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Everything posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. You probably should have bumped the thread you started May 26th with the same question...
  2. I feel its better to protect it with a clear case than potentially damage the label with a sticker. I wouldnt do it...
  3. At home in my own theater. I havent been to a public theater since like 2014.
  4. Damn, that was the last 360 I bought as new. Its up in the collection still... GLWS
  5. I give this movie a 9/10 because its that funny, and its not just stupid funny like an Austin Powers movie, it actually makes some sense. The biggest part of this movie for me is the part played by one of our hometown heroes, Nick Nolte. He go to play a character thats just off the wall and pretty insane due to his time in the war, and he absolutely kills me in this movie.
  6. Since writing this post, I have skipped past anything I see that says WATA in the title and have been much happier. Kinda weird how that worked out...
  7. I cant find anything nice to say about them, so after typing a response to a post, then deleting it all multiple times so I dont sound like a douchebag, so I will just not say anything at all. Thank you for reading.
  8. I used to iron the shit outta my jeans in high school, but anymore its not worth it, so if it has to go back in the dryer for a few mins, so be it...
  9. Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers ft Dave Grohl
  10. Jimmy Fallon He did some of the best impressions on SNL, and whenver he teamed up with Timberlake, they were epic.
  11. Extremely underrated cast member!
  12. Pete Davidson No explanation needed...
  13. Keenan Thompson One of the SNL GOATs, but not appreciated like one yet.
  14. Adam Sandler The most successful celeb to ever come from the main cast by far, and from what they say, a super cool guy. Obvious pick for my example! @Nugfish
  15. Mike Myers Everything this dude did on SNL killed me, and he also wrote and stared in the best movie to come from an SNL skit. Chosen for the Nintendo reference
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