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Game Debate #77: Bioshock

Reed Rothchild

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35 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer fucking game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. Easy to recommend.
    • 7/10 - Very good, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not very good.
    • 2/10 - Pretty crappy.
    • 1/10 - Horrible in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • No interest in playing it.

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Didn't realize this was a moment old when I clicked that, strange.  No way to cover up that 4/10 is there? 🙂

I've had this both on PS3 and also later GoG's drop of it on launch for a insanely deep 75% off discount for PC too.  Problem is though, moving to a superior format and even with the more versatile use of a keyboard and mouse just didn't help this one.  I think the idea is great, the audio and visuals still stand up feeling modernly fresh too.  My problems with it entirely rely on the generic gameplay elements that try and stand out, the use of EVE, and fail horribly.  I just did not care for or enjoy trying to get comfortable with or using that mechanic of the game, it just felt forced, and very poorly done.  Maybe it was less bad in sequels, probably should check that, but I haven't.  It has been some years from either version popping up, so details are fuzzy.  I think I remember being just weak and underwhelming without getting EVE juiced to level of the field, so it felt like you had to basically get coked up to have a chance.  And even then, as you dove deeper into the game, I hit a point where it got very very boring juggling the mechanic, but also just the stage design vs enemy placement got boring, then grating, and grating = chore, and I don't play chores.  So I don't play this anymore either as games are to be fun distractions, not a job.  I gave it the four because all that didn't blow about the game earned it a point here and there, but the main playing stuff from the mechanics, enemy antics and the rest... deduction and deduction.

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I'm giving this a 9/10 because that was my original rating right after I played it.

But after having played the sequel (Bioshock Infinite, that is) and strongly disliked it, I'm kinda worried how much of the appeal of the game I experienced back then might just have been a spur of the moment. The two games are similar in a lot of ways, but the latter just fails to be interesting to me, and is generally very poorly designed.

Either way the first Bioshock game definitely had me at the time with its fascinating locales, rewarding exploration, and fun sandboxy approach to playing around with the special powers you are given to shake up combat.

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4 hours ago, Shmup said:

Meh. Don’t get the hype on this one. Better games I’d rather spend my time on. Found it to be boring and a chore. You can nail me to the cross if you want, this is like the Earthbound of modern gaming 😆 4/10

Nah you're right, the best thing it has going for it, it the stuff around the game, not the game and gameplay itself unfortunately.  Story, atmosphere, etc nice...game = job, chore.  I used to mentally rag on it after finding how much I disliked it as Bioshart... almost did a photoshop of that image up there in the day too, out of practice, you can create the mental image on that one. 😄

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And this is coming from someone who didn't play it for the first time until the HD Collection came out on PS4.  Absolutely amazing game and one of the very few games where I was genuinely interested in the story.  It's probably the best story told through a video game of all time, although it's close between this and Horizon Zero Dawn.  Every time I play through this game I have trouble turning it off to take a break.  Also, the weapons are fantastic with a great variety.  The shotgun is probably the second most fun shotgun to use of any video game (second of course to the super shotgun in Doom II).  

The sequel was slightly disappointing, but still a fun game (I would rank it an 8).  The weapons in the sequel just weren't as interesting and the enemies were bullet sponges compared to the original.  Infinite was almost as good as the original, and in many ways it was better (I would rank it a 9).  But overall, the original is still number one

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8/10. It's a really great game. There are many ways to kick ass in there and it felt okay to just pick up my few favorites and run with that.

I really like the settings and atmosphere but I feel like a lot of details from the lore could have been filled in better. Maybe it's me that didn't catch everything. Some elements make it seem like possibly everything was fine down there just a month prior, while others would have you think who/whatever is still living there has been scavenging the ruins for much longer.

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8. Obviously killer atmosphere and graphics. I do prefer the heavier exploration and RPG elements of System Shock, but the mid-2000s were crazy for FPS. I was playing so many games in so many different styles around this time... UT2004, Half-Life 2, Far Cry, Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 2 and 4, FEAR, Halo 3, Portal, Crysis... and even though I probably prefer all of those games to it, none of them would be a replacement for the story and atmosphere heavy style of Bioshock. Super good era for FPS and Bioshock definitely adds a lot to it.

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Amazing masterpiece of a game. One of the best most immersive environments in any game I've ever played, one of the best most engaging stories in gaming that I've witnessed, a great first person action sci Fi horror game, I seriously can't recommend this game enough, I'm actually shocked that not as many people loved it, I figured it would have an overwhelming praise. If I had to find fault it's the control scheme is a little clunky, but otherwise it's true one of the best games I've ever played. I loved BioShock 2 even more somehow and Infinite is slightly below them both but still amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A game with fantastic atmosphere, a fascinating world and an unforgettable story twist that is marred only by slightly janky game play elements like the awkward gunplay, bullet-sponge enemies and that tedious hacking minigame. Bioshock 2 improved on the experience in virtually every way (except for its story lacking the same kind of impact as the original's "sting-twist") and is the game that is far more worthy of repeat plays today but the original will always be known for creating such a unique setting and such memorable characters.


Edited by Webhead123
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39 minutes ago, Webhead123 said:

 marred only by slightly janky game play elements like the awkward gunplay, bullet-sponge enemies and that tedious hacking minigame.

The bullet sponge enemies were actually in the sequel, not the original.  The enemy health was really well balanced in the original.  With that said, you are right about the improved controls and hacking of the sequel.  The controls in the sequel allowed for weapons and plasmids to both be active at the same time which was a lot faster then switching between the two in the original.  The hacking was also less tedious in the sequel, but if I remember correctly, enemies can still attack you while hacking in the sequel while they couldn't in the original (that is more fun in my opinion).  I also agree that the story of the sequel didn't have quite the same impact as the original.   But games are still amazing.

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3 hours ago, TDIRunner said:

The bullet sponge enemies were actually in the sequel, not the original.  The enemy health was really well balanced in the original.

I always remembered enemies in the first game, even basic splicers, feeling like they had too much health, whereas I never seemed to get the same feeling in the sequel. I decided to replay the games in their Remastered version over the last 2 years and I got the same experience. It could be a case of combat simply "flowing" better in B2 thanks to the improved controls and thus making it feel like less of a slog but I'm pretty sure most of the standard weapons actually deal less damage overall to regular enemies in the original.

In any case, I absolutely agree that B2's changes to real-time hacking, the dual-wielding system and the fun of combining Plasmid effects together just made the game much more enjoyable to play. I also feel that, even though the story didn't pull the rug out from under the player in a flashy way like the first game, I think the individual choices the player makes were much more interesting. Deciding the fates of characters who really weren't portrayed as either cartoonishly evil or unimpeachably innocent made for much more compelling moral territory than "Do you want to murder little girl? -Yes/No-".


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  • 10 months later...

9/10 - Everyone should play this.  If you like holding a controller with two analog sticks on it then you are the target for this game. (not to offend my mouse and keyboard friends, but you were going to play this anyway)


Besides agreeing with a lot of others on this thread, I think Bioshock did something important which was to go after a genre (FPS) and deliberately do something different with it.  The creators had obviously already done this with System Shock (a game I have still never played), but I give them credit here for disrupting the norm a bit.  As a 98% single-player gamer, I would much rather play Bioshock than many of the other FPS games that exist, and I am thankful it was made.

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  • 1 year later...

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