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Everything posted by RH

  1. I've never heard of this, but that's amazing to see! It's sad to see the original are on the side is only half-present. What's the other side look like? EDIT I see now that was the full side art, so that's cool. So is the overall condition good, then?
  2. Lest year was, tax-wise, an odd transition period. I had pretty decent full time job with a company and team I loved, but sales were way down more than they expected. As the last hire on the team, they let me go and they even told my manager in a separate meeting, as his boss was telling me that I was being laid off. It was a bummer, but I ended up connecting with another company I'd worked for and in October I started working as a 1099. Anyway, I went from being Full Time to Self Employed, which for the unaware means I had to start paying estimated taxes. I should have looked up the rules to refresh myself, but I didn't and just ended up sending the government and EXTRA payment. So, I ended up getting a serious refund. We're that household that tries to guess our income as best we can and pay taxes as close to the expected amount we should owe so that we always get a small refund or have to pay just a little. But this year, due to a "tax error" in our favor, we got back basically a quarter of our actual taxes.
  3. RH

    T-Pac Arcade

    I don’t even know any more. Personally, on YouTube I’m like “dude, if your video isn’t at least 15 minutes, what are you even doing here?” but that’s the ole-fart in me. People today who love information handed to them in 5 seconds or less probably prefer videos no more than 5 minutes. And to be clear, I’m not asking you to make them longer, nor do I think you should. It fits the tone of what you’re doing and there really is nothing wrong with “bite sized” reviews. I’m just old and appreciate 30-minute long content like the days of old television.
  4. Well, I think these are good points but another facet is, in my opinion, emulating these stinks, especially the 3DS with the different aspect ratios. If you want to play these games, you need to do it on an original device. 3DSes play DS titles so if you want to get into either library, getting a 3DS is a no brainer. It doesn’t really surprise me that they are so expensive but the spike is a bit quicker than I would have thought. There’s just no better way to play the library, which isn’t true for other systems, especially portable ones.
  5. Hmm, you might be right. I know that on the 8th, the shutdown online communication services, but maybe that's not the eStore but just game/server connectivity. MVG was my source:
  6. I'm not surprised this game is rating well, but man, all of these 10s are nuts. I mean, it's good but it's not THAT good. And for the record, I played this one to completion/near completion in late High School when a buddy of mine let me borrow his SNES and his pile of games. This and Zelda were the only two games I played much of.
  7. Or for something same but different, there's Portal, which I just finished for the first time last week.
  8. You know, I'll admit I was always conflicted about this when I learned why the game was split up. But with that said, I always felt it was sooo much easier to accept since they invented the totally rad "Lock-On Technology"! More specifically, if this were just two standard cartridges, that'd feel sucky. But the fact that you can link S3 to S&K OR S2, then that kind of made it a bit acceptable. It's like the dev team convinced management that if they absolutely had to split the game in two, at least throw the buyers a bone by allowing them to patch-in Knuckles into Sonic 2. I think that's pretty cool.
  9. RH

    Eclipse 2024

    I forgot that too, it was really cool. We notice the temperature changes in the evening, but it's so much slower. It's crazy how, when you immediately take away the suns light, the temperature drops fast.
  10. It was, or at least Sonic and Knuckles was which, again, is about the same game.
  11. IIRC, they picked the period of Neos life because that was "peak civilization". This means that (doing some math...) the real people in the matrix were likely born around 1965-1975, lived roughly 85 years in their pods (to 2060) and then they'd "restart" after that. So the robots think peak civilization is right now... huh... they might be right?
  12. I can agree with this to an extent, and even though my entertainment with the industry has been hit or miss for 25 years, I'd argue there's a BIG difference between a title belt being held for 2 months vs. nearly 4 years. IMHO, the reigns could range from 6-18 months. A good run being 24 and a "king legend" holding it form maybe 3 years. But four years... I'm not trying to pull back the curtain but it's as I was telling my wife during the Reigns/Rhodes match that this is scripted. After a while, it gets boring. Now, if this was legitimate and a "sport" rather than "entertainment", my opinion would be 100% different. Kudos to anyone in, say, boxing who can be a reigning champion for years over years, but this is entertainment. It's planned. Eventually you need to stop letting one guy collect every belt in the show and have him hold them ad nauseum.
  13. Well, Nintendo cut off the their online services on Monday, I think, for the 3DS and the Wii U. There might have been a rush of people dragging their heals, wanting a units, so they could buy one and download some DLC.
  14. I've barely kept up with the WWE in the past 18 months and I've only checked in on news of releases and what belts have changed over. I watched the two Roman Reigns matches. As a character, he's fine, and I like Joe as a person. That said 1,500+ days with a title belt makes the run get booooooring. I was glad to be there to see him finally lose, and seeing The Rock come back was fun too, though I know that was set up months in advance.
  15. @Ferris Bueller So if I understand you correctly, a long time ago, you put in a max bid of $8,500 and someone out bid you? Do you, or us as a community, even know who the buyer was?
  16. I'm well aware that Octopus can do this and, yet, every now and then when I see this, it amazes me. It's amazing what creature can squeeze through when they lack bones and cartilage.
  17. You know, this does bring up a slightly interesting bit of food for thought. What is likely to be worth more--one of a kind items or items that only 2-5 are known to exist. If you have a 1-of-a-kind item that might be desirable, you have to market you have it for sale. If you just post it on eBay, there's a chance that no one who would be willing to pay big money for it will find it. Of course, you can throw a big BIN on it, but what I mean is if you put it up for auction so the market could set the price. However, those really rare items that are likely just as desirable but only 2-5 items exist, well, if 1-2 have made it to market in the past 15 years, then there's latent hype built around it and people probably have saved eBay searches for it. This game is a good example. It's a 5-screw, it's Mega Man and it's rare. I have no clue what it's worth. It's worth whatever someone would pay because there's just so few. If it were to go up for auction, let's guess it'd go for, say, $5,000. But my next question is, if someone found one of these, it was the first and only known copy and they just put it up on eBay for a $1 auction, do you think it'd end at $5,000. I can't quite say. FOMO might make the one-of-a-kind more valuable, but then again, I also don't know if it'd get enough attention. I don't know.
  18. RH

    B-movie club

    Ah, sure. Well it might just be good to have one nomination per person, depending how many suggestions we get. If that’s the case, I’ll personally go with Plan-9
  19. RH

    B-movie club

    Might I suggest kicking off with a classic "we've all seen"? Could be something old like Plan 9 From Outer Space, or something newer like Sharknado. Are they the best B-Movies? No. But sometimes it's nice to kick off a club like this with a bit of familiarity, just to pull people in and get the discussions started. I can think of several other B's I've seen but, you know, I think we've all seen those two, and that's not a bad thing.
  20. IF Ken Goldin sold off his auction house to eBay, THEN WHO WILL CRACK OPEN ALL OF THOSE 1ST ED POKEMAN BOXES WITH LOGAN PAUL?!?!?! But in all seriousness, I skimmed the article and I think this is a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is eBay. Ew. I've long wanted a serious competitor to enter the realm against them because, at a minimum, eBay needs competition to lower prices and be encouraged to not just innovate but fix frustration points and bugs that most of us have ran into. But on the other hand, eliminating a site dedicated to high-end collectibles helps consolidate searching and that is a net-benefit to collectors, and it can help legitimize that eBay is a place for serious collectors to also look for collectibles, which is what sites like Goldin and HA cater too. In fact, it makes me wonder if eBay, in time, might try to buy up Heritage. We all have heard about Halperin's antics but eventually everyone gets older and wants to retire. That could be within 10-15 years for him, and if eBay makes an offer he can't refuse, why wouldn't he take it. Especially if, say, it's something like $1,000,000,000. I could see Halperin being the type of guy who'd want to peacock that he's in the "3 comma club".
  21. Well, if OP is making his rounds on collector forums, he may also want to list each one as $1 auctions, posted on Sunday, ending the following Sunday (and be sure to add several high-quality photos.) Basically, do some guerilla marketing of your goods and share your eBay account link. Often the easiest way to get the most money, with minimal hassle, is to do it that way. Plus, considering the rarity of these and general quality, I'm not sure grading would help the prices that much. It might help some, but probably not enough to make it worth the effort.
  22. What's your source for deciphering the PCB codes? I've always wondered what those were and this makes sense. Also, is there a way on the PCB to know the date the were printed? This gives the month, but what about the year? As @JVOSS mentioned, I'm less interested in this info for Pokemon and just general knowledge for other GB games. Thanks for sharing. Thank you.
  23. @MPG23 Those NFR stickers, are they on the box or are they on cello? It's hard for me to tell from those photos.
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