complain.
  22. Some would definitely feel that could be seen as a positive.
  23. Maybe the DA will care if it goes this far? Ehh...nah who am I kidding? He's have to be on the end of that two guys hatchets first.
  24. I have Dragon's Fury on the way -- any help with the rest?
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