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Everything posted by croagunk

  1. My Nintendo rewards for New Pokémon Snap and the coin pins arrived in the mail. Also went thrifting today. Got a CIB copy of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for Xbox 360 for $5. It was an exciting day for CIB PS2 games: Got Jampack Summer 2003, SoulCalibur II, and Pac-Man World 2 for $5 altogether.
  2. Got a loose copy of *NSYNC: Get to the Show on GBC.
  3. Definitely. I wish there was a mute button just for the Rabbids. Lol
  4. Got these 3DS games cart-only for pretty cheap. New Super Mario Bros. 2, Mario Kart 7, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Miitopia, and Super Mario 3D Land.
  5. Definitely. I got it at a place that usually asks $5 for a game no matter what it is. I guess things have changed .
  6. Scored a CIB copy of Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii. It was $15 at a thrift store.
  7. There is now a DC Super Hero Girls: Teen Power drawstring bag up.
  8. It’s not as expensive as some games, but I’d like to have that Hey You, Pikachu game for the N64. The game is cheap locally, about $15. It’s the mic and all that you need to play it that are expensive. I’ve seen the two bundled locally for $80. I’m gonna pass, unless a miracle drops the price.
  9. The LEGO Star Wars games are really good. I especially recommend the Complete Saga game. I played it on the Wii. It’s available in lots of other formats, including the Xbox 360 and PS3. Gameplay can vary in difficulty, but is generally easy. Cutscenes are re-enacted with animated LEGO figures, sometimes comically. I love playing through the movies. As for not having a huge connection, I find LEGO games are still enjoyable without knowing much about the subject matter. I’m not too familiar with some of the other movies they release games for, but still have fun playing.
  10. I like Yoshi’s Cookie on GB more than NES.
  11. I missed out on this game as a kid. I loved Pokémon, but my older brother was at the point where he was over it. We pretty much only got games for Christmas, and I didn’t ask for this game because I figured it would be better to get a game we could play together. As the years went by, the GameCube was left in the dust behind the Wii and DS. Fast forward, I am a bit of a video game collector. I am thinking once again about this game. I know GameCube collecting has become more of a craze lately, and that has jacked up prices. I did not want to drop $200+ CAD on a video game, but this game was quickly headed in that direction. I frequented the local used video game store, but they never seemed to have that game. Frankly, I was afraid what they would ask for the game if they had it. One day, I went in and it was there. $120. Not as bad as expected. I still asked if they could do any better and they said $110. I jumped on it. I pay almost $100 for a new Switch game post-tax, anyway. Best purchase in a long time.
  12. That’s awesome! Congrats on your full set!
  13. 8/10. Great console. I don’t have a whole lot of games for it, but they sure have gotten a lot of play. I also play PS1 games on mine because it’s more reliable. I love how my PS2 is more hardy than my PS1.
  14. Awesome! Good luck with your collection!
  15. 7/10 for me. Lots of amazing games on it. The motion controls are okay, I just wish more games allowed you to use a regular controller.
  16. I like shorts! They’re comfy and easy to wear!
  17. That’s awesome, lol. It’s definitely a lot of money for a game, but there are games going for more. I know a lot of people love collecting variants, so I’d say it’s a grail for those collectors since it doesn’t seem plentiful.
  18. The prices for Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness on the GameCube are insane. The GBA Pokémon games too. Maybe five years ago I bought a CIB copy of Colosseum off a guy for $20 Canadian (also bought a loose FireRed off him for $20). As of right now, according to the GameEye app, Colosseum is valued at $176 (FireRed is $99). I didn’t get around to getting a CIB XD until a few months ago because I couldn’t find one locally. I managed to find one at a local used game store. I knew at this point I would have to pay up, but I really wanted this game. They wanted $120, but I got it for $110. GameEye says it’s valued at $260 now. I predict these games will not drop in price. They may even continue to soar. People just love Pokémon that much.
  19. I’d say as much as 30%. Along with the points @Tulpa said, I’m sure the amount of games destroyed for donor carts for repros and home brews and such is quite high. Although I’m sure sometimes new carts are made, it’s not always the case and it can be cheaper just to take apart a cheap game.
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