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The Count

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Everything posted by The Count

  1. I've never played it, but I feel like I should as any retro enthusiast worth their salt.
  2. I collect for numerous systems, but I voted Game Gear. Who is the other sadist that chose GG?
  3. You guys have that in CO? I figured it was just here in MN.
  4. I got you, amigo. I'll keep an eye out for another one.
  5. Here's a Barney ESRB that sold on 11/13 for a reasonable price ($14.55). It's uncommon for sure, but I would have a hard time paying too much more for it as they always seem to sell for $15>. https://www.ebay.com/itm/375054350266?_trksid=p2349526.m43663.l10137&nordt=true&rt=nc&orig_cvip=true
  6. Happy birthday, @Nrasch0402! Everybody really misses you around here, you're a real one!
  7. I've seen most of these, but my personal favorite is True Lies.
  8. I love OOT. I remember getting the standard gray version and MGS2 on the same day from Funcoland. It's a shame OP isn't much of a collector though.
  9. The Punisher for PS2/Xbox is full of fun ways to kill baddies.
  10. I've given this thought over the years. I assume it's something like Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario World as I've been playing it 30+ years. The thing is though, I don't die in that game hardly ever. How about Goldeneye?
  11. I enjoy this one, some great lines in it and it's a Thanksgiving classic. 7/10.
  12. It would be telling if this cart actually references Minnesota in any way. Otherwise it is as it states, a generic demonstration.
  13. I suppose it would have to be something like an MMORPG to keep my interest.
  14. I don't mean to derail this thread, (I accept a temp ban if the mods deem it necessary) but what about the real Halloween champ? The candy pumpkin!
  15. Anybody want to try their hand at saving these eight commons for $20? https://www.ebay.com/itm/364533339572?hash=item54dfe155b4%3Ag%3AkKAAAOSw9F5lLbxR&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwMWnU9OuKuKxVxVGVp8JCVsxoHHXoJRzeBSr4o5lv70S%2BpQ8cpW2Q%2F6futhjbreZBcEsx%2BTvzZ5V396wDZIP3RvRtstnGaHCVRvVYF3MOvyE0nl9HCYWUgEAofKIQ4yhWvlCmYnkdpc9wKWHWwiFzj9widx9vkSujOeoBJhwGwQ4Mqc9xz2JZLrPlw1rZQmRBX828QH%2B1RFaybHHLZWIKi1YF6stCCpd2pN616%2BbXpS1YY9cScBY0%2FX2Xy333clNlg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5Lp3OvnYg&LH_BIN=1
  16. Man, she was so hot in Step by Step. I'm glad she had a nice run.
  17. I thought you guys were kidding, and yet, today I learned.
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