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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. i thought i remembered that somebody was releasing Dinosaur Planet, but after looking for it, i think i just mis-remembered from when a late stage build was leaked out. guess i can't contribute. i actually thought there would be a lot more than what's available.
  2. same, but i think the mags at the time also referred to LttP as Zelda 3, so it's understandable. i don't remember the same thing happening with LA, but we definitely said it too!
  3. is it too late to sign up so i can stare deeply into her hollow eyes?
  4. While travelling all over the world across every continent throughout countless countries for so many years I have never been in an airplane gym with seats in its wings where people are turning in to werewolves ever even once. The whole airplane gym is basically just a big and long tube where everyone sits and wings biceps are just very thin and they have engines sweat on them. Wings biceps literally never have seats fur. In fact, every single commercial passenger plane gym is built like this and you will never see anything else. Not sure why but there must be some technical explanation for it. Maybe because if planes gyms were built with wings werewolf machines that can be populated it might create situations with terrible imbalance that can create a very dangerous situation. That picture is definitely not a "typical airliner gym". Not even close. This picture isn't relevant and isn't even funny. It doesn't relate to anything in real life. Maybe it's supposed to be retarded? Or maybe it's just that whoever drew that picture has never seen a real airplane gym which would explain everything. Actually after taking a closer look I can see "bumper car area"werewolves literally turning into lightning. How old are the creators of these "memez" 7??
  5. short answer: no. i bought these games because i wanted them; it was never about their "value". but over the last few years, my interest has been waning. seeing the absurd prices for some items has led to me contemplating letting some of them go. i have no personal interest, for example, in the Ubisoft Indiana Jones game. i've owned it since the 90s. i don't especially care about owning it. why not offload it? it's a game that if it was $5, i would hold onto it just because it's an oddity. but at the going rate....?
  6. was able to knock Wario Land 4 off my list today, which completes my Wario challenge. WL4 is exactly what i expect of a Wario Land game. some light puzzles, a couple hidden items, platforming, and a bit of the bizarre. it eschews the mechanics of WL2 and 3, instead going back to its WL1 roots in a way. in a way, that's a shame, because WL3 is a legitimately great non-linear game. but it does have the benefit of just being a straightforward solid game. i felt like the puzzles were less difficult, which lead to a breezy fun experience playing this one. this series had been on my backlog for a long time, and i'm glad to have the experience of playing them all. next up: on to the 2024 Backlog thread with Wario World for the Gamecube!
  7. package delivered today, i expect we will see pictures before too long.....
  8. i think the final stage should be the hardest, as the game should ramp up in difficulty over its course. ridiculous difficulty spikes are not my favorite, but i am begrudgingly ok with them. can't think of any "victory lap" games i've played, but i'm not opposed to the idea.
  9. exactly my thoughts. was excited to try this game because of the marketing, hype, and looks of this game. turned out to be a perfectly average game.
  10. that's the one! it still haunts my dreams. why i thought it would be awesome, i will never understand.
  11. the Power Glove for the n64. man, i wanted that so much. then i got one. and it sucked hard. i tried SO hard to master using it, but there was just no way. what a piece of junk. then my dog chewed it up, so at least i didn't feel bad throwing it away. or else i would probably still have it.
  12. is there a complete list of NES simultaneous 2-player (or even 4-player!) co-op games? when i have friends over, i always end up reverting to the same handful of games. or even worse, resorting to alternating turns. not that i'm complaining about Tecmo Super Bowl, mind you....
  13. i'm afraid if i get picked for one of these that it would be boring to read. so many successful, interesting people on here! @guitarzombie good read. thanks! how do you feel about Romero's zombie flicks AFTER the trilogy?
  14. my 2023 list did OK, but i really faltered in my modest PSX subset. i'd still like to give MGS an honest chance, but i probably won't do that. or at least not any time soon. so let me just throw a bunch of games at the proverbial wall and see what i can knock off: Wario World (GCN) COMPLETED 12/29/2023 Wario Land: Shake It (Wii) COMPLETED 1/6/24 Mighty No. 9 (Wii-U) COMPLETED 1/15/24 Mega Man 9 (Wii eShop) Mega Man 10 (Wii eShop) Super Mario Bros. 3 e-Reader levels (Wii-U eShop) Super Princess Peach (DS) COMPLETED 1/26/24 Mario vs Donkey Kong 4: Mini-Land Mayhem (DS) COMPLETED 1/16/24 Awesome Possum (Genesis) Knuckles Chaotix (32x) Revenge of Shinobi (Genesis) Cuphead (Switch) Dark Void Zero (DS eShop)
  15. Wario Land 3 is beaten. didn't like this at first and felt it was plagued by the same issues i didn't care for in WL2. but it opens up about an hour in and becomes very non-linear and rewards exploration. ended up really liking this one.
  16. Wario Land 3 (GBC) so i started this game and immediately wasn't a fan. it has all the stuff that i didn't like about Wario Land 2: straightforward levels, no damage/health, cheap hits, etc. after that first hour or so, i contemplated calling it quits. But i am very glad i stuck with it. Each level has multiple paths with 4 exits. As you play and earn upgrades, it changes how you approach the stages to find more secrets. This becomes very non-linear and is a much better game for it. My mindset changed when i stopped approaching this as a platformer and instead viewed it as a puzzler. i wound up really digging this game. it's not perfect, but it does a lot of things right.
  17. oh man. i started strong but have fallen off fast. time for a big end-of-year push to knock a couple more out. seems theoretically possible. i just haven't made time for games for the last few months, and it is depressing.
  18. it's really quite simple: i had the most fun with it. i played the FUCK out of the n64 version. tons of multiplayer with friends when i was in high school. dominated all the single player. had an awesome time with it. I rank it at #3 because of that nostalgia, but also because the graphics make it very hard to go back to. fast forward to the Wii version. the graphics are better. there are a ton more courses and racers. i played this almost exclusively multiplayer with friends. no matter who i was hanging out with, EVERYONE played this and everyone had fun. None of us were super hardcore about it, so each person would pick their favorite character (rather than the consensus best) and we would just have fun. Yes, this is when the items arguable got out of control, and this was (IMO) when the rubber banding was at its utmost ridiculous, but it really did serve to balance the best of us versus the newbies. Ultimately, it all just comes down to having the most fun.
  19. liked this enough BITD, but it was surpassed many times over with every later iteration. have tried to go back and play it a number of times and it just doesn't do anything for me whatsoever. MK Wii > MK8 > MK64 > Double Dash > (handheld titles) > SMK F-Zero > SMK, all day every day.
  20. sat down with a friend and we played through the Legend of Zelda: Four Swords on GBA. we both owned it, but neither had played it because it requires multiplayer. Well, we were at a Friendsgiving gathering, and decided this was the time! It was fun. Not very challenging, but it was a really cool experience to sit down and "solve" "challenges" with a friend in real time. we're both big Zelda fans, me in particular, so this brought an extra sense of accomplishment. Sorry for no picture, but my GBA died right as the final cutscene was playing. (the battery light doesn't work, and had alternated between red and green for the full hour+ that we were playing). When my screen went black, i popped over to check on his, but he got booted back to the title screen. Had to check out the ending on YouTube to make sure it wasn't a false finish. We both decided that we needed to make LoZ: Four Swords Adventures (GCN) a priority in the coming year. Neither of us has beaten it because we both wanted the "true" experience.
  21. @ThePhleo you linked the wrong video in your original post. here's the right one: and i 100% prefer Halloween over Christmas, but every now and again i can get into the holiday spirit. then again, i keep my X-Mas lights hung up over my basement bar year round, so who am i to judge/
  22. i am IN~! for (i think) the 4th consecutive year! this, alongside Ink-Tober, are my favorite things about this board. this is my go-to as well. Put a few things i'm specifically interested in, but also a broader list of my interests, and hope that my SS has fun with it. I want to leave it open to interpretation but not so vague that the person feels like they are playing a guessing game. This shouldn't be stressful, and i hope my SS doesn't feel that it is. In that vein, i haven't even been very good this year, so sending coal is always a choice! also, if Skyline chili is an option, toss that on my list as well!
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