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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I can’t get the actual site to load on my phone at the moment so I can’t verify that it’s still up, but here’s the AtariAge thread documenting the Jaguar fan site: https://atariage.com/forums/topic/293599-atari-jaguar-fan-site-frozen-in-time-since-2000/
  2. This thread has made me kinda want one just a little bit more now. Damn you all!
  3. Actually there’s another. I’ll try and find it. It’s like looking in a time machine.
  4. It’s a console I want but I don’t know if I am willing to spend the money required to own one. Seems popular with the guys at Atari Age though and I believe its got an okay homebrew scene. If I remember correctly, isn’t there a website still up about the Atari Jaguar from back when it was in production that is basically untouched?
  5. When I was a kid and my brother brought home the Dreamcast for the first time, this one really stood out for me. Today it’s not really my thing (prefer 2D Sonic) but it’s okay for what it is. I gave it a 7.
  6. Sorry to hijack the thread further, and I don’t mean to sound condescending toward any religious folks, but this all sounds similar to how I used to be. When I was a religious teen I used to try (emphasis on try, didn’t always happen) to avoid games with magic systems/demons/etc. To this day I haven’t touched the Persona series though now I’d like to (time is the limiting factor these days). I think I remember figuring out that I was raised in a similar or the same denomination of church. That denomination places very heavy emphasis on the spiritual realm and spiritual warfare. Like I said, I don’t want this to sound condescending or like I’m bashing so if anyone is actually curious about it, I can talk about it via PM.
  7. because they are in large volume lots the condition is average and so therefore no pictures are needed! Jfc hahaha. My advice to everyone here is to save yourself the trouble and just move along. No way this transaction ends with you satisfied.
  8. When I played NES growing up, I played what my brother had. I was too young to really have a say until the N64’s later years. That being said, he didn’t have Kid Icarus so Brawl was my first introduction to Pit and really the first time I considered exploring games outside of the main Nintendo pantheon. I guess, besides the love of old stuff and Nintendo, you could say the desire to explore games I’ve never experienced is a major driving factor for me.
  9. It has one of my favorite games of all time on it (FFIII). But I do prefer the Genesis overall. Still, top tier. You can’t go wrong. I gave it a 7 out of 10 for me personally, but objectively it’s higher than that.
  10. When Smash Bros. Brawl came out when I was in middle school I made it my goal to collect every NES game those characters were from (the ones that were from NES games, anyway). I took a hiatus from collecting video games after that to collect musical instruments. Then one day in college while thrifting I found a GameCube and remembered how thankful I was to have kept my childhood copies of stuff like Double Dash, Sunshine, etc. and I wanted to get back into GameCube and explore more of that library. Eventually branched back into other consoles like NES, SNES, N64. I creeped my way into collecting Sega to see what I had completely missed when I was younger and I fell in love with Sega stuff. So now I’ve got a Master System, Genesis, CD collection (My Dreamcast collection is lacking and I’m just now getting back into Saturn) to complement my Nintendo stuff. I’m experiencing an entire side of gaming that I never had before. One day while game hunting I picked up a Game & Watch and was fascinated by the simplicity of the tech. It was then that I decided I wanted to collect pre-NES stuff because I loved the history behind it and the simplicity of the hardware and software. Now I’ve got a huge Atari collection, some Intellivision, etc. but my G&W collection is the same size because that stuff is pricey. I also love collecting Game Boy almost as an extension of my love of the G&W stuff. I’m one of those Gunpei Yokoi nerds. So yeah a combo of nostalgia, fascination with the history behind the industry, a desire to branch out from my childhood tastes and experience new games, and a heaping spoonful of OCD.
  11. The one screw Zelda? It’s absolutely real. I have picture evidence:
  12. Yeah, I remember this being one of the pricier Wii titles at the end of the Wii/beginning of the Wii U era. This is why I generally advise against speculating on modern stuff. A reprint is almost never out of the question. We’re seeing this happen now with some retail Switch games.
  13. I went on a date with a girl this past Saturday who has a game collection of her own and has two of each of the Zelda CD-i games. Anyway that’s my experience with the CD-i, see you all next time!
  14. I echo the sentiment earlier in the thread that I have no desire to argue about this stuff on a video game forum (same reason I’ve been in the politics and COVID thread less) but I’ll leave with this. I’m a white dude who grew up in the South. I have never personally experienced discrimination, but I have hung out with friends of different races and watched it happen in front of my eyes. It’s a disgusting feeling walking around a store and having the sweet elderly couple who smiled at you on the way in follow your black friend around the entire time with a stern look. And that’s just one of many instances I can recall. It’s not an uncommon thing, and it’s happened in the northeast as well. Racism is still very alive and well in the United States, it didn’t die with MLK like our textbooks teach us it did.
  15. @Code MonkeyI’m trying to reply to you without any snide remarks or annoyance in my words but it’s hard because everything you’re saying is so off base. I’m going to chalk it up to ignorance (and hope that’s the case) and address it as such. You say you live in Canada. You admit to being ignorant of what’s going on down here, so I’ll fill you in. The police culture in the United States has/is a huge problem. I say that as someone who has been close friends with many police officers throughout the years, so I’m not “just biased.” Individual investigations and watch dog groups find evidence of things like quotas, planting evidence (such as drugs), excessive or unnecessary force, and yes, racist policing practices. Former officers report these things. Despite being a smaller overall portion in our country, African Americans are disproportionately affected by unwarranted police attention and often aggression. This is without even bringing other minority groups into the equation such as Hispanic people, but I’m sure you can guess the numbers don’t swing in favor of the police. Yes, the police still undeservedly attack white people in the United States too (this fact only strengthens the idea that police are in need of reform, not sure why pro-police people repeat this ad nauseam). But nowhere near the proportion at which they target minorities. People can ignore the data all they want but it’s there. I can go on and on about the issues with policing in America (such as some departments rejecting potential recruits for having too high of a GPA) but ill be shocked if anyone reads this entire post as it’s long enough already. Ultimately, this protest wasn’t just about George Floyd. It’s a response to the fact that we as Americans have seen this thing happen again, and again, and again, and again, and again, damn near regularly since people started carrying small computers with cameras in their pockets. But it didn’t start recently. African Americans have been saying that this has been happening to them for decades, and it’s taken video evidence like Floyd’s murder for us to start listening. It’s not just about race (although that is a huge part that shouldn’t be ignored), it’s about putting a stop to police brutality in our country, which is, objectively, an issue here.
  16. Some cool Atari finds in Crazy Climber (mail-in only at the time) and this Pole Position error variant, along with this cool Nintendo buyer’s guide from back in the day with game descriptions/screenshots/etc.
  17. I went on a date last night with a girl who has a bit of a retro collection herself. She told me a few years ago she bought a sealed copy of Pokémon TCG on Game Boy Color and opened it to play it. Remembering the recent episode about games that came with trading cards I told her the sealed copies are worth a lot these days. She looked at the current prices. She cringed at her past self’s actions. Thanks for the fun date night convo!
  18. Technological feats are great and all, but I still don’t think the original DKC trilogy graphics hold up today. FF7 was a monumental/technological leap over FF6 but I don’t think anyone would say today that OG-FF7 looks better. Couple the fact that they’re easier on the eyes + tighter controls and I think the Sonic games hold up better in hindsight. Don’t know why Sega got insecure and made Vectorman in response, because IMO they already had a plethora of better playing platformers. That should’ve been their angle when responding to DKC, but hey, it was Sega in the mid-90s. The Genesis was released two years before the SNES and is less powerful, so the fact that it still competed and had Nintendo sweating despite the SNES’s inherent advantages speaks volumes to the quality of the Genesis.
  19. The what? 9 out of 10 for me, but could easily be 10 depending on my mood. I have a hard time choosing any console to be my #1, same thing I said in the Genesis thread despite that console also being very well capable of being a 10 for me.
  20. Fantastic series, a 7 or 8 on a bad day. My only (personal) gripe is that I go in spurts where I’m addicted and then stop for months.
  21. I see we were talking about Donkey Kong Country above *puts on fire-proof suit* All three Sonic games are better platformers than all three DKC games Sorry but I just can’t get into those games. And they’re my sister’s favorite SNES games so believe me, I’ve had plenty of experience with them. They feel... too floaty? And the visual style, while impressive at the time, looks gross today.
  22. There’s just something about Japanese SF and N64 covers
  23. Finally got my Heavy Sixer card punched. If I want to be a REAL Atari collector, then next up is Chase the Chuckwagon, I guess? This is a console variant that was produced for a short time. If I have my history correct, this is a hybrid between a Sunnyvale model and Taiwanese model, produced in the short time between the complete transition from Heavy Sixers (made in USA) to Light Sixers (made overseas). Under the hood it is still a Heavy Sixer though.
  24. Yeah it can be a small gamble regarding which unit can play what but overall they will play most anything you throw at them. As far as Activision games I do have issue with Frostbite on mine. I forgot about Imagic games, yeah they’re a tight fit on my 7800 too.
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