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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. For me, it was mostly GameStop sales. I forget what they marked them down to, but it was cheap enough for me to visit nearly every GS in the area and almost get one of each. They look good in the boxes, so no regrets.
  2. Here are a few more pictures. There are several numbers on the back. I'm not sure which one is the model number, but I think it's XPT300 168HVA. I know it has 16 inputs x 8 outputs. Remember that the front can be deceiving. The front of my model has buttons for 16 outputs, but that was done as a cost saving measure (the front plate could be shared between 16x8 and 16x16). Buttons 9 through 16 do nothing on my model. Make sure you see the connectors on the back before you buy anything to know for sure what you are buying. To answer your other question, yes you can run multiple inputs into separate outputs at the same time, which is why they are referred to as matrix switchers. I only use two outputs: one to my CRT, and one to my HD TV. However, I can run two different consoles to those TVs at the same time. Also, make sure you understand how you will be hooking up audio and video to these types of switchers. The video is pretty straight forward. You will just need some BNC to RCA adapters. However, the audio is much trickier. I can go into that in more detail if you need, but I don't have time for that at the moment.
  3. I bought mine from eBay, so I can't help you here. I got lucky, and bought a really nice 16x8 unit including nearly all of the phoenix connectors for under $50. Still though, I will be following to see where this goes. I'm a little curious why you would need two 16x8 units to play any two systems at once. I can send any two systems to any of my two TVs at the same time with just one 16x8 unit. I'm probably not fully following what you are trying to do. If you find a model, and depending on which model you get, I have a Photoshop template for making labels with images of game consoles on them if you need it.
  4. Except just slightly more powerful with a fancy set of glasses.
  5. Snatch along with Lock Stock are fantastic movies that everyone should watch. If I could, I would rate both of them 9.5.
  6. But you have two types of VR games. Those that require VR, and those that can be played with VR. Unfortunately, the box art isn't always consistent.
  7. On the flip side, Nintendo not offering different color schemes for the Pro Controller is saving me a lot of money. I have a nearly a full set of the Wii U GameCube controllers (the ones that plug into a Wii Remote) that were offered in all sorts of colors and themes and I haven't opened a single one of them (luckily I got most of them for $20 or less brand new).
  8. Understood. I was specifically referring to the design and style, not the fact that it hasn't updated in years. Upon fist click, I think most would assume it was an abandoned site from the 90s.
  9. Wait. Best Electronics ISN'T like looking into a time machine?
  10. I've heard that about Joe from others as well. It's odd to me because I never saw him act that way during my time there. With that said, while I was a member for years, I was never as active as I was at other sites, so maybe I just didn't see it. Also, I will say that while I never saw Joe acting like an ass, I also never saw him use his admin powers to stop others from acting like an ass. It just seemed to be accepted there that anyone who might come across as more of a collector than a gamer should be treated like crap. I THINK it all boiled down to the people who actually grew up with TG16 and PCE were not happy with the new found fame that the system developed over the past 10 years and the increase in game prices that came with it. I think they wished the system was still some obscure thing that no one knew or cared about. I can understand that to a certain point, but it's not an excuse for treating newcomers like shit.
  11. I'm saving my vacation for something coming up soon. When I got married I lived in Missouri, but I planned to move to Illinois since my wife lived there. In addition to my wife, her family and my family lived in Illinois. so it made sense to move there. Unfortunately, this was right after the housing crash and my house was worth less then what I paid for it. Luckily I didn't buy more house than I could afford, so I wasn't upside down on my house, BUT I certainly didn't want to sell it for a loss either. So I decided to rent it out and I've been renting it ever since. So with the way the housing market is today, I've decided to finally sell it. I would have sold it earlier this year, but I didn't want to sell it with the rental contract in place. Since that contract ends this month, I'm going to list it in June. On June 1st, I'm going to haul a shit load of cleaning and painting supplies along with a sleeping bad and air mattress and move into the house for a week to fix it up to sell it. I'm not planning on putting much money into it, but I will clean everything and put fresh paint on the walls. It will be a long week, but I'm looking forward to getting this thing sold and out of my life. I've been lucky to have good renters over these years, but it's still a 90 minute drive round trip when I have to go out and fix things. I once drove 90 minutes round trip to spend 90 seconds fixing a clogged garbage disposal. I'm looking forward to that being over.
  12. I always liked Slash, but he certainly wasn't a favorite.
  13. Unfortunately, the prices have gotten crazy lately as they have with most consoles. But you are correct that the homebrew scene is huge over at Atari Age. There are lots of guys over there that truly love the console and can help out with questions about the system. The good news is that an SD card based flash cart was released recently that will allow you to play just about any cart based game for the console. It's not cheap, but if you can get one along with a console itself, it can help save a lot of money over getting a library of the best games. Just something to think about.
  14. Do you mean this site? https://www.best-electronics-ca.com/
  15. I remember when that forum burned to the ground. I also remember thinking how unfortunate that was, but luckily something like that could never happen to NintendoAge. Then 6 months later, NA was gone too.
  16. I can't believe I'm giving the highest rating so far (tied with another member), but I feel 6 is fair. Sure it's fun to make fun of the Jaguar, but as a kid, out of all of weird, non mainstream consoles that came out during that era, the Jaguar was the one I wanted the most. Now that I own one with a decent collection of games (plus a flash cart), I can say that I get a decent amount of enjoyment out of this console. Oddly enough, the game that made me want to buy the console (AvP) is just ok, but not really recommended. Luckily, I've found many other games that are a lot of fun. Doom and Wolfenstein are obviously enjoyable, but everyone knows about those. I hardly ever hear anyone talk about Flip Out or Power Drive Rally and both of those games are a ton of fun. It's certainly not a console I play a lot, but every once and a while I will power it on and have some fun.
  17. I agree that, long term, they need a Jeopardy host who will stick around for many years. However, in the short term, I think it's fine to go through several different hosts just for fun. Have they considered Will Ferrell for just one show? (just for fun)
  18. That really seems like a no brainer. They sell all of those wired controllers in all sorts of different color schemes. Why not the pro controller?
  19. Because why not? Nintendo, when someone copies their IP: DELETE THIS NOW!!! Sega, when someone copies their IP: That's sweet. I can't believe people still think about us sometimes.
  20. Tried to play it a few different times, but I could not get into it. Sonic does not work for me in 3D.
  21. Ralph was always my favorite. As a kid I would always pick him in the video games, not fully understanding that he was one of the more difficult Turtles to use. Looing back as an adult, he is still my favorite.
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