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Everything posted by TDIRunner

  1. No way. The novel Jurassic Park was way better then the movie. If you were younger when you read it, some of the chaos theory stuff might have been boring, but it's still superior to the movie. The movie was still good though since it basically followed the novel. The film The Lost World, however, was a huge mess because it didn't follow the book at all. It used SOME of the characters, and used the idea of a second island, but that is about it. The novel was fantastic, but the movie was pretty bad.
  2. They should remake The Sandlot, but instead of baseball, all of the kids are playing World Class Track Meet on their NES. When one of the kids accidentally breaks the game, another kid says he has a copy of the game at his house. He then goes to take his Dad's Stadium Events and opens it to play it with his friends. Then they spend the rest of the movie trying to replace the game.
  3. I would suggest comparing your townhouse to similar ones in the area. Even in a good housing market, if similar homes are listed near you for less money, yours won't sell. Or it could be that others are listed for the same money, but have more up to date renovations. When comparing, you really need to make sure it's an apples to apples comparison. When I sold my house last month, I checked the entire county to make sure there weren't similar homes offered for less money. I only found a few, and they were all in terrible shape and had pending offers anyway. So my house was one of the better deals in the area and it sold quick.
  4. It all depends on where you live. Starter homes are still under $100k in this part of the country. I know interest rates are really low right now, but money is going to be pretty tight for that family.
  5. My kids are only 4 and 7. Both of them are into video games, but they pretty much only play their Switch or a handful of games on my Super NT (Turtles in Time usually). My entire game collection is in the basement on shelves right next to where they keep their toys. The funny ting is that they are still too young to fully appreciate what they have available to them. I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,600 games and I don't think they even realize it. At this age it simply isn't a concern. The only thing I'm careful about is my collection of portable systems which are on display on a bookshelf. Those tend to catch the eyes of kids and they want to pick them up. I allow them, but only when I'm around. Even at 4 and 7, they understand not to touch them if I'm upstairs. It helps that they each have their own Switch that they can call their own. But I guess the OP is more concerned about teenage years. Unfortunately, I can't really help there. I have no plans to make any changes to my setup in the basement. My wife and I are not the type to go places without our kids. I will be surprised if my kids go their entire high school career with a single weekend at home to themselves. Both of my kids are still showing signs that they will be pretty much just like I was as a kid, which means they are not likely to be throwing parties and damaging/stealing property. Yeah, I was pretty boring as a kid (and as an adult).
  6. That game desperately needed a password or save system. I can honestly say that I made my way through the entire game without a guide, except for that one egg that I never found. I would like to play through the game again sometime, but I have a feeling the FPS aspect of the game doesn't play as well today and I certainly wouldn't want to play through it in a single sitting.
  7. One of the discussions about playing Tomb Raider in another thread, along with the fact that TR is celebrating their 25th anniversary got me into the mood to play through the original game again. I still love this game as much as I did when it was new.
  8. It's certainly possible, but at this point in my life, I don't have the desire or need to spend lots of time searching for new music that I like. I drove to Florida last month, which is a 13 hour drive each way. I listened to a playlist of music that I setup myself. I never skipped a song or heard the same song twice the entire trip. There already exists enough music for me to listen to and enjoy for the rest of my life (with a HUGE range of styles and genres). Taking several hours to listen to the entire catalog of a new group that has a 99% chance of having no music I would enjoy anyway just isn't time well spent for me. If that means I'm getting old, no problem there. Getting older has never bothered me.
  9. As I mentioned in another thread, Rad Racer is another game that I have a lot of hours in, but never beaten. I can get pretty far, but I've never played the final race. Also, I will add any GTA game. I've played all of the mainline series game, but never beaten any of them. GTA3 is probably the one I've played the furthest, but for most of those games, I just enjoy driving around the environment and getting into trouble.
  10. Who? ........... or (probably more appropriately) what?
  11. Pretty cool, but which button is used for the turbo? You aren't going to win any races without the turbo. And without music, it seems as though he programed it without up or down from the d-pad. Rad Racer has a pretty special place in my heart as well. It was the first separate NES game my Dad bought after we got our NES (which came with SMB/DH). I have many hours with this game, despite never beating it. In fact, I should add this to the other thread of favorite games that I've never beaten.
  12. Not necessarily my favorite, but one that comes to mind is Jurassic Park for the SNES. I loved that game and played the hell out of it. I almost finished it one time. I completed every mission objective and made it back to the helipad, but you also have to find every Raptor egg, and I was missing one. I looked all over, but never found it so I never technically completed the game. Axiom Verge is also up there. I really enjoyed that game, but never got around to finishing it completely. I need to try that one again sometime.
  13. It really doesn't matter. LRG could give a free copy of this game to every single person in the world and people would still complain.
  14. It was basically a PS3 game released a full year before the PS3 was released.
  15. If you do ever get around to playing it you should include your experience somewhere in the forum. This is the type of game I could discuss and talk about all day long, and I'm always interested in reading about the experiences of a first time player, even if they happen to be negative. In fact, considering it's been a year or two, I might need to do another play through. In fact, I need to do it with the entire Team Ico series.
  16. As a person who doesn't buy current gen consoles until several years in or later, I didn't even realize PS5s were still hard to get. I've never even attempted to find one in a store. I knew they were hard to get when first released, but due to my lack of interest in the situation, I had no idea it was still going on. I am aware of the chip shortage because I follow the automobile market about as much as the gaming market, but for whatever reason I didn't tie it into the PS5 sales because that's how little interest I have in the current gen at the moment.
  17. Ouch. Sorry to hear that didn't work out so well. I'm fortunate enough to have a friend in France and we occasionally make trades. Typically, if we have games for each other, we keep them on hand until the pile gets pretty big. There isn't a big price difference between shipping one game and shipping 30. So it pays to wait until we each have a bunch of stuff ready to go.
  18. 10 All versions are great, but the PS4 version is superior. I'm a huge fan of all the Team Ico games (in case you couldn't tell).
  19. Honestly, my answer is probably something close to this. There are a lot of great 2D and 3D games. Some series are more fun in 2D while others are more fun in 3D. I can't imagine gaming without both.
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