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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. Oh, I forgot to mention that when both of my boys played this game, they both asked me if Mario can throw his hat in this game. I guess when Mario Odyssey is the first Mario game you ever play in your life, you just consider the hat throwing to be pretty normal.
  2. Illinois has a high gas tax and toll roads along with extremely poorly maintained roads because we have arguably the most corrupt politicians in the country with the worst spending habits in the country. It's a pretty big mess with no end in sight.
  3. I definitely agree that a PSOne with attached LCD screen is beautiful. I have one sitting 20 inches from me on my work desk as I type this and I use it to this day to test PS1 games or any other time I'm playing PS1 outside of my primary setup.
  4. I don't have an issue with being able to pick up another player, but yes, there is no excuse for assigning it to the Y button when other buttons are available. Mario Odyssey has this same problem, but with the long jump. If you don't time your button presses correctly, you will stop and duck instead of long jumping which can get you killed.
  5. My son turned 7 today so I gave him the copy of 3D World that I bought at launch. He was able to play it for about an hour before his bedtime. He seemed to really enjoy it, which I expected. I'm really impressed with how well he can play these types of games now without my help. After he went to bed, I played through the first world. It's what I expected. It's fun and well done, but not super exciting either. I just prefer 2D Mario games. I will probably try to complete the game, but I bet I will have trouble playing through it quickly since I will need to take breaks by playing other games.
  6. Personally, I wasn't that impressed with the PS2 slim considering that most of the reduction was removing the empty space for the hard drive and moving the AC adapter outside of the console (of course that's just at first, they eventually moved it back in). EDIT: I want to clarify that I wasn't impressed with the size reduction for the reasons stated above. I think the styling of the PS2 slim looks good despite the fact that I still prefer the original.
  7. That's what I'm debating. I'm definitely ordering the game, but I'm trying to decide if I want to pay money for the extra stuff. I'm guessing that I probably won't.
  8. Tag wasn't working for some reason. But anyway, I'm looking for the PS4 version. Thanks though.
  9. This situation still wouldn't qualify as a reason to complain. LRG has stated from the very beginning that while they will never create a second print run of any game they publish, they will also NEVER prevent the developer from creating another print with different publisher. EVERY SINGLE PERSON buying a game from LRG knows that there may be another release from another publisher in the future, so they know the risk. One thing I will never lose sleep over is people buying games as investments and loosing their shirts over it.
  10. Meh. Some people just live to complain. They just can't be happy until they find fault in something.
  11. Interesting. I follow over half a dozen social media pages dedicated to LRG or similar publishers, and while I find a lot of toxic behavior, I have yet to see anyone complain about a limited print game getting a retail release. Most people don't care because: if you bought it to play it, you are already playing it and should be happy if you bought it as a collector's item, you know your copy will be more valuable and you should be happy if you missed buying it, you will have another chance to buy it and should be happy The person in the example above is looks to be miss informed and I would bet new to the scene. They clearly want an excuse to complain about LRG and they think they found one, but didn't really think it through. TLDR: I've seen a lot of obnoxious/toxic behavior in this subset of the collecting community, but this example would be new to me.
  12. Never saw it. Even as a kid I didn't have much of a desire to see it.
  13. Yes, you could look up and down on the PC version. That was considered a pretty big deal at the time.
  14. There have been several games that have been $60. In some cases, they can't control the price of the game. I'm not sure about this situation, but at $45, I'm guessing it has something to do with the agreement to publish the game.
  15. I haven't read the other responses yet, so I might be saying stuff that's already been said. This is my go to forum, but depending on the subject material, I can see why it may not be for others. When you look at the voting results in the video game console debates, you can tell that most of the members here are into third generation consoles and newer. There is certainly some love for the first two generations, but not much. If you go over to Atari Age, you will find a slight older crowd that has a lot more love and information on those older consoles. That's not a bad thing. It's just a different crowd of people with different interests. I think this forum has a lot of good members who are very knowledgeable on video games. While we are open to talk about anything here, this place is obviously pretty Nintendo centric and that should come as no surprise since most of us came from Nintendo Age.
  16. I saw this on Facebook. Out of Tetris 99, Mario 35 and Pac-Man 99, this one I will have the least amount of interest in. I'm just not a huge Pac-Man fan and I usually can't play past one screen clear because I just get bored. With that said, it does seem like the perfect type of game to get this treatment, so this is great for the Pac-Man fans out there.
  17. Illinois really doesn't care about Lincoln so much as Springfield does. I grew up and lived in Springfield for 18 years, so I grew up with the mind set that Lincoln was a pretty big deal. I was always surprised and a little disappointed when I traveled and learned that pretty much no one outside of Springfield cares much about Lincoln.
  18. Same for me. I went with 1 because I think it's probably the better song, but I have memories with 2 because my coach in college was named Eileen and we serenaded her with that song one time completely randomly in the middle of practice.
  19. It's really not that complicated. Even with sales tax, you could round things off.
  20. Also, I used to work for the largest supplier of strip to the US Mint. So I know a lot of people who don't want to see it go away.
  21. The law can be changed to account for the removal of the penny. Considering how expensive it is to make a penny, it makes sense to get rid of it (pun intended).
  22. I was never a huge fan of the green styling of the PS1 GH, but I also didn't hate it as much as some people. It's too bad they didn't decide to go with the red label on the GH discs because they have always been red since the PS2 era, and I think that the red looks a lot better.
  23. In the US it's legal tender, but that doesn't mean they won't be pissed off about it. I always turn coins into a bank or some place that doesn't charge you for it. NEVER pay a fee to convert coins into paper currency.
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