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Everything posted by RegularGuyGamer

  1. The GBC was clearly to maintain dominance in the space. As someone who loves Gameboy games and consoles, the GBA wasn't a mind blowing leap from the GBC. The DS wasn't much of a mind blowing leap from the GBA either. Nintendo learned early on, immediately maybe, that there was one thing that trumped all else in the handheld space. Battery life. Nintendo's bread and butter was undoubtedly the handheld market. They didn't release a objectively poor selling handheld. They sold a 3DS in the face of the god damned iphone ffs. Their home consoles were hit and miss but the handhelds were always bangers with killer absolute must play titles and the GBC was no different. Nintendo recognized that people would sacrifice graphics, colors, and backlit screens for battery life and they rode that horse into the sunset. And when they combined all those things into a claim shell design it became the second best selling console of all time just shy of 5M units to over take the PS2. Ultimately the GBC was just another set in the direction for Nintendo to corner the handheld market space and they absolutely crushed it, namely with Pokemon.
  2. I 100% am series and do it every day. I teach at a high school and tuck my button shirt I'm everyday and am always moving my arms around which makes my shirt come untucked easily. Being around high schoolers in this culture's climate, my ass crack CANNOT make an appearance. I Was doing some research on how to stay tucked and some guy had a run down of different methods to stay tucked all day. I had bought shirt stays that clip onto your socks but you can't wear those everyday. I tried folding my t-shirt on the side, ordering a size larger and nothing worked. Then I read an article about the secret to looking good all day at the office and the man said UNDERshirt goes into UNDERwear. THe elastic from the underwear hold that fucker in til the end of the day AND your undershirt is the #1 cause of your other shirt coming untucked. So by tucking my t-shirt into the undies, my button shirt will almost always stay in until I get home from work. It's honestly impressive My classroom is cold as fuck too so during the winter months and Cole stretches, I just tuck the Tshirt into the long johns. But yeah, it's essentially witchcraft for keeping your shirt tucked in.
  3. 3ds.hacks.guide to homebrew your 3ds and then just download the DLC. Bingo bango.
  4. How would someone know of Star Keeper if they had not had exposure to the original game? The NFT will be sold to those who either have a copy of the game, had a copy of the game or want a copy of the game. And all of those people would likely pay an inflated price, probably not $500 but $150+ for a game and some extras is definitely on the table. Outside of VGS The same people who would buy the NFT are a subset of those who would buy a rerelease or a sequel to the game. Admittedly, the NFT doesn't appeal to me so I am bias.
  5. @zxdplayWhat is your end goal here? 1. To expand the brand and produce revenue without having to do any programming yourself? I have not been convinced that the NFT will expand the brand. It assumes that those who buy the NFT are developers that see the Star Keeper brand as lucrative. However, the only appeal to current collectors is the original Star Keeper game. More over, it seems to me that community is most interested in your programming. 2. To just produce revenue? The NFT seems like a good way to make a lump some of money. I actually think producing money is the best thing about the NFT. 3. To expand the brand and produce revenue with have you program the content? This seems like while it will take longer to generate the revenue than the NFT road will but will ultimately expand the Star Keeper brand more than any other outlet. One way to expand the brand is to program a Star Keeper successor or reskin the original game and get it on Steam and launch a physical release on kick starter. Overall, it is hard for me to see the release of the NFT more than a cash grab as it is a quick way to syphon money out of individuals who already have an affinity to the Star Keeper game without having to develop a new game.
  6. This was a game of the times, man. 1999-2000 was maybe the last time (only time?) Roller blading was cool. Throw in you're tagging buildings and cars, going against rival gangs and running from the cops and you have a real game on your hands. This is nostalgia heavy for me and puts me back into what piqued my interest in Japan.. the game was so wonky, playing on this dream machine that allowed me to use it as a computer with a keyboard and mouse and let me play football games online against my friends. This is one of those games that cements what the future of gaming looked like on the Dreamcast. 7/10
  7. The undershirt gets tucked into the underwear. Elastic of the underwear holds the undershirt in all day, never exposing the ass crack.
  8. Technically I was 19 but it was the Resident Evil 5 that was in South Africa or that came out on the 360. I remember waiting in line for it at midnight for the launch and regretting not getting the limited edition console. I still love that red console, although I'm sure it's a RRoD waiting to happen. I think the other M games I got before that, I got used at the local game store never cared about M games for me.
  9. You sold 5 ganes and 3 we're to people who wanted to pirate them? Clearly you didn't sell them to anyone on this forum, NESdev forum or do a kick starter. One case of this happening isn't representative of the group. Being possible doesn't make it probable. Looked around Alibaba, the only one I found was battle kid Either way, the pirate argument is completely useless. I can pirate Switch gsmes 3 days after release. Does that stop Nintendo from developing them? Literally every major game gets cracked in a matter of days after releases, maybe a week. Focusing on anti piracy is essentially pissing into the wind.
  10. While it is possible, the community that buys homebrew game is not interested in buying pirate homebrews. Our interest is in supporting the developer and publisher of original material. I would go out of my way to not buy a pirate and publicly or personally call that person out for their wrongdoings.
  11. Glad to see you back! I supported the first game release and will gladly support future endeavors. I think it is worth mentioning that @Scrobinshas a wealth of knowledge on releasing NES games. MegaCatStudio.com currently has a host of NES games they provide a market place for developers. This option, or one like it, allows you to work directly with the 3rd party sellers. Members here would be more than willing to help you bring this, or any other game you have, to a market place.
  12. That's a dope collection. Crazy to think he's offloading all of this at once.
  13. Price charting has one sale a year so you could pretty much name your price and field offers.
  14. Hey Google, what is extrapolation? "In mathematics, extrapolation is a type of estimation, beyond the original observation range, of the value of a variable on the basis of its relationship with another variable. " Thanks Google!
  15. Did I miss the preorders on Metroid? I remember Bayonetta 1 had em at least.
  16. This is an example of subjectivism. Stealing is wrong. Taking someone's intellectual property without permission is theft whether I agree with it or not doesn't change that fact that stealing is wrong. Whether people in the South China sea recognize it as theft doesn't chat whether or not it's theft. Any screen that has Mario on it that wasn't release by Nintendo's expressed concent is a bootleg.
  17. Best Buy or a corner shop that may also sell booze and cat litter?
  18. I thought crystal was supposed to be as accurate to the manga as they could get it. The animation style took some getting used to but it works. The issues I think w the first two seasons of crystal is it didn't have any of the campy, goofy anime tropes which the original anime had a ton of. There's not giant headed, pissed off Usagi or anything like that until session 3 which I got past. Crystal seemed more like a super hero saga instead of a Saturday morning cartoon. I think it's worth the watch though, especially season 3 if that's your favorite. My order; 1>3>2>5>4
  19. Im not gna lie, I really fuck w sailor moon. I watched it as a kid but never really got into it, just in passing before or after the good stuff came on. I think it was last year I put it on before bed and I realized it was a western super hero show built around a campy teen girl and her friends. The first season is actually dope if you can make it through 50 episodes. Like any show, it kinda loses focus by the end of the series. Some people love the 5th season but I gotta say, I checked out by then. The manga does a way better job dealing w the themes of season 4 & 5 while the cartoon made some odd choices. I'd be interested in how the sub changes the dialogue though. It's crazy to think how butchered those 90s anime were.
  20. Nah the original anime is *only 200 episodes. It looks like VIZ has Crystal (the manga accurate one) starting at episode 200 instead of categorizing it as its own show. Sailor moon was actually ahead of the manga a several times so there's a constant disconnect between the original series and the manga. I actually liked the original cartoon bc it was something I watched as a kid / teen after school along with dragon ball / DBZ so I never minded the filler and slice of life stuff. But anyone watching the show for the first time should just watch crystal and get the whole series on like 30 episodes and 2 movies.
  21. For what it's worth, they have the remake of sailor moon that is panel for panel matched to the manga.
  22. Im 6'4" and the toilets in my house are apparently for dwarves. The first time I cleaned the bathroom floor here I realized the sheer amount of splashidge due to the logistics of the distance the piss has to travel before hitting the toilet water. So I had to choose - do I clean the bathroom floor every week to keep it from being disgusting or do I sit down to piss. Obviously I chose the latter. I only clean the bathroom floor once a month now and it's mostly for cultural purposes.
  23. Don't slap a fake label on it unless we all know it's fake
  24. Paring down the collection with the intent to refocus was extremely satisfying for me. For example, I like GameCube consoles and games. I like the idea of having a GameCube collection but it is an instance where if I emulated all GameCube games I wanted to played, Id be completely satisfied. But with Sega Saturn or NES, I just don't get the satisfaction of only playing the games. Having my favorite games CIB on the shelf for those systems just hits all my nostalgia, gamer and collector buttons at once. So selling off my gamecube collection, among others, and refocusing on NES, Sega Saturn and others never really ended up bothering me, even almost a decade later (sold in 2015).
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