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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. you guys got stuff back after lending it out?
  2. for licensed cereals, i was all about the Nintendo Cereal System. Legend of Zelda in a cereal? sign me up! i also remember really liking the Batman and Spider-Man cereals. for "regular" cereals, my all-time favorite is/was Lucky Charms. more specifically, we always got the offbrand "Marshmallow Mateys". same stuff, different box (or bag in this case). the only cereal i buy now is if they put out a new edition of Lucky Charms (a couple years ago they did a berry flavor) or the Monster cereals around Halloween (they're introducing a new monster this year!) my mom signed us up for all sorts of trials and product tests, and my favorite of that bunch went on to get a short release as "Hidden Treasures". i remember really liking it, but i don't think it ever made its way back to my part of the country.
  3. or worse yet, current president Doug BOWSER!
  4. i beat Wario Land II a couple weeks ago and forgot to post about it here. i had to play through in one sitting due to a bad battery, so it's not 100%ed. decent game, but there's no real sense of danger since you can't die.
  5. beat Mega Man V today. played the eshop version on my 3ds. decent enough game. the slowdown and timing is different than the NES series, so that took some adjustment. pretty much all the bosses have super simple patterns and this is on the easier end of classic Mega Man games i've played.
  6. DLC announced! Usagi Yojimbo!! coming later this year, no price announced. Usagi being playable makes this an instant purchase for me.
  7. we should all grow mustaches, wear only green all year, and eat lots of 'shrooms.
  8. a lot of high rankings going on here. seems i'm due for a rewatch!
  9. i'd prefer a "choose your own adventure" book for this quest! you're damn right i'll keep checking!
  10. played through Wario Land 2 for the Game Boy Color today. hadn't planned on beating the whole game, but the save battery was dead so had to power through in one sitting. only about 5 hours, so that wasn't too bad. the game is pretty mediocre. all of the abilities from the first game are gone. the challenge level dropped considerably so it is closer to a Kirby game in that regard. this game did have some interesting level design with lots of exploration opportunities. there must be some sort of branching paths or hidden exits, because i know there are levels i didn't reach. but with no saving and no world map or stage select, i have to call it done.
  11. Candy: Gummies. man, i just can't get enough of them. i alternate between regular and sour. they're both so delicious! Trolli is the king! Chocolate: a quick candy bar is my go-to. Mr. Goodbar, Twix, Baby Ruth Frozen: Ice Cream. i don't eat it much, so when i do i try to pick up either Dippin' Dots or Ben & Jerry's. I'm partial for Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream (it's been awhile, they may not even make this anymore) and Phish Food Baked: cookies. Either Gingersnap/Molasses or Chocolate Chip. Potato Chips: Doritos. lately i've been on a Goldfish kick. Drinks: Mountain Dew. i'm a bit obsessed at trying all of the new flavors. otherwise Dr. Pepper w/cherry.
  12. WOW @Renmauzo that is a great looking collection. but what really blows me away is the custom Darkstalkers figures. those look amazing!
  13. after taking about 2 months away from gaming, i returned to Tomb Raider today. yeah, i decided that this one's not for me. I'm probably around 50% through the game (at the Midas catacombs or whatever people call that area). i'm kind of enjoying the puzzle elements, but everything else is a negative. the graphics, the tank controls, i'm just not loving the overall package, so i'm calling it quits. on to the next!
  14. twiztor


    i'm assuming this is what you mean.
  15. twiztor


    $80/year to "prove" that i'm intelligent? no thank you.
  16. SAME. looking at the twitter comments on Limited Run's post, looks like we're not the only ones. wasted opportunity.
  17. man, i LOVED OoT. will forever be on my favorite games list. Was super hyped for MM. preordered it the first day possible. Picked it up day 1. played it. didn't really get it. bought a strategy guide. played through it (i always feel like i finished the game, but looking back, i highly doubt that). have never even considered turning it on again. it was fine, i guess. the weirdness wasn't for me. the lack of traditional Zelda dungeons and etc. put me off. i'm giving it a 4/10.
  18. oh, i remember JP being everywhere back then. My point was moreso that everyone seemed to have and love the SNES version, and there was always disappointment when they started playing the NES. makes sense, i never had the SNES growing up ("you already have a Nintendo. why don't you get some neighborhood kids together and start a baseball game?") so my NES got a lot of mileage until i bought an n64 on my own.
  19. Jurassic Park (SNES) must have been hugely popular. i grew up with the NES version, and whenever people would come over, that was one that they'd always point out and want to play. Once we got going, they were disappointed. I have always assumed it was because they expected the SNES game (or a reasonable port) and what they got was something completely different.
  20. @Tabonga wait, what's the story on this? i am super interested: good interview as always, @Reed Rothchild. thanks for doing these!
  21. same result as @RH but different circumstances. we didn't grow up with many games, so what few we had were precious. that led to be very stingy with lending stuff out, usually only doing "trades" for a week or some other specific amount of time. the first time i didn't get something back, that all ended quick.
  22. sad to see, even if i stopped using Netflix dvd by mail 4 or 5 years ago. it was a hell of a good deal for a long time, and i thought it (and it's later streaming service) were the best thing ever. finally found myself holding onto those discs for over a month at a time, then forcing myself to watch the movies just so i could send them back. now i live by the "one streaming service at a time" house rule. And since Disney+ has Marvel and Star Wars, it wins for the time being. Qwikster. lasted less than a month IIRC. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/qwikster-netflix-mistake_n_1003367
  23. i'm not familiar with Trip World at all, but i think i'm in for that DX GBC cart.
  24. Is this a joke thread piggybacking off the SMB3/SMW debate? agreed with @Tanooki. It is neither a long nor particularly challenging game. Per HowLongToBeat, Little Mermaid takes <45 minutes to complete, start to finish. (https://howlongtobeat.com/game/10052) i played through it for the first time in a couple decades last year or the year before, and can confirm that i breezed through it.
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