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Everything posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. I have taken some long breaks in the past, but because I enjoy my collection so much, its kinda ok that it pretty much consumes my life. You just have to be smart and stay away from adding to debt or risk a strong relationship just to buy games that you dont have yet.
  2. So does everyone think it warrants the 97 Metacritic score so far? I ask because I dont play Souls games, so I likely wont play it, but im intrigued by the reviews Ive heard so far.
  3. Elden Ring is finally getting reviewed and its scoring big! A 97 on PS5 so far making it the highest rated game on the system! A 95 on Xbox X is making it the highest rated game on that system as well! Who here is excited to play it?
  4. When we were younger, my friend placed his index, middle, and ring fingers on the A, B, and C buttons of the Genesis 3 button controller.
  5. Just watched the video again. I have been in that room a couple of times around 2018. I dont wanna board the hate train because they are amazing pieces, but it is what it is. Also, if they ever do claim Game Doctors was the "owner" of this stuff, they closed around 1998, def not 1994. The owner went to prison around 1997.
  6. I have a pretty good idea where they came from considering the video shows the Saturn titles stacked up exactly where I have seen them like 4 years ago.
  7. Is the owner of Milligan Games still a part of this community? I havent talked to them since the NA days, and I have to ask them something...
  8. I came across a Reddit thread talking about how "rare" the Players Choice version of SMW was when I was trying to figure out which version was the console pack in and it just made me wonder...
  9. I have been wondering if there are any Players Choice games for the SNES or N64 that are more sought after than the other versions. Were there any that snuck out that shouldnt even exist, like with the few games on PS1 that didnt qualify but somehow were made in very low numbers like Sim City 2000?
  10. I watched it last night and really enjoyed it, even though there were a few ppl in it that I cant stand. In the end, at least they didnt have Pat the NES Punk in it... I am definitely jealous of the dentists collection! Its pretty sweet, but he seems like a smug prick, so we probs wouldnt get along. The story from @8bitsupremacyabout tracking down the son of the old owners of the video store was epic. To be honest he was by far my favorite person interviewed.
  11. People on FB are fake and full of shit. I have family on there that make it look like they own the world and they dont have two pennies to rub together. Its pathetic. To add to that, if you are trying to buy or sell or look for advice, its 99% bullshit because they dont know anything, or they dont have any money to buy your item and are just spinning wheels, or they dont even have the item you agree to purchase from them so you waste your time, and around here typically get robbed or shot.
  12. I have been losing my ass on Shiba for a couple months so I transferred it all to Solara today.
  13. I am importing my games list now to give it the 7 day trial. I gotta say its very nice looking, and I like that I can track my movies as well.
  14. Maybe it was setup that way to prevent fraud?
  15. @Dan64Where is your companies profit coming from then? Youre obviously not going to do all this work without being compensated...
  16. Nothing out of the ordinary. My bill for this month is withing a couple of bucks from last month.
  17. They would have a different size of plug for the back of the console right?
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