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Everything posted by inasuma

  1. I submitted Turbo on Jan 4th. you're right, the turnaround was actually 30 days or somewhere around there.
  2. To be fair, you sent them in when the estimated turnaround was only 15 business days (jan this year, right?). What's even more puzzling is I sent in a turbo order at the same time (early jan) and it was graded and shipped back by mid-february. nothing makes sense
  3. I have two N64 games that are shown as "scanned" (even though I know they were already graded), from a 4/23 order.
  4. All the more for those of us only grading game boy games.
  5. One more since I exceeded the file size limit
  6. Recently had these reholdered with 3D labels. I got 2D initially and kinda punched myself for it. Anywho, great to have them back.
  7. I think you’re right. HA only deals with wata with the exception of cases of sealed games. Though I’m unclear on if HA will crack sealed cases to confirm authenticity or not.
  8. Lately in my experience it’s more like: Seller: “eh, no ones been biting for my price so I’m considering grading anyway.” which inevitably leads to the ever frustrating convo of “okay then… Grade it? No one will pay this price ungraded. If you’re not going to negotiate on price then just take the listing down.” And other obvious points about wasting buyers’ time. Also my favorite, right after a record breaking sale for a game, a seller has a slightly lower grade than what sold at auction and their justification for a higher price (despite lower grade) is: “the auction price went low IMO.” This actually happened to me and it was cringe. the whole market is a meme at this point lol
  9. As 3rd said… it will be longer, sadly. Door to door the whole thing will likely take more than 4 months, ie 3-4x their estimates. We should expect them to update turnaround times again soon, prices and maybe even close off turbo entirely. especially with the 1.5m Mario 64, more attention is on grading than ever before.
  10. On eBay, I set my listed price a bit over what I’d accept. Then I set my offer minimum exactly where I’d be comfortable.
  11. the handful of items i never scooped up last year are really kicking my ass.
  12. well, in fairness to wata, they've had material shortages (allegedly, i've not confirmed personally; just heard it from someone) and also there's a separate "QA" process that likely involves additional human validation. so in many ways the grading stage is only ever going to be ~1/2 of the full process, at best. combined with shortages, more checks, and encapsulation, the delays make a lot more sense.
  13. do you accept swag bucks either way, putting my vote in for dead or alive xtreme beach volleyball
  14. Anyone remember when products like analogue pocket were gonna release in may this year? pepperridge farm remembers.
  15. Nothing makes sense and it will continue to make no sense. lol
  16. Bumppppppin in the club willing to pay those top dollars for these games homies
  17. this thread will bode well for VGS' seo rating and also for bots targeting adult content. nice.
  18. Seal looks a little wonky. The best tell will be if there's dirt or scratches on the game _beneath_ the seal.
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