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Everything posted by nrslam

  1. I'm trying to not upload too many photos, so I stitched a bunch together to make a single image that I hope will still count as proof. Here's the Sega and Sony photo, and I'll make several badge request posts based on this photo, starting with: COLLECT - Systems: Sega 32X Fullset
  2. An above average Christmas movie, and I watch it every 3 or 4 years. Can't imagine watching it at any other time of year, though.
  3. My votes were mainly what I want it to be: Switch compatible, OLED, hybrid system, physical media, and early release. Otherwise, I don't have any idea or, really, much interest in what color it is or some of the other questions. And, should it not be backwards compatible, let's hope for blowout prices on Switch consoles and games.
  4. I thought it was great, and just watched it again for the 2nd year in a row. Might be my new favorite Christmas movie. I'd rather watch this than 1000 Hallmark movies.
  5. Fargo is a favorite, but if pressed I'd pick the 1st season. Felt closest in tone to the movie. The dark humor of season 1 resonated best with me, too.
  6. Pickups over the last 6 months, all either found in the wild or obtained by trading away things found in the wild. This likely finishes my 2023 acquisitions, since yard sales and flea markets are done for the year. Favorite find, and the only thing I paid more than a couple bucks for, was this original Odyssey. Only the 2nd I've ever seen in the wild and they're both now in my collection. It's an incomplete set (console, 2 controllers, 6 cards, and a stack of overlays, no power supply, switchbox, or the other feelies it came with) but does include the rifle, in box, which I didn't have before. Some miscellaneous PS2, Wii, DS, 3DS, Gamecube and Switch games, also a Timex-Sinclair 1000 and (flashback to junior high) a sliderule. Wonder if I still know how to use it... Still more Xbox 360 games. Most came from a single garage sale. And, finally, these Saturn games. I didn't exactly find them in the wild, but got them in trade for other things I *did* find in the wild, so that counts, right? Most excited to try Radiant Silvergun, the only game new to me, as the others are condition and/or completeness upgrades of games I already have.
  7. nrslam

    VGS Pets

    I'm surprised he hasn't busted open those treat containers. They can smell them right thru the plastic.
  8. Haven't seen this since it first came out, but I remember enjoying it and would like to see it again. There's just so many other things to do with my time.
  9. I collect for many systems, but as I generally only collect in-the-wild finds, what I'm mostly picking up these days is whatever folks are dumping (Xbox360, DS, 3DS). Hardly ever see cartridge stuff outside of handhelds. I keep looking, though.
  10. I feel guilty about the space my collection takes up, but never about it's value. The money I'd get from selling it wouldn't change my life one bit.
  11. I've been playing video games for close to 50 years, so there are hundreds of games, perhaps 1000s, that I've only partially played, some barely started. It's not like there's no new content to discover, play, and master (or fail at) in these games. The idea that choosing to play only games I've played before means I'll never see anything new to me ignores this fact.
  12. I've always had a liking for True Lies, just about the only one of his movies with a sense of humor. Titanic was boring.
  13. I've been using the same Commodore 1701 since 1983, but I have a feeling that's not what you're talking about. How about the NEC I've got hooked up to my old DOS machine, since about 2002. Or the built-in screen on this 15yo laptop I'm typing this on.
  14. The Commodore 64/128 and Atari 800/XL/XE are definitely exceptions to this. Both have strong collecting and discussion communities, frequent homebrew releases, and new hardware projects. Back when I used to refurbish and sell these systems (1995-2005 or so), three quarters of my sales were to people under 30. Most of the younger NES/SNES collectors I meet are primarily interested what they can resell stuff for.
  15. I've generally enjoyed them, but by their very nature there's no reason to see them more than once.
  16. Looks like the snake head from Beetlejuice. Well done.
  17. Games I've already played, for sure. I've played, at least a little, hundreds of different games so would never run out. And since I rarely play to completion, many of them have content I've never seen so I'd be getting new experiences even from old games. And most new games feel like rehashes of old ideas anyway.
  18. My buddy refers to the manual transmission on his truck as a "Millenial Anti-Theft Device."
  19. Seen about half, with Darkman being the most memorable. I'll have to give Army of Darkness a watch.
  20. Gave it a 5. Was OK the first time but not something I'd ever bother with again.
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