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Everything posted by darkchylde28

  1. darkchylde28


    Would you care to elaborate on what the trailer has taken from Lynch's film specifically that isn't or couldn't be interpreted in the exact same way from the original source material? I'm failing to see what you're so convinced of based on the single trailer and handful of promo photos currently released. The new movie isn't all that different from the early 2000s SciFi Channel miniseries either, so is it a clone of that as well? Or are they all just stealing from Lynch?
  2. darkchylde28


    That's what I'm talking about, although the crazy mutated guild navigators were a thing in the books, they just weren't described overly specifically, leaving Lynch some leeway to go wild with the design he approved. Good call on the Harkonnen weirdness, those bits slipped my mind where it's been a while since I've watched the original movie. Honestly, if they want to do it right, I'm thinking it's either got to be an overly long movie or, preferably for most, split into two parts. I would think that the "cheap" (as in, "Aw, c'mon!") place for them to cut would be right after Paul and Jessica make it to the rock outcropping but before the worm is lured away by a thumper, and definitely before the desert Fremen are shown. Somewhere around there would be a good spot for them to cut, regardless, as the book is really divided into two parts--Paul as a member of the Landsraad, then Paul as a member of the Fremen.
  3. darkchylde28


    Having re-read the entire original saga relatively recently, I'm curious as to what you're seeing in the trailer that is from Lynch's adaptation and not the original source material. Beyond the weirding modules and the voice destruction power that Lynch's version granted Paul, I'm hard pressed to really think of anything in Lynch's version that didn't come from the original book. There were a lot of bits and pieces here and there that either got cut for time or didn't get filmed at all, but nothing pops immediately to mind beyond the previously mentioned change that was straight up created for that movie.
  4. While I agree with your reasoning, doesn't the ability to edit ones' posts offer similar "protection" regarding evidence being gone? Or is there always a backup in the database somewhere of whatever previous versions/edits of a post were? If not, someone doesn't need a delete option to cover their tracks, just the willingness to go back and edit all of their previous posts/replies down to one or no characters.
  5. Why does it matter whether the kid(s) bringing the suit are either your typical "rich kid" or "poor kid with a scholarship?" Either the claims in the suit are valid or they're not. They don't become less valid just because you find the plaintiff distasteful.
  6. I apologize if this is an inappropriate place to ask, but what's up with the seeming NES Advantage clone?
  7. Just in case you guys don't see it in the "what are you playing" thread, here's my masterpiece for this evening. I couldn't resist once the idea occurred to me after I'd gotten the zombie into his "office."
  8. Minecraft, with several other folks from VGS. I finally reached the point in my base and supplies where I could start doing the zombify/cure trick with my villagers to maximize efficiency/minimize prices and couldn't resist the below once I got my zombie into his "office" and the idea occurred to me. Unlike his movie counterpart, all of my villagers who've met with him have been extremely motivated afterward! I call that little nook the "self improvement room."
  9. No worries everybody, and thanks for the responses! Just wanted to make sure everybody was actually still playing and just busy, as it seemed a bit weird to not see another soul for a solid week, lol.
  10. So did everybody give up on this? I admit it took me about a week or so to remember that this was here, but it's been about a solid week since I've managed to see anybody else online. One kind gentleman who was helping me out with a brief project even still has his chest full of gear near my house and boat parked half a map away where it was this time last week. Figured it couldn't hurt asking since it seemed like lots of folks were dropping in and out a lot the first 2-3 days I was logged in, then everybody vanished. Is everybody just busy or suddenly tired of Minecraft?
  11. I can't say that I agree with that idea, as they do help to push/pull additional air through the system and keep it cooler. I've had one attached to my launch unit 360 since I got it (probably 3-6 months after launch) and it's still going, not having red-ringed once. Out of everyone I personally know, I'm the only one of us to not yet have a system red ring. Another popular mod to do to get the same sort of effect was the 12V fan mod, but an Intercooler leaves your factory seal intact (generally important if you intend to resell it to major resellers like GameStop, etc.).
  12. I supposed it depends on what's meant by "work." I took it to mean "cure," as that's how it keeps getting thrown around in the media when it comes up. It's possible that it helps alleviate symptoms brought on by the virus, but it definitely doesn't kill off or cure the virus. Dose Tylenol cure the common cold? Nope. It works (in most people) to help alleviate some of the symptoms, but it does exactly dick to the actual, underlying illness. Same with this stuff and COVID-19.
  13. I technically still have an old MS-DOS PC, but it's in storage with some of my stuff that never made it out of my parents' house--it's my old, original BBS PC that I just turned off and put in a closet one day when I put together a brand new PC for gaming. I don't use that one, but I do have a couple of flavors of Apple II's that I have in my house which see usage on occasion. I don't have very much original media for them, as it wasn't a system that I actually had growing up, but I have laid my hands on a few modern upgrades (floppy drive emulator, CPU accelerator card) which make them very convenient to use. In regard to the folks saying you should just suck it up and play on an emulator, I disagree that this should be the first and foremost solution, as the experience is really very different from playing on old hardware, even if it's been upgraded a bit. Yes, CRTs and such are bulky, but they don't necessarily need to be utilized--the primary screens for my Apple II's are a VGA monitor and living room TV, both modern flatscreens which get the job done. There's not quite as much nostalgia there as having the setup be 100% "pure," but there is a lot of convenience built into those compromises which still allows the true nostalgic feelings to flow without having to forego storage space, etc.
  14. Unfortunately, not at the moment. There might be some way to create a hacked together "ISO" which tells the game to hit the disc for large chunks of the code then refer back to the patch for text, but it's unlikely that anyone would go to the trouble to put something like that together when you can just patch an ISO copy of the game and play that. Without any way to burn your own custom UMD, you're most likely going to be completely out of luck playing any sort of translated games via physical media.
  15. I can't say anything that makes resource gathering incredibly simple or the other realms harder appeals to me, sorry. The Nether is frustrating enough on its own, so no need to make it rougher in my eyes, as it's Minecraft not DOOM or Diablo (although now there's basically "Minecraft Diablo" available). The stuff you're describing sounds interesting, but just not my cup of tea.
  16. I play vanilla locally and with my friends, but might be interested. What all mods are you talking about and what, if any, would also need to be installed locally?
  17. Sad day today, formally withdrew my son from Little League (t-ball). We'd gotten one call from his coach before the lockdown started and bought him a glove and ball just prior to that. Paid $80 for him to play this year (apparently lots of it going to huge fees to the city for use of the fields to play on and very little going to the cap and shirt the kids would get to keep at the end of the year), then got shut down due to the pandemic. Where my wife has a heart condition, it was a no brainer for me to make the call for our son not to play this year, but I think it made it a little easier given that they're only planning on letting the kids play for roughly the month before school starts up again (if it starts up again, but that's another subject) and neither my son nor any of the kids he was going to be playing with had any idea what they were doing, so I don't think they'd have even had them shaping up to be able to play properly before it was all over. Still a bit said, though, but there's always next year.
  18. Here you go. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/feb/23/meet-the-man-behind-the-white-guy-blinking-meme-drew-scanlon
  19. If you can't or don't want to do the troubleshooting yourself and are up for the expense, you might feel out the guy who runs the "Adrian's Digital Basement" YouTube channel to see if he'd be interested in doing a repair for you and returning the system (presumably with you paying shipping both ways). He does a LOT of C64 revival videos and has done a lot of repair stuff for people who've sent it in over the time I've been watching him, so it's worth a shot if you can't do it at home.
  20. I voted no even though we didn't have cable for the vast majority of my childhood (had it right as I was starting to make memories, then never again after we moved until I brought it back into the house so I could have cable internet). However, none of my friends or relatives with it ever had any free channels during that time, so I can weigh in on their behalf. Disney perpetually had a week or two each year where they'd unscramble for free to tempt people into paying for it, but nothing else as I recall--HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, etc., didn't start doing free days/weeks for friends'/family's accounts until the early 00's. I did have a friend whose dad had a cable box that was old enough to de-scramble using an index card wiggled around just right, but I don't think that counts as far as this survey intends.
  21. Actually, I've read a lot of stuff that supports that Max was using what was left of the last of the V8 Interceptors as his "wagon" at the beginning of Thunderdome. If that's the case, it would have been reconditioned into something in Auntie Entity's fleet and potentially stolen back from there or further down the line. I clued into that as a kid later on, when the alarm system gets triggered and yet Max, of all people, specifically knows how to disarm it, which, why would he unless it's his car? This is further supported here, toward the bottom under the Thunderdome header. Reading more on the page I just linked to, it appears that that's exactly what Miller intended (perhaps after the fact), as there's a comic that gives details of Max getting his hands on a replacement engine to rebuild the Interceptor, which is then promptly stolen at the beginning of Fury Road.
  22. I don't know that he's sold them through the site in the last few years, but I have seen several pop up on eBay for auction as he's made one or two. I seem to recall people on NA asking if he was ever going to make them widely available again through the site and the response was something along the lines of if he ended up with enough time and parts, otherwise they'd come out 1 or 2 at a time, for auction.
  23. We saw Infinity as a cheap cash-in, which held pretty much true until the third game, at which point they'd included all of the bits that everybody felt were really necessary (an arena mode, characters not restricted to one franchise during adventure modes, etc.), but at that point they pulled the plug only partway through, which was a huge disappointment. I actually bought the third game (once the main set/Star Wars box was released) and had some good fun with it. I regret not having the money available to pick up more figures while every retailer had them on fire sale to clear shelves. Lego Dimensions was basically another cheap clone that nobody I knew from the Skylanders community bought into. Lego had already made their own games, so the tie-in of the portal bits were an unnecessary gimmick and more expensive than everybody else for technically less toy to boot. As far as Amiibos are concerned, we all kind of rolled our eyes at them as, while they were neat, they didn't (and, to a large degree, still don't) really *do* anything beyond a quick unlock of a character or item within a game. The short lived RFID Pokemon that came out somewhere within the Skylanders timeline (might have been GameStop exclusive, don't remember for certain) were much more interesting (functionality-wise) than Amiibos have ever gotten to be. Skylanders did it first and, almost entirely across the board, did it best. The "toy box" mode for Disney Infinity was a really neat concept, but it didn't really become more than a neat idea until the third game (at which point most of the large barriers in the way of being able to just jump in and *play* in said toy box, share creations across networks & platforms [since shut down], etc.), at which point Disney semi-wisely pulled the plug (before plastic fatigue caused them to lose their shirts on the franchise). I seem to recall someone else trying to come out with something similar to all this a year or two ago and maybe based on space ships? I know I saw it at retail a time or two and a quick blurb online, but that it didn't pan out (with some trying to say that it was people still being tired of the toys-to-life concept, but in reality the game just didn't have it based on what reviews I saw), then more or less disappeared.
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