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Everything posted by inasuma

  1. There's three threads on pop reports now and one is locked. lol It doesn't matter to me who does it first, but I think if either VGA or Wata were to start publishing pops, the other would be incentivized to do it, too.
  2. Would you mind sharing pictures? That really is a bummer. Worst I've experienced is that there are bubbles in the plastic lips, both top and bottom, where the case was heat pressed or something. It isn't sightly but I couldn't imagine having a case like you say.
  3. I’ve been collecting sealed mega man for a few years but I've always seemed to miss out on this one. Hit me up if you have one you're willing to part with. Offering a 5% bounty if you know someone with a copy, they're open to selling, and we make a deal.
  4. I appreciate that you’re approaching the hobby in earnest for Goldin. Best of luck and I hope the results are positive!
  5. “someone” you say but for real I’m just glad someone got it. can’t wait to see it
  6. Couple more from the initial list (think Adam missed these) legend: <box total>/<seal total> [REDACTED] EDIT: sorry to double post
  7. Sorry for tonnage of mega man games. I happen to have quite a few and wanted to get those specifically. it’s interesting to see 8 gold NWC carts were graded. That’s about 1/3 (26 total) having passed through wata’s hands!
  8. I pulled a pretty decent chunk of raw data (overlaps with what Adam posted above), will share here once I’m back at my computer.
  9. It is indeed. all the "variants" they list for each game also include the detailed description. Anything mentioning "cart", for example, is a reference to only something you'd know with a CIB game. It's confusing though because they mix ALL variants together: countries, CIB, sealed, even some vague variants that make no mention seal, tear strips, or carts. It's pretty vague all things considered. I'm currently seeing how easy it is to parse out CIB vs sealed for strictly USA games and tbh, i'm considering just grabbing the data and dumping it for someone else to parse out. I'm not super educated on all the variants for a given game.
  10. looks like wata does expose a "count" field for each game variant returned to the network request when searching for games in their submission form. no shenanigans here: it's easily accessible, and i agree that it's strange it's even included in the payload. sadly it does not differentiate sealed vs CIB, so the true division there is anyone's guess. [REDACTED] i mean, i may or may not be building a list now. Edit: nvm, you can differentiate because the CIB ones always say "cart" or some other descriptors for the internals of the game. sealed games only describe the box. fun. Edit 2: nvm, the whole CIB vs sealed thing isn’t real. Each ”variant” merely refers to a piece of the game in question. Eg seal, cart, manual, box. Kinda confusing haha
  11. sev They give kind of a disingenuous response if we're being honest. They have the data, they have the database, they have a website. I'm a software engineer by trade. Give me 2 weeks to learn their system and I'll implement it for them. There's really no excuse here. Before it was a matter of low pop being used to manipulate the market. But it's three years later and hundreds of thousands of games presumably graded. Their matrix tech is cool but a mobile app shouldn't stop them from publishing a simple, searchable table UI No. Excuse. EDIT: Bonus: their whole site is written in React with an api-based backend. I could build this in my sleep. lol
  12. Are you seeing these despite the grades not showing in the normal dashboard?
  13. Currently struggling to buy another steel book bundle of SwSh and the SwSh switch lite. Should have just bought it months ago
  14. What an interesting game boy color game box design re: doc cosmos. And by interesting I mean eye sore. But still very unique. Is the game any good? Haha
  15. just arrived today. super clean copy of one of my favorite games. i posted it before it arrived in the sealed collecting section but now wish i had waited to post it here. lol
  16. Just picked up this absolutely stunning fusion. Seller was very generous on pricing too. Can’t wait to see it in person.
  17. Saw your new website @VideoGameGradersLLC. It's looking pretty good now. The label is also a massive step up! I think if there's room left for improvement, it's 1) with the case design, 2) proving authority/experience in your marketing pitch, and 3) some slight graphic design improvements (this last point is a huge nit pick, overall it's really well done!). For real, best of luck and I hope it works out!
  18. I don’t see an H-seam, and to my knowledge, Nintendo always printed their first party games that way at the time. Some retailers would do a reseal of their own if the items arrived with ripped cellophane, or if they were opened for display purposes and then sold. so I’m leaning toward reseal, unless someone knows about Nintendo allowing third party seals in the 90s. edit: nvm, I see the h-seam. Seems legit. I’d consider it a reseal if you look closely and see dirt and surface damage (other than crushing) on the box
  19. Goldin auctions sends me a print magazine of their upcoming stuff. Mind you I gave them my info only once to make my account.
  20. Sealed? Good god, man. Don’t flood the market all at once now.
  21. Rethinking my original point, I think it’s fair to say wata should have seen this coming.
  22. This is kind of unfair considering wata has a backlog like every other grading company in 2021. As soon as your game is up, having waited a few months, its value is now higher and therefore has higher liability. It’s not that nefarious,
  23. What did they want money for? Did you ask for the deep badge upgrade or was your game valued higher than what you declared in the submission?
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