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Everything posted by RegularGuyGamer

  1. The Switch has been lacking Mario content for years now and really needed this game. I gave up hope that a new 2D Mario was on the horizon and was shocked by this announcement. Bowsers Fury was dope but super short and as a Wii U owner, the Mario lineup on the Switch wasn't impressive aside from Odyssey of course. SMB Wonder has me thinking though. How long is the Switch lifespan going to last? Mario titles typically don't release at the end of life cycle. How long can Nintendo milk the Switch like this? It's gotta be the most impressive run for a handheld since the original Gameboy.
  2. I already have game pass for the next 2 years bc I upgraded from gold for $1 and had 3 years on it so it's a no brainer for me. And Sony's controller is still the bastard offspring of the dualshock 1. It was cute to not have offset thumb sticks in 2003 but it's inexcusable in 2023. Ideally, I would like to have both but I haven't owned a PlayStation console for any substantial amount of time since buying a PS2 at launch. I'm not against Sony and I actually prefer a lot of their products generally but the PlayStation hasn't excited me for a long time.
  3. They're two completely different games. BOTW was 100 years of chaos over taking the land while TOTK is a largely rebuilt society. To me BOTW was mostly an outdoor simulator. Walking, climbing, examining ruins. It really felt like being in the wilderness. TOTK on the other hand feels like an RPG. I'm about 20+ hours into TOTK and it feels like a completely different game. The underworld and the sky add enough mystery to keep me intrigued and the amount of content on the surface is enough to have my over look the reused landscape. But honestly, even the surface just feels different. The amount of NPCs and side quests is a stark contrast from BOTW.
  4. Gotta be landscape if it's for YouTube. Portrait is for Facebook and Snapchat
  5. Idk if I'm more impressed with two game rooms or the ability to buy a house in Canada in 2023. Either way, congratulations! Can't wait to see it come together
  6. This is one of my favorite games but I can't give it a 10. The nostalgia factor is so high but there are some glaring flaws like the leveling when we get back to Kanto and not having access to some of the best Pokemon in gen 2 until the end of the game. Steel was the type I wanted in the whole game but I couldn't get a steelix or Scizor til after I beat the elite 4? I can't get Tyranitar until I go to Mt Silver? T-tar is still top 10 Pokemon for me and I don't understand why they hide my boy like that. I get the stats are big but he's weak to literally everything so what's the reason to essentially lock him behind post game? Anyway, there is a ton of things the game does correct and it stands as the peak of the franchise for everyone older than 30. 8/10
  7. I have a PS3 super slim which I was planning on keeping.it seems like Sony worked out all the kinks by the end of the life cycle. I really like the idea of not having a mechanism for removing discs. I have the playstation branded components cables too so my PS2 actually looks great. I was wondering tho if the HDMI output was better for PS2/1 games or just more convenient. I thought maybe if I'd keep the A01 I could consolidate the playstation set up but it's tough seeing the sale prices and not being a huge PS3 fan.
  8. I watched a video last night that said the methods people thought fixed the hardware failures actually didn't work out well. Apparently the home method of fixing the yellow light was to hit it with the blow dryer to reflow the solder and a bunch of boards were destroyed that way
  9. I typically won't post things that don't go straight into the collection but I got such a sweet pick up I gotta a show it off. Here is a cecha01 PS3 CIB I got for $120 with about 30 games, 20 of them are decent. I'm really torn on getting rid of this or keeping it for the collection and replacing my PS2. Any thoughts?
  10. This guy examines NES consoles that are refurbished and this recent one all he did was renew the original pin connector and honestly, it's super easy. He bends the pins back into place. For contrast, I boiled I think 4 original pin connectors and went 3/4 on 120 day warranties.
  11. I could never get into this one. I know it had plenty of cool stuff to do but the life sim part of the game I never could get behind. And not that I'm against game being in the hood but it was released at the height of the gangsta rap craze here in the US which made it seem derivative. I couldn't ever really take it seriously since it seemed like you just had to make your guy into 50 Cent.
  12. As much as i love Gimmick, I just had no desire to upgrade for a plush and a CD. I did like the pin but I can't justify that price tag for those extras. I wonder why they went for a plush instead of a steel book or something that didn't take up so much shelf space.
  13. The NES can play the expanded audio with mod or with the unit that plugs into the expansion slot. I also had my copy of Gimmick made with the expanded audio for like $40 by an NA member, not including shipping. I threw it into a RetroUSB shell and printed my own label. They're on AliExpress for $20 shipped right now but INL has been making compatible boards for a decade now. It shouldn't be an issue getting a Gimmick repro at all. If anyone is paying over parte and assembly costs, they're doing it for brand name and not the game. The boards have been out since 2014.
  14. RetroUSB Gimmick sells pretty consistently for $200-350
  15. Oh wow maybe you're just in a high traffic area. BB went live around 4am. I got mine at 6 when I woke up. They did the que checkout again where you have to pick it up from the store and only one per house hold. The app had me able to pre order it when I made the post. Amazon went live at 11am and was up for awhile, maybe around 45 minutes which is surprising. I ended up grabbing all the CE content and the Toon link amiibos. I have notifications set up on the slickdeals app which has been clutch with limited releases. Even like N,64 controller for the switch. I haven't gotten one but I at least get notifications for when they're in stock.
  16. Zelda TOTK CEhas been available all day at best buy. I got one off of Amazon as a back up as well.
  17. I'm assume not the NES game. The arcade game is, uh, weird? I recently got it for PS2 and I can't say I enjoy it. The NES game has some playable tank controls. I don't mind it, honestly. It's one of the few mid games I'd like to have but would never go out of my way to get.
  18. AAA games definitely impact the gaming landscape more than indies. I don't have many hours to game so I cant comb through indie titles to find the gems. I noticed the ones that make it out like Hollowknight and Cuphead but otherwise they're just noise.
  19. I haven't posted in several months so here's the seasonal update. First off are the NES games. Nothing too crazy but I got some hail Mary offer s excepted on metal storm and Rainbow Island. Come to think of it, all of these were either auction wins or low ball offers accepted. Rainbow Island has done it's time in the sun at some prison flea market but the rest of the box is ok shape. No crush damage. Metal Storm I had been eyeing for a long time since missing it and I got a sick deal on it so I'm really happy. NES CIN collection coming together nicely. Next, I had some real luck in the Saturn department. I got another crazy deal on Legend of Oasis, $110 shipped! I was feeling saucy late night and submitted an offer for Earth worm Jim 2 and he asked for my discord. We made a deal, just essentially minus fees but he asked if I had Pokemon cards. And boy do I ever. One thing led to another and I sent him about 100 of my doubles for Lunacy. Still in shock I managed the deal at all tbh. One of the best trades to date. I got the Pokemon double pack at auctions for a decent price under MSRP. The red controller was the last solid color I needed CIB so I was glad to cross those off the list. Switch games were just on sale. I think Skyward Sword is missing from the photo. I picked up the Zelda switch as well. I'm just glad I skipped the other OLED CE switches. The next two pics are yard sale gets for $1 each. We all remember dragons Lair 1&2 on PS2 right?? Anyway, I'm largely tapped out for now. Fingers cross the yard sale season is kind to me and gaming gods show mercy and favor upon me
  20. I always try to lack onto some remnant of human being in the interview room. If I can get a smile or a nod or anything, I know I can get to the next round. My whole life taught me that people want people they can work with and get along with. If you can appear to be the person that fits the job you'll get close to the job, even if you don't get it.
  21. I'm impressed you even found a copy! That's a hell of a white whale
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