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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. Well written good sir. I honestly am more informed now . Sorry it took so long to read, I been a busy boy. Looking forward to reading more!
  2. wish i could afford that, but i am trying to do my part
  3. ***Disclaimer: I asked gloves if I could do this, so with his permission here goes. This is for site costs and to get you guys something in return besides this cool new forum we have .*** So, Seeing as how there has been interest in this, lets see what you all think. Teespring.com seems to be what lots of youtubers, etc. use. --What is everyone's feelings on this provider? --Is the merch. quality? --Has anyone ever ordered off of their site and got a quality T or other merch? --Offers more than just t shirts!! Want a mug, get one with the logo and enjoy your morning brew! --One up side is that they seem to ship worldwide so that is a major plus. --Any negative results from teespring? Post feedback in the thread and let lets see what we can come up with.
  4. I'm sure more will be implemented in time, but thanks Glad we can at least get something going!!
  5. Feedback for my transactions! Positive Neutral Negative 5 0 0
  6. I was thinking something similar, but in a subforum, How bout you just start a thread and I start a thread in the subforum and then everyone can search for ur name or my name and see what all we have done so far with the feedback This would have to be a nonspammed thread tho. and only open to those we do deals with
  7. Might I suggest someone who is part of the staff look into this to help with costs. Not sure who would want to spearhead this but I for one would support this fully and represent. obviously some research needs to be done on best supplier, quality, etc.
  8. Welcome! Enjoy the new updated site we now call home!
  9. Welcome. Hope find your next 10. Hopefully the sale threads will start popping up to help ya out with that!
  10. East Central Indiana, Near Muncie, Anderson, Richmond area, little city called New Castle
  11. No need to Splain yourself.......gameboy games are great, especially on road trips if you don't do the drivin'
  12. A Link to the Past for me. Loved playing as a kid, played again this year and just enjoyed the hell out of it. Like many others, but this one is just done so well imo.
  13. Happy to see the crowd. Love the fresh start and the ease of the site.
  14. Probably a given, but a link to the discord, prolly planned but not able until demo is over?
  15. Jeevan

    WTB Map for DW 4

    Please message me with details. Looking to find one in good condition.
  16. yes, but not offline users..........didnt know, seems like it will be easy enough to pm someone if need be tho. just was wondering.
  17. Am i missing it? or is there no directory for all users active/inactive?
  18. roger that, just tryin to think ahead for trolls.
  19. I can forsee someone getting angry and spamming the shit outta the calendar. Possible to have mods and above only update this? Or is that possible, I dont see why it wouldnt be but wondering. Wouldn't want someone to drunk spam stuff there.............or just do it to spite someone
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