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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. Lots of cats like the smell of feet, and will treat a sweaty sock like catnip. Mine wraps himself around my feet while I sleep.
  2. Great book and movie. And the lawyer gets it which is always a winner for me. 10/10.
  3. One of my former cats, way to smart for his own good (and ours) pried one of those open to get the ball out, then promptly lost interest. Every other cat loved it, and it looks like yours does too.
  4. In olden days, games had to be almost completely rewritten to run on different platforms due to wildly varying capabilities. A game like Frogger, for instance looks and feels different on the Atari 2600 than it does on the 5200, and different again on the Odyssey2, C64, TI99, or any of the other platforms it was released for. For the 2600 and C64, at least, the game was released by multiple companies each of which wrote thier own version. I consider all of those to be different games. This differentiation shrinks as you advance to later console generations, to the point that I think if you're buying a game on any of the current platforms you're getting pretty much the same thing. FWIW, I don't consider label, packaging, or even name changes, all of which were common in the 2600 days, to constitute "different" games, though they can be fun variants to collect.
  5. I will always remember him as The Spleen from Mystery Men
  6. Memento, Inception, and Dark Knight are all great but I think Oppenheimer might just top them all.
  7. The holy grail I'd like to get is a working Commodore 65, with a TI-99/8 running a close second. I already own a number of things others might consider grails, but nothing that anybody's mentioned so far other than a green/blue pair of those Game Factory carts.
  8. Most games didn't exist until after I graduated, so this was an easy pick.
  9. 1798? I assume it run on an Abacus? Mine's the older model and lacks a cassette port.
  10. Mid-year catchup. All the stuff, excluding a few dupes not shown, was picked up in the wild (garage sales and thrifts) so far this year. A few days early, but my accumulator box is full so here we go: Hardware: Last thing I need is another Atari but I don't have this Sears box style and it was only $2. Also didn't need another Wii but this one was only $10 and is preloaded with the Homebrew Channel and a bunch of emulators so will be fun to play with. Has the way-cool hand drawn case decorations, too. Also picked up this Xbox 360S to augment the OG system I got last year. All systems work and came with cords and controllers. I'm constantly amazed at the free stuff I find at garage sales. This 55" Samsung came with cords and remote and has a small overbright spot on the screen from some sort of impact but was free and complements the old CRT on my game wall (lousy image quality is my fault, not the TV's): And, finally, games. Xbox 360 games continue to be cheap and plentiful. Paid between 25cents and $3 for each of these, with an average of about $2. Not many others: a few Wii and GameCube games, one PS2, a few 3DS, an older (sealed) PC game, and my first Switch game (even though I don't have a Switch yet, I'm sure they'll start turning up soon). They were all $1 apiece except the Switch Mana game ($5). Looking forward to the 2nd half of the year.
  11. I've used Tacky Glue for reattaching Atari 2600 cart end labels many times without issue.
  12. If I put an ad out like that, I'd probably get 3 offers topping out at $60.
  13. 9/10. A truly great film. I admit I grew a little tired of the series as it went on but the 1st one is terrific.
  14. Same time, though the the burger has priority and I'll leave soggy or cold fries behind.
  15. Been years, but I remember it as an entertaining watch. I tend to judge these kinds of things by how entertaining they are, and not at all whether they follow some 'canon', be it a videogame, book, or movie series. 6/10
  16. I have used similar products and can answer yes to your first 2 questions. It helped keep the room cooler but wasn't sufficient on its own so I also added blinds. A darker product might have worked better but I also wanted privacy which the blinds provided. Preventing fading wasn't my goal so I don't know how effective it would be for that. Wasn't hard to do with a small squeegee and was still in place 25 years later when I moved.
  17. Signs, signs, everywhere a sign......
  18. I'm amazed that any CD-i title could command this sort of price. Uber-rare, to be sure, but it's an infotainment title for a generally unloved system. The demand side of the supply vs demand equation just doesn't seem to be there, or are are there more CD-i collectors that I thought?
  19. Yes, the sequel sucked, saved only by the fact that I had recently visited St Maarten and stood on the dock where the movie ended. Always fun to see a locale you're familiar with.
  20. nrslam


    I did you one better: I married a Mensan so she can do all the smart stuff and I can have fun being stoopid.
  21. 7, though it should get a bonus point for the Roger Rabbit cartoon.
  22. Back row center if I can get it. Nobody kicking my seat or climbing over me to get to the bathroom. Also, one of the perks of retirement, we usually go to an early, midweek show when most other folk are at school or work. Even an extremely popular movie in its first week, like SMB, will only have a handful of other attendees, and frequently we're alone. Cheaper too.
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