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Everything posted by phart010

  1. Some people like to argue about the definition of the word “licensed” as it relates to collecting. Generally when the term licensed is used, what they mean is “licensed by Sega for play on the Genesis” Sega is no longer licensing Genesis games. And the original game was published by Capcom so the Megaman IP wasn’t originally licensed to a third party. For these newly released Genesis games, when they say “licensed”, what they mean is “Retro-bit got a license from Capcom to publish a game using the Megaman IP”. Theres no licensing or involvement from Sega involved in these new releases.
  2. If it does turn out to be the United States and super advanced technology, then Elon musk is just wasting his time and money on SpaceX
  3. In the US and Canada, rear right. In other countries, front right
  4. The Japanese version has Japanese text on the print material. The Euro version has English, but doesn’t it run at 50Hz? ThIs NA release is English language, running 60Hz and they fixed slowdown in some portions of the game like the Yellow Devil boss fight
  5. The Hill did a follow up commentary on This topic today... they seem to be getting real into UFO’s recently. Summed up, they are basically saying that if you look into the developments leading up to this disclosure report, the Pentagon really doesn’t want to fess up about the topic.. their hand is being forced:
  6. I don’t think bit rot will affect all cds. And actually I don’t think bit rot is technically even the correct word to use for cds. As I understand it, bit rot refers to the eventual loss of data in an eprom. This happens when data, which exists as stored electric charges (each charge represents a bit) eventually fades away over time. The point to be made is that the physical chip material isn’t failing, it’s just a loss of electrical charge. With cds, what actually happens is failure of the material. The material in the cd itself actually decomposes. But I don’t think this happens at the same rate for all cds. CDs have varying levels of manufacture quality. Also some cds have more protective layers than others to better insulate the data layer from being affected by oxidation. I imagine that some of the sturdier cds will keep going and going.
  7. It’s not totally destroyed, just white cracks in the tabs, but they’re still hanging on. If I pushed on them they might break loose though
  8. Even with the shell open for reference, I can’t imagine how the shell could be damaged in such a way that working pcb would not work when installed in the shell
  9. Dang it. I damaged my tabs. Probably pulling too hard before I realized the tabs were there. Oh well it’s just Power Rangers. What I learned here is it’s better to use the corner of a plastic credit card. Location of the bottom tab is aligned with the bottom part of the label. Top tab is aligned with the ramp above the top part of the label. They should have put the tabs on the rear half of the shell instead of the front. That way you can replace with any other rear shell. If you accidentally bust a tab, it’s not as easy to replace the front shell with the label being on it
  10. Even sticking my fingernails in there and sliding/prying really hard it’s not opening my Power Rangers. I’m just hurting my fingernails. Im bummed out that Sega made them this way. It’s kind of affecting the impression that I had on Sega quality
  11. I was just trying to open Power Rangers to see how the shell is designed to figure out how the game in the original post can be defective. Power Rangers has a security bit. But when you remove it, the shell is still stuck closed. You can’t slide the two halves apart, the way the two halves are shaped make sliding impossible. And if you pull them, it doesn’t pop open either
  12. My brother bought regular edition on Amazon and they shipped him inaugural edition. I think inaugural edition is the first print of retail
  13. Apparently there’s more than kind of shell design. The one I was just messing around with was not a slider. You have to pry it open, but didn’t want to come apart. I was getting to the point of bending the plastic on mine, so just stopped
  14. Cant you just program your phone to act like an Amiibo? Cheaper that way if you just want the feature and don’t really care for amiibos
  15. I just bought 3.. I thought they were limited to 2 per person???
  16. Ok mine just came in a fedex express mailer from Japan.
  17. phart010


    These kinds aren’t so bad
  18. Ok opening game gear carts seems to be destructive. I can see why you wouldn’t want to keep one with shell issues
  19. I just realized that I don’t know how to open a game gear cart.. if I pull it apart, will it break the shell?
  20. It’s Japanese. Usually goes for 80 shipped. There’s a handful of Japanese GG games that I’m interested in
  21. I’m lost a game gear game on ebay. Seller says the game pcb works by itself. But when it is installed in the cartridge shell it does not work. This makes no sense to me. Does anyone understand how this would make any sense? https://www.ebay.com/itm/304002466549?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m43.l1120&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=a5d61b02df9a4ca3b95054ab0ebf9a2f&bu=43045773697&ut=RU&exe=98458&ext=232176&logid=nqt%3DAAAAAAIAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAIAAAAAAAAAAIAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgA**%26nqc%3DAAAAAAIAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAIAAAAAAAAAAIAAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgA**%26mdbreftime%3D1621505655894%26es%3D0%26ec%3D1&osub=-1~1&crd=20210520032735&segname=11021&sojTags=ch%3Dch%2Cbu%3Dbu%2Cut%3Dut%2Cnqt%3Dnqt%2Cnqc%3Dnqc%2Cmdbreftime%3Dmdbreftime%2Ces%3Des%2Cec%3Dec%2Cexe%3Dexe%2Cext%3Dext%2Cexe%3Dexe%2Cext%3Dext%2Cosub%3Dosub%2Ccrd%3Dcrd%2Csegname%3Dsegname%2Cchnl%3Dmkcid
  22. Bitcoin is the horse and buggy. Doge is the electric car Cmon man!
  23. What did Obama’s body language tell you during that video?
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