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Everything posted by a_profile_name

  1. Both new and authentic! Have to get my hands on this rare variant lol, obviously this one of a kind item is under priced at $60.
  2. Started playing starfox adventures, retired after 5 hours.... Really, this game is bad. I know it got somewhat solid reviews when it came out, but I really couldn't get any enjoyment out of it. I really feel like the only pro this game has is that it looks and sounds good. Other then that, just dull gameplay, together with a bunch of very irritating mechanics.
  3. I was planning on playing Leafgreen this summer and now it's like $100+ Guess I'll wait for next summer lol It might take some time for prices to drop but I really can't imagine it being sustainable at these prices
  4. Here is the trend I'm noticing: it looks like the prices are jacked up the most for games that were moderately expansive to begin with. There are a couple of games I've been looking forward to purchase one of couple of gb/a games that used to sell loose for like $40-$60 and I try to limit myself on purchases like these, which are the top of my personal price range. So I wait a lot before any such purchase and make them infrequent. Now I was looking to see if maybe I'll buy one of them and all of these games I wanted jumped 50% to 100% which is ridiculous. On the other hand, anything that was reasonable (or almost reasonable) before (i.e. $20 or less for loose gba games) stayed the same. Was there some kind of stimulus money in the US or something? It looks like one day all the people got up together and made purchases they were holding off... At least that's what I make of this situation, were the more pricey stuff gets even pricier, and the rest stays unchanged.
  5. When I searched my parents house for the old gamecube games we had, I was disappointed to find out that Mario Kart:DD was missing. I remembered it as my second favorite gamecube game, after ssbm. It is extremely unlikely it was sold since almost no one in my country had a gamecube. But then, I didn't find a save slot for it in the memory card. So I started to question my memory - is it possible that I never had the game? Also, I'm 100% certain that I didn't play at on a cube owned by someone else - only once I played on another cube, and the game was ssbm. So the actual question is - is it possible that I never played the game?? Then I found another memory card for the cube, and I thought to myself that now I'll finally prove that I'm not delusional. But there was no Mario Kart slot on the second memory card as well... So now I'm pretty sure that yeah - I probably never played the game. This is the only logical explanation, even though my memory says otherwise. My guess is that my memories of Double Dash are actually memories of Mario Kart Wii, for which we did have a copy. Also, when I was younger I used to get obsessed with games I didn't get, watching ridiculous amount of footage and reading reviews. So maybe that's why I remember many of the tracks. What about you? Do you have any weird stories of false memories related to games and collecting?
  6. So I wanted to buy pokemon yellow this month, and I was ready to say bye to like $30, which is the price I saw a couple of weeks ago. But now shitty copies go for $55 and nice copies go for $70. WTF? I also looked up pokemon blue, same prices. This is insane, I bought a copy for $30 one month ago, and even then it seemed too high.
  7. gb/a games: Also, still catching up on missing manuals: Lastly, two gcn games, both complete. The Canadian release of fzero gx I got for 28 GBP shipped I'm pretty sure this is the first time I get something for significantly less then the ebay going price.
  8. This is the wii version of the site. The gamecube version has everything with the right orientation. If you agree to pay 5 times more, you the correct version.
  9. Lukie doesn't want buyers who know what they are doing. Their whole business is built around selling absurdly priced shitty items to people who don't know any better.
  10. Only now I noticed they actually call this a "reproduction" in their official grade / description label. I think this can legally be considered a form of deception. Maybe someone here should start making "repro" wata slabs, see how they react.
  11. This is hilarious, but honestly I'd prefer to get banned, then get the seller leaving the "best offer" to rot until it's expired (instead of just declining).
  12. Only thing better then finding my lost copy of loz:ww? ... Finding my old memory card with all the save files inside: I'm most happy about 212 trophies in the ssbm save file from 2008. Now I'm going for all of them, and finish what I started more then a decade ago.
  13. Please update if you find these! I'll be very happy to have them too.
  14. I can put the star wolf "dramatic villain" theme on loop all day
  15. For me it's VC as well. I used to play it a lot in middle school, and I also played 3 and SA. Today, I've lost the ability to enjoy it. Whenever I see footage from the game it just strikes me as tasteless obscenity and violence. Not that I'm trying to make a statement or anything, just feels like my personal preferences changed and I simply can't see games like this as "fun" anymore.
  16. I really like sml. But I'm biased, it was the first Mario game I ever played, plus the first game I ever owned.
  17. What's the purpose of it? Is just for advertisement in the store? If so, why did they bother to put a game inside?
  18. Very nice to find a fellow mathematician over here! I'll be very happy to discuss more. Anyway, I pm'd with more details.
  19. Mathematics. Well, trying at least... You know, in academia being with other peers is like oxygen, given how inherently detached and fringe your day-to-day interests are. So all the pandemic and social distancing is a big obstacle right now. But I'm trying keep optimism until all of this crisis is over.
  20. Of course. All I'm saying is that even back then if you woud have bought a used copy at a store (which would have been cart only), youl'd pay around the same price. I'm not using this to say this is a bargin, but to say that this is reasonable. Well, reasonable in the sense that most people see the inherent value of the item as lying roughly in that ballpark. Many of you guys are used to being able to get these for dirt cheap, but people starting today simply shouldn't have this expectation to begin with. Now, you are right that cibs can easily go out of someones price range. Personally, I could have afforded to buy cibs but I didn't want to because the price is totally not worth it for me. But again, this makes sense because most people didn't keep them that way. People who collect cib should be grateful they can find good condition copies given the shitty cardboard. If they want it bad enough, then they can pay. And yeah, even buying 20 nes cib games (expansive ones, but not super expansive) is something most people can afford over a couple of years. You can look at it and say it's said they can only choose 20 to own, and not hundreds, or alternatively you can say it's nice they can still find well preserved copies in the box of something manufactured more then 30 years ago as a toy.
  21. So, I'm one of these people new to this, and I have to say there is no need to feel sorry for us. After all, people adjust their expectations according to what's relevant for them. Do you feel sorry for people that they can't buy an NWC cart? If right from the beginning you could realistically only get a small portion of your collection, you would have felt happy with this small portion. Maybe you'd be happy to own other stuff as well, but it would have been more of a "I want to win the lottery" kind of desire, as opposed to a realistic desire. Those who are new to this should simply be happy with what's available for them. I'll try to illustrate with my experience: For almost everything I buy, I pay full market price (I don't live in the US and the collecting community over here is extremely small especially for what I'm interested in, so ebay is my only option). You can browse my posts in "what's new in your collection" and see that unfortunately the stuff I'm interested in are the popular Nintendo first party stuff (which are hyped and overpriced). For gb/c/a and n64 I try to get them cart + manual and for ngc I try to get them complete with all the inserts. Sounds pricey? Well, there are only a handful of games for which I paid more then 50% original msrp, the most I paid was for Majora's Mask (original msrp for cart + manual). I guess that many of you probably think this is expansive (for items in question), but taking inflation into account, paying full msrp today is equivalent to 50%-70% msrp from the early 90s to the early 00s (exact % depends on what specific year we are talking about). And again, for most of the stuff I still don't pay over half the msrp (so adjusted for inflation - no more then 1/4-1/3 the msrp). Is this a good deal? Obviously no. But I still think it's a reasonable price to pay for a game you want to play and/or own. One effect is that it makes me value what I do purchase more. Can the prices be lower? Probably. My only rule is that when I buy something I should beok with the market value going down to 0 (which I believe will eventually happen, or more realistically, very close to 0). I think that if everyone had this rule then prices would have been much lower. But people probably justify their purchases by saying that they'll be able to sell it for as high as they bought. What you should really feel sorry for is these people. Not because they might loose money - but because even if their items keep value, I still don't envy them. It seems much more stressful and less fun when everything becomes a financial calculation. So I think instead of asking "is it worth buying this for $x today when 10 years ago it was fourth the price?", people should ask "do I want this enough to pay $x for this?". This will make them realize that most of the time, $x is still lower then what they would have payed (even for a used copy) when it came out. This is something they should be happy about.
  22. Research (grad) student. So yeah, the taxpayer pays my humble salary.
  23. Super creepy. Though honestly I really think the seller is not a native English speaker and meant something more like "I'll be very happy if you buy it. Also, I'm keeping this item for you :)".
  24. TIL there exists a websites where you can buy virtual land for real money (I don't to pollute the boards with a link, you can google it). What you do with this land? Sell it to others, of course. No blockchain or anything, just one company controlling the initial "supply", to which you send your real to money, get virtual money "pegged to the usd", and use it to buy "land". It seems to be extremely hard to pull your funds from the system. Some youtubers are pumping these "investments". The company running this is also doing referral promotions and give (virtual) dividends for the land you own, so essentially the money in the system isn't backed by real money. People are actually comparing this to crypto. My brain hurts.
  25. Investors are great, especially those who buy up new releases. They give me peace of mind knowing that if I catch up with modern era gamest 10-15 from now, the market will be flooded with copies for cheap. Maybe they'll need some work like cracking the grading company slab, but still probably worth it.
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