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Everything posted by austin532

  1. I never bothered to look before but how many Wii Stand variants are there? I found one that looks more gun metal in color and the bottom is black. Did this come with the later released RVL-101 models?
  2. Don't think there is anything that can be done. Clear plastic tends to get cloudy over time and eventually starts to turn color.
  3. I've never seen a coin cell battery leak. They do pop though under extreme temperatures or possibly if they get too low. Which will lead to board damage like this.
  4. Sure if it's possible I prefer to keep the original battery but if needs replacing you got to do it. Otherwise you risk damaging the board. Removing a battery does not de-value a game IMO. They are just generic CR2032 batteries. Nothing special about them at all. If they said Nintendo on them I could see why people would be upset.
  5. Probably just leftover stock. This was released only 2 months after 5 screws stopped so it definitely possible. Must have been right when they switched over to security bits.
  6. Either it was a repair job or the factory had some old 5 screw shell stock laying around and used it. Could also be a fake as well.
  7. They have a much better refresh rate compared to the 101's. Hardly any motion blur. Of course they are not backlit and require some type of light source.
  8. I also have a sealed Loopz I need to open as well. I can't imagine that game having multiple prints so I'm sure the insides are the same.
  9. Yup, that's how I got most of my games back then.
  10. Yes, it's more for curiosity. I remember how cheap some games were but it's always neat to look back on.
  11. Funcoland sheets and old price guide books are the only things I can think off. I don't think either of those are archived.
  12. Pricecharting only goes as far back as 2008. Is there any site that has archived prices before that time?
  13. I was just thinking about this as well. There are several variants with the power cords while the the av cables only had like 2-3 versions.
  14. I don't get it either. Gamecube games are selling for way more then they should.
  15. I haven't had any luck with third party ones. They are either too stiff or too tall.
  16. No plans to sell any of them. If I'm willing to open them destroying their "value" it means I'm keeping them.
  17. Decided to re-organize my sealed games. It's been really slow lately with buying any sealed NES games but I think I have some new ones since my last picture. I have no idea what to open next.
  18. I guess what I mean is when every company was trying to cash in on gimmicky motion controls. Yes PSVR and even the Switch still uses them but it's not like it was 10-12 years ago.
  19. Not only is it a reseal but the case is fake as well. My condolences to however wins that thinking it's real... Here's a real one.
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