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Everything posted by Nintegageo

  1. I think most countries with any power has monsters in charge, I was just pointing out the US because that was the country mentioned; but I was certainly not saying China is a better country than the US to live in.
  2. A 10 as well. You think Trump doesn't want to imprison those people? The US has laws to protect its citizens, but that has nothing to do with those in charge being good people. And I don't just mean Trump btw, Pence would love to make it a Christian country. The Clintons are.. well, the Clintons. You think Epstein committed suicide?
  3. The irony being China provides healthcare to its citizens whereas the US doesn't. Not denying the Chinese government are monsters but I mean.. so are the US'.
  4. I used to think that my Neo Geo collection was pretty niche, but it seems that it's a relatively popular console to collect game cartridges. I would say mine is probably Sega ST-V games. Anyone else? I would love to read about other people's niche interests in the video game hobby.
  5. Awesome collection. Do you collect the cards as well or not that crazy?
  6. I honestly think it was a mistake to have the thing listed so long on the site. I understand wanting to garner interest, but it also seems to have burned the hype and passion buyers. People realizing they had bid obscene $ on the thing.
  7. I wouldn't bother with either, they're PS3 games. Save your money.
  8. I am so not into the sealed or graded scene but considering how anal some collectors can be, does this not count as a sealed game due to the tear?
  9. It's a rather rare-ish item in a somewhat niche video game collection market. Messaged the guy who dropped the price by abot 40USD so just bought it.
  10. It's been a long time since I can remember getting a coupon code, and I got a game in my cross hairs. Does anyone know?
  11. I put 1995-1999 because the SNES and PS1 are my 1 and 2. I don't collect CD-based games though so I don't actually play the PS1 at this point.
  12. I have an MtG collection as well, but sold about 1/2 value-wise to put into this hobby. It's sorta like a trade a hobby to a hobby.
  13. Odin Sphere. I was reminded how I wanted to play Princess Crown so this has been nice. But man do I wish they would translate Princess Crown.
  14. Sonic Mania Plus, DMC 3 and Ninja Gaiden 2 (wow is this not as well designed as the original) atm, as well as Unravel 2 with the lady.
  15. Sure, I'd count those. Heck, even Mega Man X games I would sorta count (the game shows where the bosses are on the map).
  16. Super Mario and Donkey Kong each had these. I really enjoy them. What other examples can ya think? ps. Plok coulda been great but it didn't have a password or save, so maybe ignore those games?
  17. based on what it says, you have the 3DO one done
  18. Just seems that way by listening to what players want. Resident Evil and Mega Man are great examples. They also seem less stingy with DLC but admittedly I do not really pay those so not sure in that sense.
  19. What would be shipping to Canada on the VB console/games?
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