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Everything posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. Heres a few that come to mind easily... Johnny Lee Miller should have come out of Hackers being a bigger star than Angelina Jolie. Bronson Pinchot should have been huge, but after Risky Business there was a couple of sitcoms and his small roles in the Beverly Hills Cop trilogy. BTW I love the Bronson Pinchot Project! Cary Elwes is a great actor mostly known for his role as Russ Wheeler in Days of Thunder. Sam Neill from Jurassic Park fame should have had more love. John Goodman can do it all and should be ranked much higher.
  2. I never realized that he couldnt turn his head properly. Thats funny! Keaton was the best Batman tho, followed by Val Kilmer. The new Batmans are trash. I cant stand Batman trying to make his voice as deep as possible when he talks.
  3. I was too young at the time so I have been educated by YT videos, but people were flipping out about Keaton playing Batman in 1989 cuz he was the funny guy from Beetlejuice and Mr Mom and they didnt think he could be Batman in a dark version of it. Boy were they wrong...
  4. Has there been an active member in the past that has past away that we could pay tribute to with the mascot name or an award category?
  5. Daulton would kick Snake Pliskins ass all day! I have never seen The Thing, so I need to get around to it.
  6. My vote is for Dain or WATA. If those are too offensive, lets go with Vinny the Video Game Sager.
  7. Patrick Swayze should be considered the best actor of all time. Do not quote me, do not reply, the conversation is over.
  8. The Sage Awards The Sagies The Purple Gannon Awards The "Whoever our mascot is" with a "ies" after it?
  9. Elias Koteas is one of my favorite actors. Hes just super cool, but ya, he should have been a bigger star.
  10. So is this basically a GBA game that isnt supposed to work on a DS but if you have one that does... ?
  11. I wanted that game for so long, then after seeing many YT videos talking about how bad it is Im glad I never did rent it.
  12. I remember when I got my first Game Gear. I was a lil late to the party cuz it was 1995, but I got NHL All Star Hockey. I LOVED that game!
  13. The Purple Ganon Award needs to be the biggest award or Im not watching...
  14. I swear I cant find anything good to watch live for E3 this year. I gave up and Im going to watch review shows on YT when its over with. PS: I just watched a recap for the Xbox event on Gameranx, I know they are annoying as hell, but the stories they featured really made me want a Series X badly.
  15. Mach Rider - NES I went into Toys R Us when I was like 3 (1988) wanting Excitebike but not knowing the name and unfortunately bought Mach Rider. The game is garbage, but since it was my only game for like a year, I played the hell out of it.
  16. Were not talking about what console, although listing what console the game was on will be helpful. If you were handed down a system with games, can you name every one?
  17. I binge on Carson all the time, but he wasnt nearly as funny as Letterman.
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