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Posts posted by Gloves

  1. 16 minutes ago, Nintegageo said:

    It looks so great! 


    Very nice!

    I've been trying to avoid this thread cuz this seems up my alley and I don't have "buy an arcade cabinet" money at the moment, but this might go on my "when I do again" list. When you've spent some time with it do you mind doing a writeup on your thoughts, and tag me on it? I'd love to know what you think after you've had time to tinker. Also how quick/easy is turning the monitor? I love TATE mode games but I'd probably be switching back and forth if I could and if it's a huge pain I know I'd not do so.

  2. I've officially played/beaten 100 total games so far this year. A few I gave up on cuz I wasn't enjoying them (or other things came up) but for the most part I've at least cleared the games, and a few of them I "completed" based on the criteria on RetroAchievements (i.e. earned all achievements). It's been fun jumping around and trying new things.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Sumez said:

    Rules against bringing meat and dairy products across continents aren't exactly a new thing lol. Are you just intentionally being stubborn now? 😛

    Being stubborn? I suggested just using mozzarella. As I said I've never left Canada, I have no clue about importing cheese. My only neighboring country is America and they can keep their cheese. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Link said:

    ?? You asked where to procure squeaky cheese curds if your local grocer doesn't carry them. They can be mail ordered from that page.

    Your search engine /IP may be better at finding places in your locale. I found a couple but these don't really look like the curds I'm used to seeing. 


    Bladesmiths Trying My Best GIF by DefyTV

  5. 15 minutes ago, Sumez said:

    You guessed wrong. Poutine is awesome, but there is practically no way to procure it elsewhere. 

    And yes, I've looked into how to make those cheese curds before for this same reason 😛


    Edit: for anyone else interested 


    If you're literally unable to obtain cheese curds, the next best thing to moving to a country that does is to simply use torn Mozzarella instead. 

    • Wow! 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Link said:

    Those would work perfectly, yep.

    I've not actually ever left Canada, but I have to imagine that poutine is popular enough outside of Canada at this point.  Beyond poutine, cheese curds are a nice little snack by themselves (microwave 'em like that site says!). I have to imagine they're relatively common at least in big box stores outside of Canada.

  7. I've been wanting to try out Powerslave for a while, decided to give it a go today, and it's really quite fun. I'm usually into the offshoot weirdo clone games since that's what I grew up with and this one managed to somehow sneak by little me despite the badass cover art. Really enjoying it though, putting it on the list of games to actually pick up on PS1 when I get back into a place where I can be buying $100 games just to say I have them so I can go "hey check out this cool game" to my non-existent friends when they don't come over.

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  8. 20 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    If that's their prerogative, they absolutely should do that.  I would hope their score reflects how they truly feel about playing the game.  Not some phony-baloney "I don't have a ton of fun playing this, but I need to temper those expectations because of the era this was released."

    In fact, I think we did see that quite a bit with some of the NES threads like the original Legend of Zelda.  Which is good.  If everyone just gave it a "10 out of 10 because it's an important game" it wouldn't be much of a debate.



  9. 1 hour ago, PII said:

    I made "Meatloaf Wellington w/Mushoom & Madeira Sauce"  I had this once a long time ago and the chef had a prob w/too much grease seeping into the bread dough.  I think that was probably because they neglected to use "lean" meat as prompted by the recipe.  I really like this meal a lot.  I would recommend it in particular for those who believe that they do not in fact like Meat Loaf.  I like meat loaf fine, but this one is on another level.  If anyone decides to make it themselves def don't leave out the mushrooms, they def belong there in between the meatloaf and the sauce.  One taste and you'll know what I mean.  Recipe provided upon request.

    Screen Shot 2024-02-29 at 8.38.45 PM.png

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    Screen Shot 2024-02-29 at 8.40.42 PM.png

    Recipe please! 

  10. 18 hours ago, RH said:

    I legit was about to rush sell some serious stuff because they also have a "I WANT TO BELIEVE" poster from The X-Files but the provenance details could only prove that it seemed to be similar to ones used on the show.

    A screen used "I WANT TO BELIEVE" poster from the X-Files could get me to sell a loooooot of games to get on my wall.

    I'd be buying that as a gift to my wife who's a huge fan of the show. 

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  11. So stuff basically halted on updating the house when I lost my job a few months ago. It's been tough to get out of the rut and do house stuff, I've largely defaulted to "oh my God we're gonna lose the house I need to save every penny" mode and have found it hard to make any progress. 

    Today though we made a trip to Canadian Tire for some essentials and I figured hey, I have this poster sat in my office and all that's stopping me putting it up is a lack of screws. 

    So I bought some screws. 


    Feels really good to do SOMETHING to make the house feel more like a home, and I'm super stoked that the poster in frame fits so perfectly in the niche beside my window. I feel motivated, despite it all! 

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