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Everything posted by a3quit4s

  1. My favorite argument so far is Sonic 2 is gonna win because it’s popular and people haven’t played the other games in a fucking game collecting forum full of people who play a shit ton of different games across any system lmao
  2. Had a blast at this and it was really good to meet @Ferris Bueller @Scrobins @dale_coop @neodolphino @doner24 all in person and anyone else I missed cause I didn’t get their user name!!
  3. Oh wow he messaged me as well about grind stormer
  4. Something tells me he would do it for the right price lmaoo
  5. I saw NA signage but not VGS signage lmao
  6. I couldn’t really get comfortable playing this on the plane and on the switch but wanted to make sure I got a score in 9,190 level 4
  7. Didn’t even mention Tails….for shame!
  8. Everyone knows Comix Zone is the best genesis game anyways
  9. No one else headed to this!
  10. MGC this weekend!! I’m landing Friday night and gonna try to get my pass for the weekend then too. If anyone needs help setting anything up let me know! @Ferris Bueller @LaC
  11. Not gonna lie that thing looks dope but $1,200 and I still gotta find a decent shape donor board for it and actually buy a game to play….seems like a lot. Not sure if this is your picture or just one you found. On the off chance it’s your setup what do you think of the MVSX?
  12. Social media free since 2012. Only LinkedIn for finding new jobs and even that is on hibernate right now lmao
  13. Is there a specific supergun that you recommend? It’s my understanding there are many available. I’ve seen this option as well - which consolizer are you using and which MVS board variant? I do like having to buy cheaper MVS games over the more expensive AES versions but logically if that were the case I could just do the NGCD
  14. I picked up Dead Cells for Switch and I’m gonna play that and also need to play RC Pro Am for NES weekly contest
  15. I think a “Big Red” would definitely be the coolest way to go but finding one for sale and having to clean it up or find a working CRT for it and who knows whatever else work one might need or trying to find one mint would be very expensive and then buying the games on top of it….I dunno if I’m up for that kind of commitment lol. I think I’m definitely looking at a console version like AES with a UniBios or like @DorkOverlord suggested a Neo Geo CD since the games are on the cheaper side. I was also looking at the MVSX cabinets and they seem to be pretty cool and come with a good amount of the “bangers” that Neo Geo has. Sort of like a compromise to Big Red and no further money out on games. I might wander the vendor area at MGC and work a trade for an AES/NGCD if I can find one since I have an extra Sega Nomad I need to get rid of or go the MVSX route.
  16. Galf! Golf Story is a criminally underrated game.
  17. I like your suggestion of Neo Geo CD and will definitely be adding this to the list. Are the graphics as robust as on AES/MVS in your opinion?
  18. Odd Tinkering on YouTube is one of my favorite restorers to watch. He does some of the full ins for metal pitting on this video. I think his about has what he uses to do it as well:
  19. Rustoleum is probably what I would go for as an amateur, someone may suggest something better. If you really want a nice shine and protecting finish it off with clear coat as well
  20. If it was me I’d definitely try to remove the old paint first, painting over it is gonna come out bad imo. Maybe something like this or similar product in Canada? If you strip it don’t forget primer before painting! https://www.lowes.com/pd/CitriStrip-32-fl-oz-Regular-Multi-surface-Paint-Stripper-Gel-Removes-Latex-Paint-Oil-based-Paint-Varnish-Lacquer-Polyurethane-Shellac/5003322011?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-pnt-_-ggl-_-LIA_PNT_133_TS-Sanding-Sundries-Surface-Buckets-_-5003322011-_-local-_-0-_-0&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W_L9WwuO4Keu_M1fIf5RsY_j&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2uTx9eChhQMVZEhHAR3Z8AvoEAQYAiABEgItbPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  21. It would be dope if you had the means to sandblast those and repaint them, fresh coat of fire engine red paint is truly beautiful!
  22. I would at least try to use the stores contact form to see if you can get a regular version at least, it’s been so long I doubt they have any of the extras left that you were supposed to get.
  23. Anyone else have the Analogue Duo and have problems ejecting CDs? Like I press the eject button and it sounds like it is doing something and the disc never comes out. Even when I can get it to pop out a little it never comes out more than a tiny bit? Google says other people are having the same issue and having to employ workarounds to….eject a cd? What a total fail
  24. How the crap do they have the Famicom version for sale in their store but you didn’t get a kickstarter copy?? https://projectblue.bigcartel.com/product/project-blue-famicom-cartridge
  25. I got my NES copy years ago, I can’t believe you are still waiting on the Famicom version
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